Chapter 971

Han Zhiyi was looking through the window, looking at her suspiciously.

Han Wei immediately said: "Brother, I think you should drive the car in, Mom is inside..."

Hu Xianya is really in the Qin family. Ever since she married Han Jianfeng and gave birth to Han Wei, Hu Xianya has completely become a "hands-off shopkeeper" and handed over the "little fox" to Hu Yanqian and Han Jianfeng to take care of it. up.

Hu Xianya is a person who likes to play. She thought that after giving birth to Han Wei, she would be able to play everywhere in the world. But after Han Wei was born, she found out that she has a child. Going out to have fun is simply impossible.

Later, there was a chance to go out to play, but because Han Jianfeng was busy, he couldn't always accompany her, and she was not interesting by herself, so she wanted to call Su Zhaoxue, but Su Zhaoxue had a quiet personality, so naturally she didn't like to go out Just for fun, year after year, Hu Xianya's only hope now is to wait for Han Zhiyi to get married and give her a grandson to play with, so that she won't be bored at home all day long.

Thinking about bringing grandchildren seems to be more interesting than going out to play!

When Han Zhiyi and Qin Shuangshuang entered the room, Hu Xianya was chatting with Su Zhaoxue about how many children they should have in the future.

"Miss, I think it's better to give birth to four or five children. We both have few children, so it's so lively!"

Su Zhaoxue was drinking water, and when she heard Hu Xianya's words, she almost spit out a mouthful of water, put the water glass on the table, and said pretending to be angry: "How can I entrust my daughter to you like this?"

Hu Xianya was stunned, and asked anxiously: "What's wrong, what did I say wrong, young lady?"

"Give birth to four or five children. You treat childbirth as a joke. It's so hard to conceive and give birth to children. I can't bear our family to suffer."

"I'm just making an analogy. You feel sorry for Shuangshuang, and I feel sorry for Shuangshuang." Hu Xianya hurriedly laughed: "Speaking of having a child, it's up to them. I don't mind having one. , I have no objection to having two, I'm just busy at home and don't want to take care of the company's affairs, so I'm free."

Su Zhaoxue knows Hu Xianya well, and knows that she is a very kind person, and she sincerely regards Qin Shuangshuang as her own daughter, and also wants Qin Shuangshuang to be her family's daughter-in-law, otherwise Su Zhaoxue would not acquiesce After this marriage, she has always been a positive and cooperative attitude, but she really doesn't care about what she said just now.

"Well, I think two are enough. If possible, three are not bad." Su Zhaoxue smiled, but followed Hu Xianya's words.

Just as Hu Xianya was about to say something, Qin Shuangshuang and Han Zhiyi had already entered the door, and then heard Han Wei's voice: "Mom, if you want Sister Shuangshuang to have so many children, you have to marry Sister Shuangshuang and my brother anyway." Let’s talk about it, four or five children, that is to say, it will take at least six or seven years. My brother is 19 years old this year. If he and Shuangshuang sister get married as soon as they graduate, they will be 23 years old. In six or seven years, they will be 30 years old. Hey, the time is just right."

"It's just right, you little brat, what do you know?"

Han Zhiyi glanced sideways at Qin Shuangshuang, who was blushing, but suddenly knocked Han Wei on the head, dismissing her words.

(End of this chapter)

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