After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 953 Boyfriend

Chapter 953 Boyfriend

"That's right, Shuangshuang, let your boyfriend invite us to dinner, he is so handsome, he must know a lot of handsome guys, let your boyfriend introduce some to us too."

Lin Xinyao and Qin Shuangshuang have similar personalities. They are heartless. After hearing Song Qinger's words, even if they connected, they thought so just now, but they were pulled back by Qin Shuangshuang. Now that Song Qinger reminded her, she would naturally I remembered.

Hearing Qin Shuangshuang's hesitant voice, Song Qing'er hurriedly seemed to feel apologetic: "Shuangshuang, it's fine if it's inconvenient, after all, isn't there a very popular saying now, fire prevention, theft prevention and girlfriend protection? It should be for us. I don’t have any other ideas. I just care about you and think about the three of us. I can also take a look for you. After all, we have three pairs of eyes. We can always tell whether the other party is a human or a ghost. .”

"Qing'er, Shuangshuang didn't guard against us. But what you said is really reasonable. Although Shuangshuang's boyfriend is handsome, we Shuangshuang are not bad, and Shuangshuang's family conditions are also pretty good. I know him, but there is no guarantee that he is not someone with other evil intentions, you bring him, and we will take a look for you." Lin Xinyao echoed from the side.

Han Zhiyi has bad intentions?
Qin Shuangshuang wanted him to have bad thoughts about him!

"Um, he has a rather cold temper, and he may not like lively places, but let me give it a try."

Qin Shuangshuang didn't want to disappoint, although he thought that it was absolutely impossible for Han Zhiyi to agree, but after hesitating for a while, he still agreed.

After thinking about it for a long time, she finally decided to send a message to Han Zhiyi. If she called directly, she was afraid that she would be speechless when she heard Han Zhiyi's voice.

It was just the words in her mind, she deleted and typed, typed and deleted, and went back and forth many times, and finally deleted from a lot to a sentence.

"My roommate said that I want you to invite them to dinner!"

After pressing the send button, Qin Shuangshuang anxiously put the phone aside.

In my heart, I was afraid that Han Zhiyi would reply to the message, but also afraid that he would not reply to the message.

I am afraid that he will reply to the message, because I am afraid that he will refuse!
I'm afraid that he won't reply to the message, because I'm afraid that he won't even bother to say no, and just ignore her.

Qin Shuangshuang:
Why is it so difficult for her!
The first class of the new semester is a professional class, so Qin Shuangshuang has already deserted.

Until the end of get out of class, Qin Shuangshuang couldn't pull his heart back.

"How about Shuangshuang, what does your boyfriend say?"

After class, the four people in the dormitory left the classroom together, planning to go to another place for class.

Song Qing'er asked suddenly.

He said, as if explaining himself: "The main reason is that I am afraid that the time of the appointment is not coincidental. I have joined several clubs, and there are many club activities in the new semester. But Shuangshuang, your business is a big deal, and I am just busy. , I will definitely check it out for you first."

Qin Shuangshuang always felt that Song Qing'er was weird, and seemed to be a little unusually persistent about meeting her boyfriend.

It's just that although he felt strange, Qin Shuangshuang couldn't tell why.

"Oh, I sent a message, I don't know if he saw it or not."

As Qin Shuangshuang spoke, he opened the bag and took out the phone.

I didn't have any hope at first, but only after she turned on the phone did I find that Han Zhiyi actually replied to her message.

(End of this chapter)

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