Chapter 936
The sound of brother Zhiyi came, and Han Zhiyi's eyes lit up obviously, but he quickly returned to his previous indifference, and he turned to the driver very indifferently: "Master, please wait for me, I will pay for the money you are waiting for." Will pay the price."

After finishing speaking, he followed Qin Shuangshuang out of the car!

"What about you?" Qin Shuangshuang looked at him suspiciously.

After Han Zhiyi stood still, he opened his mouth: "I heard from Xiaowei that you want to be admitted to Beijing University?"

"No, I'm going to take the Chinese University exam."

Although Qin Shuangshuang didn't know what Han Zhiyi meant by asking her suddenly, but in order not to let Han Zhiyi know that he actually wanted to go to the same university as him, he lied.

Capital University is really difficult for her!
If he admits it, maybe Han Zhiyi will still feel that she can't recognize the reality.

Anyway, Han Zhiyi didn't care what school he went to.


Sure enough, Han Zhiyi heard Qin Shuangshuang's words, responded, turned around, opened the door and got into the car.

Qin Shuangshuang:
Sure enough, I still don't care!
Just don't care, why ask?
Speaking of the exam, it really came very quickly!
Qin Shuangshuang also worked hard to be admitted to Capital University. Fortunately, she went well during the exam. After the score came out, her score actually passed the admission score of Capital University.

This was Qin Shuangshuang's best test in all the years she had been in school.

After filling out the application, Qin Shuangshuang was pushed by Su Zhaoxue to travel, saying that it was to reward her.

Qin Shuangshuang expressed that he was not willing!

And why was she and Han Zhiyi the only ones who rewarded her with a trip?

Although Qin Shuangshuang was a little excited in his heart!

The place to travel is in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River with a good environment. Because it is the peak tourist season, there are quite a lot of tourists in the town.

For some reason, they were asked to travel together, but they only booked one room, and it was a double room.

When I called back to question, the reply I got was that the room was not available during the peak tourist season!
Qin Shuangshuang's heart: .
Of course, the two of them couldn't sleep in the same room, so they just wanted to open an extra room, but as Su Zhaoxue said on the phone, during the peak tourist season, there were no extra rooms at all.

Later, the two wanted to go to other hotels, but they were both told that there were no spare rooms.

Qin Shuangshuang:
This is too coincidental!
The two were forced to have no choice but to live in the same room for the time being!
"Sorry, how about I sleep on the floor and you on the bed?"

Han Zhiyi didn't speak along the way, but Qin Shuangshuang was afraid that he would be angry, so he hurriedly said as soon as he entered the room.

Han Zhiyi glanced at her, and replied simply: "No need."

Qin Shuangshuang immediately explained: "It's okay, there is a carpet on the floor, so it's not hard to sleep on."

"Sleep together." Unexpectedly, Han Zhiyi suddenly said such a sentence.

Qin Shuangshuang didn't react, and was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

"Didn't understand?" Han Zhiyi asked back.

"How to sleep together?"

Qin Shuangshuang opened his eyes wide, with an innocent and bewildered expression on his face.

"How do you sleep?" Han Zhiyi raised the corner of his mouth, and suddenly stretched out his long arms, and leaned over to Qin Shuangshuang.

Qin Shuangshuang was startled, subconsciously stepped back, and directly landed on the back door.

(End of this chapter)

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