After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 947 The First Love Letter in Life

Chapter 947 The First Love Letter in Life

Although Qin Shuangshuang was depressed, he still had to attend this class, but because he was not in the same school as Han Zhiyi, he was not so happy to attend.

After the baptism of the third year of high school and the depression of the summer vacation, Qin Shuangshuang completely fell off and became a slim girl, with good looks, good figure, and good personality. After a month of military training, Qin Shuangshuang was taken It was rated as the flower of their department.

Of course, Qin Shuangshuang didn't know it herself, so when she was stopped to receive the first love letter in her life, she was still in a daze.

"Are you sure you gave it to me?"

Qin Shuangshuang was afraid that he had made a mistake, so he didn't answer.

The boy who handed the love letter to the other side was embarrassed at first, but it was even more embarrassing because of Qin Shuangshuang's appearance, but he still bit the bullet and stammered: "Yes, yes...for you."

"Really?" Qin Shuangshuang was still not sure.

After all, in her own heart, she didn't seem to belong to the kind of girl who would be stopped on the road to hand over love letters.

Looking at Qin Shuangshuang's attitude, the boy thought that he had been rejected, and just when he was about to take back the love letter in frustration, Qin Shuangshuang did suddenly say, "Hey, what are you doing? You didn't give it to me, why? Take it back?"

The boy looked at the innocent Qin Shuangshuang in a daze, not knowing whether he should hand over this love letter or take it back.

"Okay, give it to me, thank you."

Unexpectedly, Qin Shuangshuang suddenly took the love letter and thanked the boy very politely.

How does it feel weird?

After collecting the love letter, Qin Shuangshuang put it in the bag without having time to read it, and then hurried out of the school gate.

But he didn't want to run into Han Zhiyi at the school gate as soon as he went out.

"Hey, Brother Zhiyi, are you here to pick me up?" Qin Shuangshuang was very pleasantly surprised.

After a month of military training, today just happened to be a holiday. Su Zhaoxue just called her and said that Hu Qianya missed her, and asked her to have dinner with Su Zhaoxue. Qin Shuangshuang was just about to go there.

Han Zhiyi glanced at her bag, a small corner was exposed before the love letter was packed.

"Well, my mother asked me to pick you up." But she quickly looked away, with a very calm expression.

Although Han Zhiyi didn't take the initiative, Qin Shuangshuang was still very happy that he came here for the first time.

The one who hurriedly smiled: "Auntie Xianya must have been waiting for a long time, let's go."

"En." Han Zhiyi responded, and suddenly looked at her bag again: "Is your bag heavy? How about I carry it for you?"

"Huh?" Qin Shuangshuang didn't react for a while.

"Don't forget it."

Han Zhiyi tilted his head slightly, and a trace of uneasiness quickly flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, yes, why don't you?" Qin Shuangshuang seemed to have come to his senses now. Although he didn't understand why Han Zhiyi suddenly changed his nature and treated her better, he was still very happy in his heart. handed over the bag.

"Let's go then."

Han Zhiyi took the bag and walked forward on his own.

"Brother Zhiyi, walk slowly." Qin Shuangshuang had no choice but to follow quickly.

Han Zhiyi came to pick up Qin Shuangshuang from school, so if the two of them wanted to go to the hotel, they had to take the subway there.

In fact, according to the traffic conditions in Beijing, taking the subway is actually faster.

(End of this chapter)

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