Chapter 102

"Hey!" An officer who had already slipped past Hai Rui didn't see that it was Hai Rui, but when someone came out looking for death, he yelled and turned around to see who the person was looking for death, but when he saw The guards and prisoners were all standing there panicked like zombies, only then did they realize that this person was Master Hai.

In the distance, the head of the guard and the head of the jail also saw the sudden appearance of Hai Rui, and they were stunned.

Prisoner Wang was frightened at first, looked at the dozens of people who were arrested there, and then looked at the head of the guard team and said in a low voice: "Let these people go!"

The head of the guard: "Didn't he say that he will ignore the crime at home? If he treats the crime, he is not an official. Go and tell him that this is what the second master asked us to do under the order of Zhao Zhongcheng."

Prisoner Wang was still apprehensive: "Then I'm here to watch these dozen people, you go and tell him."

The head of the guard cast a glance at him: "I didn't ask you to come, why are you so afraid?"

The other guards and prisoners all looked at the prison head Wang.

Prisoner Wang couldn't help losing face: "Everyone has their own errands, what am I afraid of? Then you stay here and watch, and I will go over. It depends on whether you are afraid or I am afraid." As he spoke, he walked towards Hai Rui alone.

The fleeing people did not run away, they stopped slowly, and those who were daring came closer and watched from a distance.

When prisoner Wang approached Hai Rui, he burst out laughing, bent one leg and bowed, "See Master Hai."

"Kneel down." Hai Rui's voice was low and majestic.

Prison Wang froze there before he straightened his leg, looking at Hai Rui.

Hai Rui's eyes sparkled when he saw him not kneeling: "Don't the officials of the yamen know what kind of salutes the venerable is doing?"

The prisoner Wang muttered: "Don't say that Master Hai is staying at home..."

Hai Rui: "What are you waiting for?"

"Are you going to be punished?" Wang Laotou finished the sentence by gritting his teeth.

Hai Rui sneered: "Who did you hear that I was punished at home?"

The head of the prison Wang was a little terrified: "Second, the second master..."

Hai Rui: "Second Master told Eldest Master to stay at home and deal with crimes. When did the Ming Dynasty change its laws?"

Wang Laotou bent his legs and knelt down.

The guards and jailers followed suit and knelt down.

"Why arrest the common people? Rob the common people for their raw silk?" Hai Rui stared at him closely.

Wang Laotou: "Returning to Tang Zun's words, the second master said that under Zhao Zhongcheng's order, the people of Chun'an borrowed food from the Weaving Bureau, and now they must immediately pay back the food with raw silk."

Hai Rui: "You are in charge of the prison, why did you come out to arrest people?"

Leader Wang: "Returning to Tang Zun, there is not enough manpower for Bantou Zhao, so ask the younger one to come out and help."

Hai Rui sneered again: "It seems that you want to arrest all the people in Chun'an!"

Prisoner Wang: "Tang, Tang Zun, this is not the business of villains. There is the second master on the top and leader Zhao on the bottom. The villains are just temporarily transferred to help."

Hai Rui stared at him, "Where is Cheng Tian now?"

Wang Laotou: "Reporting to Tang Zun, I heard that Hu Butang's son is here, and the second master has gone to the post station to wait on the messenger."

Hai Rui's eyes flashed again: "A servant? Is Hu Butang's son an official of the imperial court?"

Prisoner Wang: "Okay, it seems that there is no official position."

Hai Rui: "Immediately go to the post station, call Tian Youlu, and say that the current Chun'an magistrate Hai Rui will not be punished, and I'm afraid he will be promoted. Now wait for him in the lobby."

Prisoner Wang: "My lord..."

Hai Rui: "Will you go? If you don't go, you will be freed from your cell boss now, and someone else will go."

Prisoner Wang: "The villain will go right away." Get up and run away.

Hai Rui turned his attention to the guards and prisoners kneeling on the ground again: "Go and tell your boss Zhao, tell him to release the people immediately, return the things, and come to the lobby."

"Yes!" The guards and the guards kowtowed together, hurriedly got up, and ran towards the guard standing over there and the group of guards who were still holding on to the civilians.

Hai Rui picked up the bamboo hat that was on the basket, lifted the basket, and walked back alone.

The onlookers on both sides of the street knelt down: "Master Hai!"

The old man who sold eggplants and peppers to Hai Rui just now knelt in front of the crowd, took two steps on his knees, and held up ten copper coins in both hands: "Xiao Min was so dazed that he didn't recognize that it was Master Qingtianhai. Please ask Hai Rui for this money." The master took it back. The peppers and eggplants that Xiaomin planted by himself, Master Hai should respect them, even if Xiaomin gave them to Master Hai."

Hai Rui stretched out a hand to support him: "Paying for things has nothing to do with looking up or looking down on them. Since my husband has such kind intentions, please do something for me."

The old man said, "Master Hai just asks, Xiao Min will do it."

Hai Rui took out another sling of copper coins from his sleeve: "Please go to the south gate and buy me two catties of beef and send it to my house in the back house of the county government office. If there is not enough money, the family will make up for you."

The old man took the hanging copper coin with both hands.

"Please." Hai Rui looked at the people kneeling on the ground again, "Get up, elders, do what you have to do. You haven't violated the king's law, and I'm not in court, so don't just kneel when you see me."

The people are still kneeling.

Hai Rui didn't say anything else, put on his bamboo hat and walked towards the yamen with a basket in his hands.

Countless pairs of common people's eyes watched his back as he walked forward, and there was no sound.

The sound of the drum in front of the lobby yamen was sounded, and came in bursts.

Hai Rui unlocked the copper lock on the wooden box in front of him, and lifted the lid, revealing his seventh-rank official uniform and official hat and the big seal of Fang Chun'an's main hall.

Hai Rui stopped, and stood quietly in front of the box, looking at the neatly folded set of official uniforms and hats, and at the big seal of Chun'an Zhengtang wrapped in yellow cloth.

The strict party has not yet fallen. Although Zheng Michang and He Maocai were executed, Zhao Zhenji is still carrying out the tyranny of his predecessor.Hai Rui, who decided to resign, was aroused to fight for the people again.Since it is impossible to retreat completely, it is imperative to fight directly with Zhao Zhenji.He wants to roar his last cry, shocking the court!

The sound of the drums became louder and louder, and Hai Rui didn't hesitate. He quickly took out his official hat and put it on, then took out his official uniform and shook it off, put it on, tied it on his belt, and held up the big seal wrapped in yellow cloth. , go to the front lobby.

The sound of drums called the money and grain scribes, the criminal scribes and the three classes of yamen servants from all over the place, and they all stood up in the lobby at this time.

The head of the guard squad led the arresting guards and jailers, and they all had to rush over at this time, and the hall of the Chun'an County Government Office, which was not spacious at all, was packed in darkness.

Hai Rui held the seal and walked to the big case and sat down. It was his habit to sit silently, but at this moment, his face was even more frosty, making the hall dead silent.Everyone knew that this was waiting, waiting for prison chief Wang to call Tian Youlu over.

He ran to the post station and ran back with Tian Youlu's sedan chair. Wang Laotou was already sweating profusely. He didn't wait for Tian Youlu when he entered the gate of the yamen. Eldest Master, the villain has invited Second Master here."

Hai Rui didn't answer, and looked out of the hall.

Although Tian Youlu was a little surprised, he still walked towards the lobby calmly.

After going to the hall, the eyes of the two met. After all, Hai Rui hadn't dismissed his post yet, so Tian Youlu had no choice but to bow to him as a subordinate to see a hall official: "I've seen my lord."

According to regulations, there is a chair of the county magistrate next to the big case in the county magistrate's lobby, but Hai Rui didn't ask him to sit at this moment: "I'm asking you something."

In front of so many officials in the yamen, Tian Youlu couldn't bear it any longer. He glanced at the chair and then at Hai Rui.

Hai Rui still didn't ask him to sit down: "I want to ask you something."

Tian Youlu had no choice but to stand there: "Excuse me, Your Honor."

Hai Rui: "Why did you send people to arrest the people and rob them of their raw silk?"

Tian Youlu straightened his waist, and took out a piece of official document from his arms: "You don't know something, I, Chun'an County, borrowed so much food from the Weaving Bureau this year, and now it's time to pay it back. This is from Zhao Zhongcheng, the governor's yamen. Do you want to see the official document?"

Hai Rui sneered, "You keep claiming that I'm a dignitary, but you keep the official documents from the province in your bosom, and ask me if I can read them?"

Tian Youlu was stunned for a moment, and then said calmly: "Tang Zun has already handed in his resignation to Zhao Zhongcheng, and Zhao Zhongcheng's official documents will naturally be handed down to his subordinates."

Hai Rui: "Does the official document say it's for you?"

Tian Youlu was really stunned this time, and took the official document to read it again, so he couldn't speak anymore.

Hai Rui: "Talk back."

Tian Youlu: "Of course the official documents are sent to Chun'an County...but the errands of the governor's yamen are handed over to the subordinates."

"What a strange thing!" Hai Rui's voice turned sharply stern, "The "Da Ming Hui Dian" contains a clear text that no matter whether the current official is transferred or resigned, he must see the reply from the Ministry of Officials. The Ministry of Officials has not replied to dismiss me. Chun’an magistrate, but the governor’s yamen handed over official documents to you, and you actually took the official documents to know the county affairs without authorization. The seal of the Chun’an Zhengtang is here now, do you want to take it too?”

Tian Youlu: "Tang, Tang Zun, don't you tell your subordinates yourself, call your subordinates..."

"Did I tell you that I'm waiting to be punished?" Hai Rui stared at Tian Youlu like a knife, "You spread the word to the officials in the yamen, saying that I have already been punished. Excuse me, what crime did I commit? ?”

"There's no such thing as a lowly position when dealing with crimes!" Tian Youlu suddenly panicked, "Who dares to challenge the county magistrates and magistrates like this!"

Hai Rui looked at Wang Laotou, the head of the guard team: "You have heard what the county magistrate said. It is not a misdemeanor to provoke the magistrate and magistrate."

This has to clean up for yourself.Wang Baotou immediately raised his head: "Second Master, you always said that Master Hai committed a mistake in the province and is now punishing him at home. It's not just one or two people who heard this, but it's the little people who provoked it. "He said and looked at the head of the guard.

The head of the guard was much more naughty than him: "Perhaps the second master believed the misinformation."

Hai Rui didn't look at him, but only stared at Tian Youlu: "Did you believe the misinformation?"

Tian Youlu was sweating: "Yeah, maybe it's a misinformation..."

Hai Rui: "Since it's a misrepresentation, it means that I'm not punished. Should I have a look at the official documents of the province?"

Tian Youlu hurried over and handed the official document from the governor's yamen to Hai Rui.

Hai Rui looked at it quickly, then glanced at all the people in the hall, and said loudly: "Shen Yishi transported the grain to Chun'an and told me clearly that the grain was donated by the Weaving Bureau under the holy order. Food for the victims of the disaster in Chun’an. The voice of the people’s eulogy is still there, why do you want to pursue the emperor’s food for the victims of the disaster? This official document is unreasonable and inconsistent with the matter, so it cannot be obeyed.” When he said this, he was in front of the whole room. Tear the official document in half, then tear it into pieces and throw it in front of the case!

Looking at the flying debris like paper butterflies, everyone's eyes widened and they stood there in a daze.

"Tang Zun." Tian Youlu finally came to his senses, "Tearing up the official documents of the governor's office without authorization, we cannot afford this crime."

Hai Rui: "With me here, it's not your turn to bear the blame. I'm going to ask you about your crime."

Tian Youlu wiped his sweat: "I, what crime do I have?"

"Did your father take him home to take care of him?" Hai Rui suddenly changed the subject and stared at Tian Youlu.

Tian Youlu didn't expect that he would suddenly ask this question again, and he was immediately stunned.

Hai Rui: "My Ming Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety. As an official of the court, it is your crime to abuse your father and disobey. As Chun'an Zhengtang, it is my responsibility to deal with the crime of disobedience committed by subordinates. See I have already thought about your official document, and I will submit it to the Metropolitan Procuratorate immediately after writing it. What else do you have to say?"

Tian Youlu was really panicked at this moment, his knees softened and he knelt down: "Master, I have taken my father home to take care of me, but my father and his daughter-in-law did not get along, so he, his old man moved out again..."

Hai Rui: "I don't get along with my daughter-in-law? What are you doing?"

Tian Youlu: "Tang Zun has learned a lesson. Since Tang Zun was ordered to handle the imperial case, the affairs of Chun'an County are all on the hands of one person, and the job is so busy that the family is beyond control."

Hai Rui sneered, "My father can't take care of me, but my boss's son should be filial."

Hai Rui's strength, Tian Youlu has long been like a thorn in his back, since he became the county magistrate, he has been frightened a lot, needless to say depressed, aggrieved, and fear is like a year, finally waited until he was about to resign. He thought he could finally straighten his waist and try his best to curry favor with his boss, and take this opportunity to take over Chun'an Zhengtang.However, he grabbed hold of him before finishing a few things.Now that Hu Butang's son was being questioned again, and the governor of Zhezhi was also involved in the investigation, Tian Youlu was also angry, thinking that he must not be soft on this matter.

Tian Youlu raised his head: "Tang Zun, the humble position is the county magistrate, it is the rule to respect the hall respect, and it is even more the rule to pay respect to Hu Butang. This is the case in all prefectures and counties in the Ming Dynasty. Go and receive the son of Hu Butang in a humble position. , how can you call it filial piety. It is extremely difficult to accept the words of Tang Zun and his humble position."

Hai Rui: "How did you receive him?"

Tian Youlu: "He passed by my Chun'an County. We are hosts, and he is a guest. Naturally, he will be treated as the host treats guests."

Hai Rui: "The meal expenses of 200 taels, and the tribute of 400 taels, did you take them out from your own home?"

Tian Youlu was in a daze again.

Hai Rui: "Every penny is the people's fat and the people's ointment. A farmer's clothes and food for a whole year are only five taels of silver, and you gave away 600 taels of silver in one move. Zhang Shuli, you manage the money and grain, and you do the math for me, 600 taels of silver. How many taels of silver are the annual food and clothing money of a peasant household?"

The head of the money and food official has been standing aside, when he was asked, the answer was no, and it was no if he didn't answer.

Hai Rui stared at him: "It doesn't count, does it?"

The head of the money and food official had no choice but to answer: "Huitang Zun, it is the food and clothing of 120 households for a year."

Hai Rui: "What a gift to host guests. You gave away 120 households' food, clothing, and money for a year. You are really a generous host. You said that all the prefectures and counties in the Ming Dynasty were examples of this. This example is written in which article of the imperial court, you can show me."

Tian Youlu didn't have anything to say, he knelt there and sweated non-stop.

Hai Rui stared at Tian Youlu closely: "Let me ask you again, have you met Hu Butang's son before?"

Tian Youlu: "Huitang Zun, I haven't seen it before."

"That's it." Hai Rui stood up, "I have met Hu Butang and had a deep talk. Hu Butang himself hates people's wealth and squanders government funds to enrich his private pockets. He is really his son. I will not accept such respect from you. To accept your respect, I must not be Hu Butang’s son. Take my lottery, arrest this man with the guards, and send him to Hu Butang yourself.” As he spoke, he took out a red-headed lottery from the lottery and threw it in front of Tian Youlu.

Tian Youlu knew that this was another bad luck for him, so he kowtowed in front of the hall no longer caring about his face: "Tang, Tang respects you, the state greets the humble, this person is indeed Mr. Hu. Besides, besides, The 400 taels of Zhijing's silver note is still in Beizhi's possession, and I haven't given it to him. How dare Beizhi escort Mr. Hu to the Lord of the Ministry. Beizhi absolutely dare not take this job."

Hai Rui: "It's okay if you don't accept this job, just take off your official uniform and hat, wait for the staff to forty, and travel three thousand miles."

Tian Youlu's eyes were wide open: "Tang Zun, what crime did the humble official commit, and you want to put the humble official to death like this?"

Hai Rui: "I didn't ask you to die, and I couldn't put you to death. I ruled you according to the provisions of the "Law of the Ming Dynasty". In order to curry favor with the superiors, I used official money to bribe the ministers of the court, and set up Hu Butang to accept bribes." The first crime is to abuse one’s own father to be disobedient and disobedient. The second crime is the “Law of the Ming Dynasty” you have there, look it up, and if you violate these two rules, is it forty rods and three thousand miles?”

Tian Youlu knew that this was true, and immediately said: "Tang Zun, for the sake of being served by the humble official for the past few months, Rong Beizhi first took my father home to take care of him, and then took Mr. Hu... Maybe it's not Mr. Hu, but Mr. Hu." That person was sent to Hu Butang..."

Seeing his panic-stricken look, Hai Rui was angry and pitiful: "I will arrange someone to pick you up for your father. Now send the man from the post station to Hu Butang immediately."

"Let's go, I'll go now." Tian Youlu was about to cry, "I'll take someone to send that person to Hu Butang right away."

Hai Rui: "Go."

Tian Youlu stood up, eyes blurred with sweat all over his face, wiped his eyes, and looked at the head of the guard: "Take someone to follow me."

At this moment, the head of the guard pretended not to hear, and looked away.

(End of this chapter)

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