After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 995 Suddenly I Can't Say It

Chapter 995 Suddenly I Can't Say It

But he ignored one thing, she won't be tempted by other men first, but it doesn't mean that there won't be flies around her.

After a long time, something will happen eventually.

The two of them didn't talk much along the way, Qin Shuangshuang walked dully in front alone, and Han Zhiyi followed behind her.

There were a lot of people on Friday night. They swiped their cards and entered the subway station. Qin Shuangshuang stood aside and waited for the subway. She actually didn't know where Hu Xianya and Su Zhaoxue had planned tonight, but she just stood there habitually. side.

There were really a lot of people around, Qin Shuangshuang was squeezed several times by people coming and going, and almost got squeezed.

Han Zhiyi actually didn't want to talk to her, and asked her to reflect on what she just said, but he couldn't bear to look at her like that.

"It's really not ordinary stupid."

Han Zhiyi had no choice but to stretch out his long arms, directly pulled her to his side, put his arms around her shoulders, and protected her with his whole body, so that she would not be squeezed around.

Qin Shuangshuang was frightened by his sudden pull, but she reacted quickly and subconsciously raised her head to look at him.

Is Han Zhiyi protecting her?

But why did he protect her?
There was obviously an unpleasant quarrel between them just now!

Han Zhiyi knew that Qin Shuangshuang was looking at him, and there was a smile in his eyes calmly.

By the way, this is the first time he has had such an intimate contact with her, the feeling of hugging her is really good, there is actually a feeling of secret joy in his heart.

Qin Shuangshuang didn't know what Han Zhiyi meant, but she didn't push him away, and the two of them still didn't speak. From the time when Han Zhiyi was hugging him at the subway station, to Han Zhiyi holding her hand when he left the subway station.

It felt like all the movements were so natural that when Qin Shuangshuang was led into the room, she didn't notice anything wrong.

Of course, Hu Xianya was the happiest. From the moment Han Zhiyi led Qin Shuangshuang into the room, she had already noticed their hands clasped together.

"Aunt Xianya, Mom, Xiaowei."

When Qin Shuangshuang entered the room, he politely greeted everyone in the room one by one.

Su Zhaoxue smiled at Qin Shuangshuang: "After school? Did you come with Zhiyi, or did you meet on the road?"

"Uh, we came together."

It was only then that Qin Shuangshuang realized that his hand was still in Han Zhiyi's palm, and quickly shook his hand away, rubbing it in front of him with some unease, although he pretended to have no effect on the surface. She looked pretty, but her face still blushed uncontrollably, all the way to the base of her neck.

"It was Zhiyi who went to pick up Shuangshuang. When I heard that we were coming for dinner after school, I went to pick up Shuangshuang."

Hu Xianya is pretty good at talking at the side, it completely subverts the authenticity, okay?
Qin Shuangshuang wouldn't believe it, so he found a seat and sat down. In order not to be so embarrassed, he smiled and said to Hu Xianya: "Aunt Xianya, did you let him go?"

Han Zhiyi has the kindness to pick her up?
Don't even think about it!
"I just mentioned it casually, and he is going to pick it up."

Hu Xianya is telling the truth.

Qin Shuangshuang was suddenly taken aback when she heard that, and glanced sideways. Han Zhiyi, who had already sat down next to her, felt inexplicably strange.

(End of this chapter)

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