Chapter 111

Zhang Juzheng: "At that time, Grandfather Cheng knew that there were these two fetishes, so he sent many people to look for Zhang Zhenren, wanting to get them! But several people have been looking for them for more than 20 years, and Zhang Zhenren doesn't know where they are. These two fetishes Naturally disappeared."

"How did Master Zhang get it?" Concubine Li asked hastily.

Zhang Juzheng became serious: "God bless me Daming! It was sent by two women."

When Concubine Li heard about a woman, she became even more curious: "What woman?"

Zhang Juzheng: "The two strange women who are chaste and fierce, their husbands, the princes and concubines, all know, and their affairs are also related to our affairs, and my Daming's affairs."

King Yu became impatient with anxiety: "Stop asking questions, let's talk straight."

"Yes." Zhang Juzheng immediately said briefly, "One of these two women is Gao Hanwen's wife, and the other is the wife of Qi Dazhu who may be killed tomorrow by the Zhen Fusi."

King Yu and Concubine Li immediately looked at each other.

Zhang Juzheng: "The prince and the concubine both know that the Yan family and his son arrested Qi Dazhu for the purpose of beating Hai Rui, and the purpose of beating Hai Rui is to beat the prince. Although the emperor will not pursue it now, he can kill this person. In the future, we will pursue Yan Shifan." One big piece of evidence is missing."

King Yu and Concubine Li looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

Zhang Juzheng: "The Japanese leader Inoue Shishiro in Zhejiang was obviously bought by Zheng Michang and He Maocai to deal with Gao Hanwen and Hai Rui, and bought the land in Chun'an and Jiande for them. Now that you kill Qi Dazhu, you will become ours Tongwa, don't kill Qi Dazhu, this account will always be settled on Yan Shifan's head in the future. Qi Dazhu's woman lives in Gao Hanwen's house, and Gao Hanwen's wife is from a scholarly family in the south of the Yangtze River. She gave these two gods. They want to pray The prince and the concubine, when the concubine brings the sons to worship the emperor tomorrow, present the fetish, plead with the emperor, and save Qi Dazhu's life."

When King Yu heard this, he frowned, hesitated for a while, and shook his head: "Father has already passed on this matter to me, we can't talk about it anymore."

"My lord." Concubine Li looked at King Yu, "Let me meet these two women first."

King Yu: "What are you doing seeing them?"

Concubine Li: "Master Zhang has already made it very clear. Killing this Qi Dazhu will always fall on the prince's head. Leaving this Qi Dazhu behind may be an ironclad proof in the future. I will meet them and ask the matter. Understood, when I see my father tomorrow, I have the fetish of Zhang Zhenren and the Taoist robes embroidered by my concubine for my father. If my father is happy, I will gently remind my father of this matter. If I can’t say it, I will Don’t say anything, it will never make the emperor unhappy.”

King Yu was a little tempted, and looked at Zhang Juzheng: "This is a big matter, should I invite Master Xu and Master Gao to discuss it."

Zhang Juzheng: "My lord, this matter should either not be done or done. The fewer people who know about it, the better. Besides, Mr. Xu Ge has been reprimanded by the emperor since the last time, and he has always been behind closed doors. It's better not to call them Good. Whether you talk about it tomorrow or not, you might as well let the princess meet those two women tonight."

King Yu thought about it again, and seemed to have made up his mind: "Let's see each other then. Be careful and don't spread any taboo words."

Concubine Li: "The concubine knows."

King Yu said to Zhang Juzheng, "Let's go to the study."

Concubine Li hurried to open the door: "Take the cloaks of the prince and Master Zhang."

Two maidservants came in, took off the cloaks of King Yu and Zhang Juzheng, and put them on for them.

He could vaguely see heavy snow falling outside, and immediately a eunuch ran over from the other side of the yard with two lanterns, and walked out following King Yu and Zhang Juzheng.

On the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, the snow stopped suddenly, and the sky was clear, the sun was so white that it was dazzling, and the Xiyuan Forbidden City was full of palace ridges, wall ridges, and thick snow reflecting the sun's rays. The weather was so bright that people's eyes were a little open Not open.

From the steps of the main hall of Yuxi Palace to the gate on the opposite side of the main hall, the snow on the path in the middle has been shoveled and swept away. There are three steps on both sides of the path, and there are eunuchs and maids standing there. Long strips of streamers and flags, some holding palace lanterns strung together, were silent.

"My lord, he is finally here!" Lu Fang smiled and walked down the stone steps outside the palace gate.

At the other end of the road, a warm sedan chair carried by four people immediately quickened its pace towards this side.

The warm sedan stopped under the stone steps outside the palace gate, two maids lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, and Concubine Li came out with the prince in her arms.

Lu Fang knelt down: "The servant kowtows to see the princess, and kowtows to the son!"

Concubine Li laughed hurriedly: "Eunuch Lu please get up."

Lu Fang still kowtowed, then stood up with a smile, and looked at the son: "The son is really a dragon, one year old is like a three-year-old. You are so good at taking care of me, princess, you have merit!"

Concubine Li smiled and said to the prince: "Do you remember this father-in-law, he accompanied Grandpa Huang to visit you during the full moon. He is Feng Daban's father."

The son was blinded by the sunlight and snow, but he widened his eyes when he heard this, and looked at Lu Fang. Seeing Lu Fang's smile, he smiled too.

Concubine Li: "My dear son, let Feng Daban's father hold him, and the concubine mother will take in a gift for the emperor's grandfather."

Lu Fang patted both hands lightly, stretched out, Shizi hesitated for a moment and let him hug him.

Concubine Li: "Please bring out the tribute."

The two maids quickly took out the rusty box and a mahogany box from the sedan chair, and presented them to Concubine Li.

Concubine Li was holding the two boxes, and Lu Fang was holding the prince on one side to guide them, climbed the stone steps, and walked into the gate of the palace.

In the main hall, as an exception, four pots of open fires were burned with sandalwood, and two incense tripods were added in the abode, and open fires were also lit with sandalwood, and the windows were closed.The hall is full of fragrance, warm as spring.Lu Fang has been by the emperor's side for so many years, and she has never seen anyone enjoy the kindness of Jiajing.

Two doors were opened across the jingshe and the main hall, and two court ladies supported Concubine Li, one on the left and the other on the right, and Lu Fang walked in with the prince in her arms.

Today, Jiajing put on a bright yellow robe over a long silk gown, and sat on the futon with a rare smile on his face.

After Concubine Li entered the door, she knelt down, Lu Fang put down her eldest son, and had Feng Bao teach him so many times at home, at this moment, his eldest son also knelt down next to Concubine Li.

Concubine Li put the two boxes in her hand beside her, and kowtowed her head: "Prince Yu's side concubine, Li Shi, led his son Zhu Yijun to kowtow to Grandpa Huang, and wish Grandpa Huang long live! Long live! Long live!"

The prince propped his hands on the ground and kowtowed his head and said, "Long live the emperor!"

Jiajing smiled: "Let's be flat."

"Yes." Concubine Li answered but did not go to help the prince, but stood up holding the two wooden boxes.

Jiajing's face immediately darkened, and Lu Fang quickly knelt down on one leg to help the son up.

"Your mother doesn't care about you, come to the emperor's grandfather." Jiajing looked at the son, and he immediately issued a warning for such a detail.

The son was still a little timid, thanks to Feng Bao's countless coaches, he still walked towards Jiajing step by step, and Jiajing stretched out his hand and hugged him on his lap.

Concubine Li is such a smart person. She did this to attract Jiajing's attention. When she got closer, she didn't sit down on the embroidered pier beside Jiajing, but knelt down again and lifted up the two wooden boxes. : "The courtiers and concubines are entrusted by King Yu, and there are tributes to the father."

Jiajing's tone was not as gentle as before, and he asked coldly: "What tribute is more important than my grandson?"

"Father forgives the sin." Concubine Li was very solemn, "There is a tribute that is embroidered by the sons and daughters and concubines to the father, and there are five thousand words of the Taoist scriptures on it."

When Jiajing heard this, his face immediately softened a lot, and he glanced at Lu Fang.

Lu Fang understood and went to pick up the box. Concubine Li said quickly, "It's the one below."

Lu Fang held the larger box below, Concubine Li freed her hand and still held the smaller box above, Lu Fang took out the big wooden box and walked to the imperial case to open it, then picked up the Taoist robe and walked to Jiajing In front of him, he held his shoulders and showed him.

Jiajing looked around.

He has already memorized the "Tao Te Ching" backwards, no matter which sentence in the middle can tell the front and back. At this time, when he saw the Gongkai characters embroidered with gold thread on the Taoist robe, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart: "It was all embroidered by you." of?"

Concubine Li: "Return to Father Emperor, the characters are written by King Yu, the sewing work of sons, ministers and concubines."

Jiajing: "It's rare for you to have such a heart. Lu Fang, put it away, and wear it when I respect heaven."

"Yes." Lu Fang walked to a hanger with the Taoist robe in her hands, and put the Taoist robe on the hanger where a long gown was already hanging.

Jiajing couldn't help looking at the Taoist robe on the hanger again. After hanging it up, he could see it more clearly. Every word and every line was a line from the neckline to the sleeves to the front, which showed that a lot of effort was spent.

"What treasure is in that box?" Jiajing smiled warmly at this moment.

Concubine Li held up the copper box: "My son, minister and concubine have something to say, first I must ask my father to forgive me."

Jiajing: "Say what you have, there is no crime."

Concubine Li: "The things in this copper box are heavenly things, please ask Father to come down and pick them up in person."

When Jiajing heard that, a rare surprise appeared on his face, and he stared at the box suspiciously.

Lu Fang was also a little nervous. She glanced at the box and then at Jiajing.

Jiajing hesitated for a moment, and with the intention of leaving his seat, Lu Fang hurried over and embraced the son with both hands.

Jiajing got off the futon, walked to the box, and didn't pick it up right away: "What kind of thing is it?"

Concubine Li lowered her head and replied: "Father, these are the two scriptures written with the blood of Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Zhenren!"

Jiajing's eyes widened: "Is it the two scriptures that Emperor Cheng Zuwen sent people to look for?"

Concubine Li: "Go back to Father, that's right."

Jiajing quickly took the copper box and walked to the imperial case, put down the wooden box, and then lifted the lid of the box, his eyes straightened immediately!

On the cover of the yellowed manuscript, there are two lines of characters written in dark red, "Taishang Daojun Tao Dezheng Jing".

Jiajing's hands trembled a little. He reached in and picked up the manuscript, trembling as he opened the first page.

——The text of the scriptures written in blood rushes forward!

Jiajing is there.

Lu Fang supported the eldest son and knelt down immediately, and said loudly: "Heaven descended, bless me, bless me, bless my emperor! This servant congratulates the emperor!"

Only then did Jiajing regain his senses, that smile seemed to come from the inside of the Tianling Gai, it made one's scalp go numb!

"How did you get it!" Jiajing's eyes were still fixed on the manuscript.

Concubine Li shifted her kneeling position and faced Jiajing: "Go back to the emperor, my sons and concubines dare not speak."

Jiajing's gaze slowly shifted to her.

Lu Fang immediately became vigilant, and said to the maids serving on both sides and the eunuch outside the door: "You all go out!"

"Yes." Both the maid and the eunuch backed out gently.

Jiajing also realized that this matter had a great cause, so he put the manuscript back into the box, walked back to the futon and sat down: "Just say, no matter how you get it, it is a great contribution."

Concubine Li summoned up her courage: "Father, this letter was sent to the mansion by Qi Dazhu's daughter-in-law."

"What, whose daughter-in-law?" Jiajing didn't hear clearly for a while.

Concubine Li: "Father, the daughter-in-law of Qi Dazhu who was imprisoned in Zhenfu Sizhao Prison in Zhejiang Province was sent to the mansion last night."

Now I understand it, Jiajing's expression is very strange, and his face suddenly becomes cloudy and uncertain.

The prince was frightened and shrank back, Lu Fang quickly squatted down and hugged him.

Jiajing felt that he had lost his composure, and tried his best to soften his tone: "Speak."

Concubine Li: "Yes. Last night at Xushi, the doorman came to report to King Yu, saying that there was a woman who had a fetish from heaven to present to the emperor. King Yu and his sons and concubines met her. She presented this letter nerve."

"Why does she have this thing... this kind of nerve?" Jiajing asked anxiously, saying "thing" for nerves, and he quickly changed it.

Concubine Li: "Going back to Emperor Father, King Yu and his sons and concubines have asked. This woman is a virtuous person. Since her husband was imprisoned, she has been guarding the gate of the prison every day for a month. The wind and snow have never stopped. She said that her husband was suffering inside, and she also wanted to accompany her outside. Yesterday when it was dark, she was still there, waiting for her husband to be tortured, and then martyred outside the prison. At this time, she said that a Taoist came suddenly ..."

"What Taoist? What does it look like?" Jiajing interrupted her and asked anxiously.

Concubine Li: "She said that she couldn't see clearly when it was dark, but she could only see the Taoist man's hair and beard whiter than snow, and the Taoist robe he was wearing was also very dirty. She smiled when she looked at her."

"Really Zhang!" Jiajing blurted out.

Concubine Li stopped.

"Speak, continue." Jiajing urged.

Concubine Li: "Yes. The woman said that the Taoist said to her that Mingjun is in power, and God has sent many people to assist Mingjun. Her husband is also one of them. He will not die. After saying that, give it to him I bought her this copper box and asked her to come to the mansion overnight, saying that the concubines and princes will enter the palace the next day and present it to the emperor, and the emperor will understand everything."

After decades of cultivating Taoism, Jiajing believed it in his bones, not to mention being obsessed. Hearing Concubine Li's narration at this time, he couldn't help but feel a rush of blood, and sat there so excited that he couldn't speak.

The abode was so quiet that even the crown prince held his breath.

"Lu Fang." Jiajing stared blankly into the distance, and the voice seemed to come from afar.

Lu Fangben was squatting next to the prince, and knelt down: "Long live lord, the servant is here."

Jiajing: "Real Master Zhang has come into the world, send more people to look for him."

Lu Fang also felt a little creepy, and replied tremblingly: "Yes."

"What time is it?" Jiajing asked again, his voice returning from the dharma body to the physical body.

Lu Fang: "Return to master, it's almost noon."

Jiajing's eyes snapped back: "Immediately go to prison and keep people under the sword!"

Concubine Li was calm on the surface, and the heart that had been raised in her throat was finally slowly put back into her cavity - Qi Dazhu's life was finally saved.

According to court etiquette, on the first day of the first lunar month every year, all officials in Beijing should go to worship the emperor outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.However, since the "Renyin Palace Change" in the 21st year of Jiajing, there was a mass murder of the emperor by the maids in the palace, so Jiajing moved out of the Forbidden City and moved into Xiyuan.Since then, the etiquette of worshiping the emperor in the Hall of Supreme Harmony on the first day of the junior high school has also been abolished.Instead, this day became the day when Jiajing set up an altar to worship in Xiyuan.

On the first day of the first lunar month in the 41st year of Jiajing, the ceremony of offering sacrifices was even more grand.The main hall of Yuxi Palace, which is occasionally used as a collegiate cabinet and supervisor for state affairs, has been converted into a dojo today.Daoists with positions above the fourth grade in Chaotianguan worship "Lingxiao Shangqing Tong Lei Yuanyang Miao Yifei Yuanzhenjun", "Nine Heavens Hongjiao Puji Shengling Palm Yin and Yang Gonggu Dao Siren Ziji Immortal Weng Yiyang Daoist Yuanxu Yuanying Kaihua subdue demons, loyal and filial emperor", "Taishang Daluo Tianxian Ziji Longevity Sage Zhao Lingtong Yuan Zheng Ying Yuxu, head of Wulei Dazhen Yuandu Jing Wanshou Emperor" Emperor Jiajing ordered, with bells and drums I came here when I was in Mao, and I was in the second class. I wanted to do a Luo Tian Dajiao to celebrate the birth of Daoist Zhang, and Emperor Jiajing was delighted to get the blood scriptures of Daoist Daoist!

Above the altar hangs a banner of bright yellow brocade inlaid with black silk, embroidered with a line of "Nine Heavens Induction, Communication, Micro-manifestation, Real Man Comes to the World, Shows His Body, and Presents Eternal Peaceful Sutra, Luo Tian Dajiao"; in front of the altar, the huge Xuande The copper censer is full of incense smoke; but the altar on the north wall is still empty, with neither a tablet nor a real image.

Two groups of Taoist priests sat cross-legged solemnly in front of the ritual vessels on both sides of the main hall, waiting respectfully for Zhenjun Feiyuan, Emperor Zhongxiao and Emperor Jiajing, who ascended the altar to preside over the sacrificial offering.

The gate of the main hall was open, and the banners and banners were divided into two rows from the gate of the hall and lined up along the sidewalk to the gate of the palace in the distance.

Jiajing combed his hair in a bun, put on a vanilla crown, and was wearing the Taoist robe embroidered with Lao Tzu's Five Thousand Words Sutra presented by Concubine Li.

Standing on the left side of the imperial case was Lu Fang, also wearing a vanilla crown on her head at this time, holding a big alms bowl in which there was still half of the incense ink left.

On the right side of the imperial case stood Lan Daoxing, the master of Chaotian Temple, with Fuchen in his arms, fingers in his hands, and his eyes slightly closed, chanting words there.

Jiajing's pen completed the final tick!
On the huge rice paper in the imperial case, a figure wearing a ragged hat, a ragged cassock, and a coir raincoat on his back is lifelike and ready to appear!
This is Zhang Sanfeng, who spread from the Song Dynasty through the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty and was named "Tongwei Xianhua Real Man" by Ming Yingzong, and was called Zhang Sloppy by the people.

"The real man has come into the world!" Lu Fang knelt down holding the bowl.

Lan Daoxing also stopped chanting the mantra, and looked over: "Welcome to the real man!" He also knelt down.

Jiajing put down his pen, clasped his hands together and raised his French fingers, stood there and lowered his head.

"God card please! I want to honor Zhang Zhenren with the title!" Jiajing's eyes sparkled!
(End of this chapter)

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