Husband pinched my peach blossoms again

Chapter 840 Nangong Yanchen

Chapter 840 Nangong Yanchen
The love of two people splits and reunites, from the first encounter, to the final separation, and then to the modern age together, back to ancient times.

Separation and reunion again, the ups and downs during this period, only ~ they themselves know.

Nangong Yanchen stayed with Han Xiao amid longing and concern, annoyance and apology, and finally left quietly, and then reunited, he finally found his love, and they were finally together.

Maybe love needs to go through the test, and only through the test can we truly reap happiness.

After going through separations again and again, Nangong Yanchen understands a truth, the road ahead may be bumpy, but as long as~ he perseveres, love will eventually blossom and bear fruit.

His persistent waiting, in exchange for a lifetime of happy marriage.

Lovers get married in the end, don't care about what you have done and missed, as long as ~ you have sincerely repented, insisted on loving, the love that belongs to you, is still waiting where it is, just needs~ your efforts, needs~ you will chase her again back.

Nangong Yanchen, the journey of happy life has been smooth sailing ever since.

His love will be the most solid, perfect and without regret.



Thank you dear children's shoes for reading this article, Chenchen loves you!
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To read all of Han Xingchen’s articles, please download Tencent’s AAP mobile phone reading software (QQ reading) to search: Han Xingchen, read all of Chen’s articles, thank you readers who accompanied this article for half a year, thank you for reading the previous "Black Belly Demon Man: The backyard is on fire", my dears who continue to read this book, what a treat!
A dear reader left a message to watch Han Haoyu, Mu Zhixia, and Mu Yeling's episodes. After the holidays, there will be more chapters and more chapters to update, so stay tuned!

The previous work of "Black-bellied Demon: The Backyard is on Fire", if you like it, you can watch it!

The queen went on tour once in micro-clothes, and since then fell in love with the life outside the palace. The royal concubines who were left out in the harem were all gearing up and cleaning up, determined to lure the queen who had gone out of the wall back.

"The widow is the empress, Sangong Sixth Court, 72 concubines, and three thousand beauties, not one of them is missing!"

Feng Jun gritted his teeth and said, "I must let His Majesty get up on the bed."


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(End of this chapter)

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