After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 990 Han Zhiyi is Jealous

Chapter 990 Han Zhiyi is Jealous

"Oh, I'm not embarrassed!" Lin Xinyao felt a little shy when Qin Shuangshuang teased her: "I didn't know him well at all, you said if you confessed rashly and found out that I like him, if he If you don't like me, you will definitely hate me in the future."

"Why do I hate you?" Qin Shuangshuang really didn't understand the meaning of Lin Xinyao's words.

Thinking about how I liked Han Zhiyi before, I always told him positively. If I didn't tell him, how would he know that I liked him?
Lin Xinyao explained: "Think about it, if a boy doesn't like you, you just beg to tell him that you like him, follow him around every day, send him messages every day, he must be I will hate you. And men are like this, if he knows that you like him very much, he will be unscrupulous in front of you, anyway, if you like him, don't worry that you will run away."

Qin Shuangshuang:
What is the logic?

Although Qin Shuangshuang felt that Lin Xinyao's words did not seem to be the case.But after listening to it, thinking about his previous relationship with Han Zhiyi, Qin Shuangshuang suddenly felt that what Lin Xinyao said made some sense.

Han Zhiyi didn't like himself, so he pestered him all day long, followed behind his ass, and even tried to get him to admit their relationship by kissing the baby who couldn't talk at all between them. It's no wonder Han Zhiyi doesn't hate himself.

Han Zhiyi went to take a shower, changed his clothes, and came out. Seeing Yuan Beihua still sitting at the table and holding the phone with a smile, his expression suddenly became a little ugly.

"Aren't you going to take a shower?"

After asking lightly, Han Zhiyi sat back in front of his desk, holding a towel to dry his hair in his hand, even if it was a random seat, it looked like a beautiful scenery.

Yuan Beihua looked at him sideways, and smiled: "Hey, Han Zhiyi, do you still remember the girl named Lin Xinyao in Shuangshuang's dormitory?"

"I pushed her business card to you, do you think I still remember it?" Han Zhiyi's tone was not very good.

Yuan Beihua seemed to remember now: "Yes, you pushed it to me, but Han Zhiyi, why did you push her contact information to me? I remember that you were not the kind of idler before, just like to give people contact information people."

"Aren't you going to take a shower?" Han Zhiyi didn't seem to want to explain much, but when he looked sideways at Yuan Beihua, he even glanced at his phone vaguely.

"I'm going to wash it right now. I'll give you a call. You can help me chat with Shuangshuang. You can talk about whatever you want."

Yuan Beihua and Han Zhiyi had known each other for so many years, so they naturally understood Han Zhiyi's proud personality. Although he really wanted to know what Qin Shuangshuang was talking about with him at this time, he would never say it.

Han Zhiyi glanced at him: "Your phone, why do you need me to talk?"

"Oh, just help me talk, it's your daughter-in-law anyway."

Han Zhiyi didn't bother with him, he just put the phone in his hand, turned around with his clothes and went to the bathroom.

Han Zhiyi squeezed the phone, and just about to put it down, a message came in suddenly.

Han Zhiyi looked down, just in time to see that it was Qin Shuangshuang who sent it, Han Zhiyi paused for a moment!
(End of this chapter)

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