After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 964 Lin Xinyao's Little Thoughts?

Chapter 964 Lin Xinyao's Little Thoughts?
"You mean Han Zhiyi and Jiang Xiaohui?"

Yuan Beihua seemed to be very surprised when he heard Song Qinger's words, and then he smiled incredulously: "Where did you get this gossip? How could Han Zhiyi like Jiang Xiaohui? He didn't even look at Jiang Xiaohui, let alone He said he liked her. Jiang Xiaohui was causing trouble outside the school, and then it became big. You know our school has a very strict school spirit. Naturally, the school leaders quietly persuaded Jiang Xiaohui to leave in order to take into account the school's reputation. "

Song Qing'er smiled, but her expression was calm: "I don't know who I heard it from, it seems to be from your Chengnan High School. I just inquired for Shuangshuang, and I feel that Shuangshuang doesn't seem to know the specific situation here. She likes Han Zhiyi so much, and she's afraid that she'll be thinking wildly."

Han Zhiyi continued: "It happened that Qin Shuangshuang was sick and asked for sick leave at that time, and she didn't know much about it. It's normal for her not to know about Shuangshuang. But this matter has nothing to do with Han Zhiyi, she should I know."

Song Qing'er nodded: "Well, maybe I'm thinking too much."

Afterwards, the two chatted about other things, and walked inside while chatting, Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu walked in the front, Lin Xinyao was very strange, she would look behind from time to time.

Qin Shuangshuang thought at first that she was checking to see if the people behind them were following them, but after walking for a while, she realized that it was not the case.

What is Lin Xinyao looking at?

Qin Shuangshuang was full of doubts, and inadvertently glanced sideways at Han Zhiyi, only to find a faint smile on his lips.

Qin Shuangshuang followed his gaze, but found that his gaze was on Lin Xinyao.

Qin Shuangshuang:
Could it be that Lin Xinyao kept looking behind, was she looking at Han Zhiyi?

Qin Shuangshuang suddenly remembered that Lin Xinyao was secretly contacting Han Zhiyi about what Song Qinger said to her before!
Qin Shuangshuang suddenly felt very uncomfortable!
In this case, the two of them can walk together, so what is the meaning of turning around and looking at each other from time to time?
Do you think it's fun?
Or do you find it fun to embarrass her?
"What's wrong?"

When Qin Shuangshuang was thinking about this, he slowed down unconsciously. Han Zhiyi walked a few steps and found that something was wrong with Qin Shuangshuang, so he stopped and asked.

"No." Qin Shuangshuang looked up at Han Zhiyi, and was about to explain something.

But he found that Han Zhiyi was frowning, as if impatient!
Qin Shuangshuang paused for a moment, and suddenly didn't want to talk anymore. Originally, she wanted to say nothing, thinking that she might be thinking too much, but Han Zhiyi's expression, whether she said it or not, thought it too much or didn't think it too much, seemed to matter. It doesn't make sense anymore.

Just in time, Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua walked over from behind, Qin Shuangshuang directly grabbed Song Qinger: "Qinger, you walk with me."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Song Qing'er directly past Han Zhiyi, and then walked forward.

"What's the situation?" Yuan Beihua's expression was inexplicable: "Did you make both of you angry again?"

Han Zhiyi:
He didn't even know what happened, and he didn't say a few words all the way, so why did he get angry inexplicably?

(End of this chapter)

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