Chapter 109

The two eunuchs on duty came in with a mahogany stool about one and a half feet high, one foot square, and carved with patterns on it, and placed it behind Yan Song and Xu Jie.

"Sit down." Jiajing said gently.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Yan Song and Xu Jie replied and sat down together.

As soon as the butt touched the stool, there was an immediate reaction. A brazier was born in the stool, which was scorching hot.

Xu Jie stood up immediately: "There must be no fireworks in the emperor's abode, and the ministers must not break the rules of heaven. Eunuch Lu, you should move out."

Yan Song also stood up slowly at this time.

Yan Song was from Jiangxi and Xu Jie was from Jiangsu. They saw the red burning coals in the so-called stools they were sitting on, but they didn't know that the emperor gave them the fire barrels that the old people in the south used to sit on in winter.

Lu Fang laughed and said, "By the grace of the emperor, what is burned here is not charcoal, but sandalwood."

Yan Song also had to speak: "The emperor is so favored, and the ministers are really uncomfortable."

Jiajing smiled: "It's more than 80, I can't bear to be dragged out of bed so late. Sit down."

The two bowed to Jiajing again, and then sat down again.

"Old Xu Ge." Jiajing looked at Xu Jie.

"The minister is here." Xu Jie bowed his body.

Jiajing: "You are in charge of the household department, did Yan Maoqing receive the 230 million taels of silver?"

Xu Jie: "Going back to the emperor, I just came from the household department, and I have counted everything and put it into the warehouse."

Jiajing: "The people trained by Mr. Yan Ge are still capable. With this money, you won't cry poor to me during the Chinese New Year this year."

Xu Jie: "The emperor's temple has a good plan. In August, Yan Maoqing was sent to the south to inspect the salt. Otherwise, I really don't know how this year will be passed."

Yan Song is deaf, but as Yan Maoqing said in his study, his deaf ears are not so deaf when he likes to listen to what he should listen to. But still pretending that he didn't hear clearly, he sat there quietly and continued to listen.

"My temple is not Turin." Jiajing raised his voice, "Yang Jinshui was arrested and Zhao Zhenji was sent to take charge of the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau. It's almost the end of the year, and half of the 50 bolts of silk have not been woven yet. Mr. Xu Ge , I see that you are a normal student."

Xu Jie had no choice but to stand up again: "It's the minister's ineffective supervision. The minister will send a court letter to Zhao Zhenji tomorrow."

Jiajing: "Silk is woven, not urged. Let me ask you, why is the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau still under the names of five Huizhou merchants? I heard that these Huizhou merchants are still Hu Zongxian's family. What's going on?"

Xu Jie: "Back to the emperor, Shen Yishi died at that time, these people were recruited by Zheng Michang and He Maocai..."

"Zheng Michang and He Maocai are both dead, so the blame cannot be placed on the dead!" Jiajing interrupted him.

Xu Jie knelt down: "Yes. I will ask about this matter in the court letter tomorrow, and ask Zhao Zhenji to answer it clearly."

"How is Hu Zongxian's illness?" Jiajing didn't look at Xu Jie when he asked this question, as if he was asking Yan Song.

The monarch and his ministers were right, where was the voice coming from, who was the tone of the question, and an old official like Xu Jie could already hear the wind and know where he was going, so he didn't answer this sentence, waiting for Yan Song to reply.

Ever since Yan Song lost his hearing, it was very difficult for him to call each other correctly. If he couldn't hear the words correctly, then it was time for him to retire. At this moment, he looked at Jiajing: "I would like to ask the emperor, but ask the ministers?"

Jiajing: "Hu Zongxian is your student, so I should have a letter for you."

Yan Song: "Back to the emperor, Hu Zongxian has not written a letter to his ministers since he made a memorial before he reported his illness. But the minister knows about his illness. The governor of Nanzhili visited him recently and said that he was sick from overwork. It won’t last a year or so.”

Jiajing was a little sad: "Hu Zongxian is a person who has made great contributions. Write him a letter and tell him to take good care of his illness and take care of his family. Don't get involved in the affairs of the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau. If something goes wrong, save face Not pretty."

Yan Song: "I will write to him tomorrow."

Jiajing raised his voice: "I told you last time that everyone's sons and disciples should be taken care of. For example, Hai Rui, the county magistrate in Chun'an, has presented me with a problem this time. The common people in An have been exempted from their grain debts from the Weaving Bureau this year, and they want me to be exempted from taxes in Chun'an County for three years. He loves the people and asks the court to pay for it, so I have no choice but to admit it. Now someone has come out to speak for him, and he is still in charge. He wanted to promote him to be a magistrate. But he himself proposed that he would go to Fenyi, Jiangxi to be a county magistrate. Zhao Zhenji also approved his request, and asked me to allow him to go to Fenyi. Fenyi is the hometown of Yan Ge, and they did so What do you mean? Mr. Xu Ge, do you know what it means?"

Yan Song was startled.Xu Jie was also surprised when he knelt there, and had to raise his head at this moment: "Go back to the emperor, I don't know about this matter."

Jiajing then looked at Yan Song: "Old Yan Ge, what do you think of transferring this person to your hometown?"

How could Yan Song know Jiajing's intention of suddenly picking up this double-edged sword at this moment!Fortunately, in the past 20 years, I don't know how many times this kind of response has been made, so I had to remain unchanged and respond to all changes, and replied in accordance with Jiajing's words: "'The shore of the land, could it be a king's minister.'" Where to take office. If this Hai Rui is an upright official, it would be a blessing for the people in my hometown to be able to go to my hometown."

Jiajing waved his hand: "It's fine if you are an honest official. I'm afraid that some people will use the name of an honest official to stir up trouble everywhere, lest the world will not be chaotic. Lu Fang."

Lu Fang: "The servant is here."

Jiajing: "Has Zhu Qi called?"

Lu Fang: "Going back to the emperor, I'm already waiting outside the palace."

Jiajing: "Tell him to come in."

Lu Fang walked to the side of the noodle door and said to the eunuch on duty outside, "Broadcast to Zhu Qi."

"Yes." The outside answered.

As soon as Lu Fang walked back to his original position and stood up, Zhu Qi's tall figure appeared outside the open door, his sight just enough to look at Jiajing who was sitting on the futon, and he fell to his knees, like a mountain, with a "bang" He kowtowed outside the door: "Slave Zhu Qi kowtows to the Emperor Long Live!"

"Is the person who understands the Japanese escorted back?" Jiajing asked.

Zhu Qi: "Go back to Lord Long Live, I've brought you back, and I'll be locked up in the Imperial Prison."

Jiajing: "There is someone here who wrote the book, saying that this person was released by Hai Rui. He knew he was a Japanese, why did Hai Rui let him go?"

Zhu Qi: "Go back to Lord Long Live. According to the inquiries of the servants and others, Hai Rui thought that this person had no proof of his connection with the Japanese, so he let him go."

Jiajing: "The pirate leader Inoue has confessed to everything, isn't that evidence?"

Zhu Qi: "Go back to Long Live, the Japanese thief leader is called Inoue Shishiro, and this Qi Dazhu who was captured by his slaves was trading grain for raw silk on the Xin'anjiang boat, so he was taken by the officers and soldiers. Hai Rui thinks this incident is not enough to prove that Qi Dazhu Tongwo."

Jiajing: "What about you? Have you checked?"

Zhu Qi: "Going back to Lord Long Live, the servants also went to investigate, but the Shishiro Inoue was taken away by He Maocai, who was in the yamen, and disappeared. Therefore, the servants can't continue to investigate."

Jiajing: "Then do you think this person has an affair? Is there any connection between Hai Rui and this matter?"

Zhu Qi was silent.

Jiajing: "Did you lose your throat?"

Lu Fang answered: "Say what you want, and answer clearly."

"Yes." Zhu Qi responded, raising his voice, "Long Live Lord, with years of experience in handling cases as a slave, this Qi Dazhu is not like a person who understands Japanese. And Hai Rui, he arrived from Fujian on the third day of June this year. Hangzhou, Chun'an, who arrived on the sixth day of June, never knew Qi Dazhu. Even if Qi Dazhu had an affair with the Japanese, Hai Rui didn't know about it either."

"Dare to let people go without knowing?" Jiajing asked forcefully.

Zhu Qi couldn't answer, and knelt there silently.

There was silence inside and outside the abode.

Although Jiajing and Zhu Qi were asking and answering during this period of time, Yan Song and Xu Jie had been listening nervously and pondering in their hearts, waiting for Jiajing to finally show his cards.

"Lu Fang." Jiajing broke the silence.

"The servant is here." Lu Fang replied quickly.

Jiajing: "I think you should clean up the yamen of the Zhenfusi. This Zhu Qi, known as Qiye, you have been praising him in front of me all the time, and now you have seen it? You can't understand a case like this. , and even interceded for the people who communicated with the Japanese." At this point, he stared at Zhu Qisheng and turned stern: "Jin Yiwei is arresting people, and the case has not been tried. Why did you settle the case first? Who told you? Fall in love!"

Zhu Qi was stunned for a moment, raised his head and stared blankly at Jiajing there.

Although Yan Song and Xu Jie lowered their heads slightly at this time, everything seemed to be understood. This time, the emperor accepted the Yan family's father and son.

"Respond!" Seeing that Zhu Qi was stunned, Lu Fang yelled.

"Damn the slave!" Zhu Qi replied, and slammed his head on the brick floor outside the door. The man with a copper head and iron bones lost his temper in a moment of impatience. When he touched his head, he saw countless fragments splashing on the brick floor stand up!
Lu Fang was shocked, and quickly dodged to block Jiajing, so as not to splash the splinters on Jiajing.

Yan Song and Xu Jie were also startled, and looked out the door together.

Fortunately, there was a door leaf and a threshold between them, and none of the bricks that Zhu Qi smashed down with his head flew into the abode.It's just that the brick on the ground has been smashed to pieces, and a big hole has been sunken.

Lu Fang's face was pale, knowing that the disaster was serious, she spoke hastily: "It's, it's the sky! Come!"

Two eunuchs on duty soon appeared outside the door.

Lu Fang pointed at Zhu Qi: "Take him to Chen Hong and Eunuch Chen, and wait for his release!"

"Yes." The two eunuchs on duty went to fetch Zhu Qi.

"No need." Jiajing fixed the hands of the two eunuchs in mid-air with one sentence, "It's nothing more than demolishing this golden palace of mine."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Fang hurriedly knelt down.The two eunuchs on duty outside the door also knelt down beside Zhu Qi.

It was Yan Song and Xu Jie who were both nervous and embarrassed. At this time, they wanted to kneel down and not do their own business. If they didn't kneel down, Jiajing would be furious at this time, and they both froze there.

Jiajing glanced at them: "Just demolish the Jinluan Hall, and each of you can't get a few tiles to go."

This forced him to kneel down, and both Yan Song and Xu Jie knelt down.

At this time, it was Zhu Qi who raised his head and straightened his body to look at Jiajing: "I have nothing to say, I committed a heinous crime, and I will go to the criminal department to wait for my execution!"

Those five people were lying on their stomachs, and only Jiajing's eyes followed Zhu Qi's.Zhu Qi immediately felt that there was no anger in Long Live Lord's eyes.At this time, Jiajing shifted his eyes to his forehead again, and saw that there was nothing wrong with it, and a half-smile flashed across the corner of his mouth: "What does smashing a brick have to do with the sky? I don't want you to die, and I don't want this brick to die." No change. I still want you to interrogate that Qi Dazhu. If it has anything to do with Hai Rui, punish Hai Rui. If it has anything to do with others, punish others. If it has nothing to do with anyone, except for this curse, let him pass the New Year. Let you fill the ground with a brick."

Zhu Qi seemed to have seen something from Jiajing's deep eyes, and at this moment, he was so confused that he had to knock his head on the threshold: "Thank you Long Live Lord Long En!" Then he stood up and walked out of the hall.

Jiajing stared at Zhu Qishan's back and admired the disappearance, then turned to Yan Song, Xu Jie and Lu Fang who were kneeling on the ground: "I am not surprised, why are you surprised? Get up."

Yan Song, Xu Jie and Lu Fang all stood up, but the two eunuchs on duty were still kneeling outside the door, Lu Fang said, "Zhu Qi is gone, why are you still waiting for the New Year?"

The two eunuchs on duty hurriedly got up, bowed and retreated.

Lu Fang's words made Jiajing break into a smile, and looked at Yan Song and Xu Jie who had already sat down: "Are people in your family also so naughty?"

Yan Song and Xu Jie bowed their bodies at the same time, and answered indiscriminately almost at the same time: "Yes."

Jiajing: "You've all heard about that guy from Zhejiang. Let the town governor go to trial. I won't tolerate anyone involved. Xu Jie."

Calling him by his first name again, Xu Jie quickly stood up: "The minister is here."

Jiajing: "The chapter that asked me to transfer Hai Rui to Yange's hometown was written by your student Zhao Zhenji. Do you think this Hai Rui can still be used?"

Xu Jie: "At least this person will be dismissed pending further investigation before the trial of Tongwo's affair is investigated."

"En." Jiajing responded, and looked at Yan Song again, "Old Yan Ge, is Yan Shifan satisfied with handling this case?"

Yan Song also stood up: "I thought that the matter of Tongwa had absolutely nothing to do with Hai Rui. I agreed with Zhao Zhenji's proposal to let Hai Rui go to Jiangxi Fenyi County to serve as magistrate."

Jiajing: "Mr. Yan Ge, this is for my face. Lu Fang."

Lu Fang: "The servant is here."

Jiajing: "Hai Rui was recommended by my son to the official department. You pass on my oral order to King Yu, and Yan Ge always gives him face, so I will not pursue this Hai Rui, and tell him not to recommend to the official department indiscriminately in the future. people."

Lu Fang: "Yes."

Jiajing: "Jiangsu and Zhejiang are places where the imperial court pays heavy taxes. Hai Rui can no longer stay in Zhejiang. Transfer to Jiangxi, but don't go to Yange's hometown. There is Xingguo County two hundred miles away from Yange's hometown. The people there are suffering, so let them He's going there. Elder Xu Ge, you send this post to Zhao Zhenji tomorrow."

Xu Jie: "Yes."

"Bored. I have to open the window to get some air." Jiajing also stood up from the futon.

Lu Fang went to the window and opened the windows one by one, and the cold wind came in immediately.

Jiajing's silk robe immediately floated up, looking at Yan Song and Xu Jie: "It's cold here, you should all go back to your hot nest. It's almost Chinese New Year, let's talk about other things after the New Year."

Yan Song and Xu Jie knelt down slowly and kowtowed: "Yes."

Xu Jie stood up by himself, Lu Fang helped Yan Song to stand up too, and the two of them retreated slowly.

Jiajing looked out of the corner of his eye at the two who had exited the door.

Yan Song was bewildered.

Xu Jie looked sad.

(End of this chapter)

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