After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 967 Lin Xinyao's Little Thoughts?

Chapter 967 Lin Xinyao's Little Thoughts?
Seeing that she was about to lean to the side, Han Zhiyi suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her.

Both Han Zhiyi and Lin Xinyao were on the boat. When the boat was shaking, both of them couldn't stand still. Naturally, Han Zhiyi couldn't stand still when he was pulling Lin Xinyao, so he pulled her back with his strength.


Following Lin Xinyao's scream, she leaned into Han Zhiyi's arms.

Qin Shuangshuang's face turned pale at that moment!

Fortunately, Zhang Lu reacted quickly, standing on the shore in time to stabilize the boat, and then shouted at Lin Xinyao: "Xinyao, come up quickly."

While shouting, he warned her with his eyes.

Lin Xinyao naturally understood the meaning in Zhang Lu's eyes. She glanced at Qin Shuangshuang, then quickly stood still, and jumped off the boat without caring about anything else.

"The boat is too swaying, I can't stand firm, it's all my fault." Lin Xinyao's words were actually for Qin Shuangshuang.

But I didn't forget to apologize to Han Zhiyi: "I'm sorry, Shuangshuang's boyfriend, it's all my fault."

Han Zhiyi glanced at Qin Shuangshuang, did not respond, but stood firm and walked off the boat.

"Xinyao, are you still angry? Why are you so angry, you are all from the same dormitory."

However, Song Qing'er suddenly spoke at this time, and it looked like she said something insignificant, but those who understood would understand it.

Naturally, Lin Xinyao pushed Yuan Beihua because she was in a bad mood because she was angry.

But for Qin Shuangshuang, there were more meanings. In her consciousness, Lin Xinyao was indeed the reason why she was still angry, but what was more, Lin Xinyao was actually doing it on purpose.

"What are you doing? You are angry and you are angry. I didn't offend you. I kindly help you to help the boat. What are you pushing me for?"

Yuan Beihua was pushed for no reason, so he was naturally a little angry.

Lin Xinyao turned her head to stare at Yuan Beihua: "I am willing, can you care?"

"There's something wrong." Yuan Beihua was even angrier at being teased by Lin Xinyao, but Lin Xinyao was a girl after all, so he couldn't argue with her, so after saying such a sentence, he planned to leave here.

I didn't want Lin Xinyao to become angrier all of a sudden, she turned around and walked towards Yuan Beihua, Zhang Lu saw that something was wrong, and hurriedly wanted to hold her back, but she didn't.

"You are the only one who has a problem, so what if I have a problem, don't you also have a problem. Why do you say that I have a problem? What qualifications do you have?"

Lin Xinyao rushed in front of Yuan Beihua and yelled at him, as if she was very angry.

Yuan Beihua didn't know what he said, which made Lin Xinyao so angry, and made Lin Xinyao so angry when she yelled at her.

"Okay, Xinyao!" Zhang Lu hurried over, then pulled her, and shook his head towards her, as if wanting to remind her of something.

Lin Xinyao bit her lip, but she didn't continue talking, she just looked at Zhang Lu's eyes, but seemed to have a lot of grievances.

"Okay, Xinyao is a child, so don't take it to heart. If she does something wrong, I will apologize to you on her behalf."

Song Qing'er also suddenly walked to Yuan Beihua's side, and then whispered beside Yuan Beihua.

Although it was a low voice, everyone around could hear it.

"I don't care about her." Yuan Beihua actually had a good temper.

(End of this chapter)

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