After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 999 Song Qing'er Looking for Trouble!

Chapter 999 Song Qing'er Looking for Trouble!

Qin Shuangshuang was taken aback, but he didn't expect that Han Zhiyi was still thinking about their chat just now.

"I mean, Xiaowei's words..."

She believes it!
It's just that this time before he finished speaking, Han Zhiyi's phone rang again.

Han Zhiyi looked down at the incoming call, this time it was not Song Qinger's unfamiliar number, but the landline at home.

Han Zhiyi hesitated for a moment, then pressed the answer button.

At this time Han Jianfeng didn't go back, Han Dong and Lorna had probably rested, and Hu Xianya was taking Han Wei and Su Zhaoxue shopping, so it was the servant at home who called.

"Master, there is a lady looking for you outside. She looks like your classmate. She said that she left something in your car last time and wanted to take it back."

It's Song Qing'er again!
Unexpectedly, when she called him just now, she was at the door of Han's mansion!

"Just tell her that the things have been lost, don't let her in, find a way to make her leave." Han Zhiyi was full of irritability.

I just want to have a peaceful chat with Qin Shuangshuang. After finally having such an opportunity, why do I have to be disturbed by an irrelevant person again and again?

"I've already told her, but she doesn't want to leave. She keeps crying at the door of the house. I'm afraid it will alarm the old man and the others. Besides, if a girl is crying at the door of the house, if the neighbors see her, they will inevitably make wild guesses. Yes, so young master, why don't you come back and deal with it first?" The servant seemed to be in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

After all, Han Zhiyi is now an adult, and he is still a big boy, but it is a little girl crying at the door, and she keeps calling to see Han Zhiyi!
Those who don't understand the situation will really think about it!
"Why don't you go back and deal with it first. If you have anything to say, we can talk about it next time we meet."

Qin Shuangshuang really couldn't figure out what this Song Qinger wanted to do, so she ran to the door of Han's house crying at night, and kept saying that she had dropped something important on Han Zhiyi's car.

It is said to be very important, why did it take a week to find out?

And why did Song Qing'er know where Han Zhiyi's home was?

However, Qin Shuangshuang was puzzled, but she still didn't say anything. She believed that Han Zhiyi should be able to solve it.

If you want to blame it, blame yourself for being so kind at the time, why did you give Song Qing'er a ride along the way.

Unexpectedly, as soon as her words fell, Han Zhiyi suddenly grabbed her.

I only heard him say into the phone: "Okay, I see, I'll be right back."

Then he hung up the phone, and then said to Qin Shuangshuang: "Song Qing'er, you are more familiar, you should go with me, and I will take you back later."

Qin Shuangshuang:
By the way, she and Song Qing'er are not familiar with each other either!

In order to be able to go faster, Han Zhiyi took a taxi directly when he went out. Qin Shuangshuang actually proposed to let his driver deliver it, so that when the time came back, the driver could also bring her back with him.

It's just that Han Zhiyi rejected it straight away, and he didn't give a reason!

This made Qin Shuangshuang depressed for a long time. Isn't it the same to take a taxi and drop off with your own driver?
And you don't have to trouble him to send him back later, isn't that good, why bother!
But depressed, depressed, Qin Shuangshuang suddenly thought of a problem!
(End of this chapter)

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