Chapter 941

Qin Shuangshuang originally wanted to say no, but suddenly blurted out: "Have you and Jiang Xiaohui really been in love?"

Hearing Qin Shuangshuang's question, Han Zhiyi was suddenly stunned by the question, and after only a second, he suddenly laughed again.

Seeing Han Zhiyi's smile, Qin Shuangshuang realized what a stupid question he had just asked!

Whether Han Zhiyi has ever dated Jiang Xiaohui has nothing to do with her!

He hurriedly lowered his head, and hurriedly covered up: "I just feel that it's a bit awkward for the two of us to sit together and not talk, so I just asked casually."

"En." Han Zhiyi responded lightly, but he didn't mean to explain.

Qin Shuangshuang was a little disappointed, but he also knew that Han Zhiyi's character had always been like this. Unless he wanted to, don't let him say another word.

But now, it's obvious that he doesn't want to!

That's right, he didn't have the obligation to explain!
"When did you see me dating Jiang Xiaohui?"

Just when Qin Shuangshuang was thinking about finishing his meal and returning to the hotel quickly, Han Zhiyi's voice suddenly floated over, and the tone seemed to be asking her back.

"I saw it." Qin Shuangshuang answered subconsciously by raising her head.

"See?" Han Zhiyi frowned, genuinely puzzled.

Qin Shuangshuang lowered her head and kept stirring her hands in front of her face: "It's at the roller skating rink."

Speaking of the roller skating rink, Han Zhiyi was naturally impressed, and squinted his eyes: "Are you going to the roller skating rink alone?"


"Alone?" Han Zhiyi's tone suddenly became much heavier!

"Well, I'm alone."

Qin Shuangshuang answered, but after answering, it didn't feel right!

Originally, she didn't want to tell about Jiang Xiaohui taking her there!

"What are you doing on the roller skating rink by yourself?"

But Han Zhiyi's tone was obviously full of doubts, and there was a feeling that Qin Shuangshuang had made a mistake and he was interrogating her.

"Go and play."

Qin Shuangshuang lied, so she didn't dare to go to see Han Zhiyi, but Han Zhiyi's step-by-step questions made her feel very flustered.

Rolling her eyes, pinching the corner of her clothes, Qin Shuangshuang mustered up her courage, and finally said, "You always ask me what I do, and you haven't answered my question yet."

She just wanted to hear what his answer was!
Although she did see it with her own eyes, he was really with Jiang Xiaohui, and she doubted it, and was sad for so long, but if he said no, she would definitely believe him.

"I didn't fall in love with Jiang Xiaohui."

Han Zhiyi answered Qin Shuangshuang's question almost without hesitation!

Qin Shuangshuang was overjoyed, and looked up at Han Zhiyi, his eyes sparkling, full of joy: "Really? You really didn't fall in love with Jiang Xiaohui?"

Don't believe him?

Han Zhiyi frowned and looked at Qin Shuangshuang: "Then you mean that I have to say that I am in a relationship with her to be true? If I say that I have nothing to do with her, then it means nothing!"

what the hell!

Qin Shuangshuang pouted a little aggrieved, how impatient this man is, didn't he just ask him a few more questions!
But hearing him say that he was not in love with Jiang Xiaohui, Qin Shuangshuang's heart suddenly seemed to be enlightened!
(End of this chapter)

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