Chapter 114

It's less than an hour since the ion time, and time flies so fast, King Yu couldn't sit still for a long time, and walked back and forth in the study.Xu Jie and Zhang Juzheng couldn't sit still anymore, they both stood in front of their chairs, looking at the open study door.

"Back!" Finally, the voice of the eunuch on duty came from outside the door.

King Yu immediately stopped and looked towards the door of the study.

The eyes of Xu Jie and Zhang Juzheng were also fixed at the door of the study.

Feng Bao appeared at the door of the study panting, holding the door frame with one hand and gasping for breath.

"Have you seen Eunuch Lu?" King Yu asked urgently.

Panting for breath, Feng Bao knelt down softly along the door frame: "Slave, slave waited so hard..."

"Did you see it?" King Yu was even more anxious.

Feng Bao: "First, Eunuch Lu was willing to see the slaves until Youshi. It was said that Chen Hong took the lead, and the people who brought up the punishment department and the township department were all called to Xiyuan. After fifteen or sixteen When you are born, you will take someone..."

King Yu's face turned pale, and Xu Jie, Gao Gong, and Zhang Juzheng were all stunned.

"Who are you arresting, did Eunuch Lu tell you?" Xu Jie calmed down after all, and asked in a calm tone as best he could.

Several pairs of eyes turned to Feng Bao again.

Feng Bao took a breather and said, "Eunuch Lu doesn't know either. But before the servant came, the emperor had already summoned Eunuch Lu."

"Has that ticket been approved by Eunuch Lu?" Gao Gong's words came to fruition, and the most important thing right now is how to send Gao Hanwen and his wife out of Beijing.

"Approved, approved..." Feng Bao also remembered the ticket at this moment, took out the ticket from his pocket, and passed it through the door.

"It's late. Even if we go now, we won't be able to send Gao Hanwen and the others away." Xu Jie sighed softly, so that everyone didn't go to pick up the ticket, and Feng Bao kept his hand there.

Xu Jie said again: "Since the emperor wants to investigate this matter, Gao Hanwen and the others will also arrest him after they are sent out of the capital."

"I don't think so!" Gao Gong walked over and grabbed the ticket, "The fact that Daoist Zhang was born into the world has been known to the public. As long as he is sent away, no one dares to make a big fuss to arrest him. The strict party will Our life, the emperor wants his own face!"

In a word, this sentence ignited the fire of hope in everyone's eyes.

"You guys stay here. I'm going to see someone off!" Gao Gong said and was about to go out.

"Master Gao." Zhang Juzheng walked over, "I am a hall official of the Ministry of War, and I have a surveyor from the Ministry of War. I will take people from the Ministry of War, which is better than you." After speaking, he took the card from Gao Gong's hand Piao Li, without further hesitation, stepped over Feng Bao's body and walked out the door.

Only Yu Wang, Xu Jie and Gao Gong were left in the room.

At this time, Xu Jie also showed the momentum of a veteran: "Suqing, you go to Zou Yinglong immediately to get the memorial written by him, and the old man will go to Xiyuan to wait for you. Before midnight, I will fight for it even if I try my best." Send the memorial to the emperor."

"Master Xu, Master Gao!" King Yu called to the two, "Don't go, don't go anywhere...just stay here. The emperor wants to question the crime, and I will bear it."

Xu Jie and Gao Gong felt a surge of warmth and bitterness in their hearts, and they both knelt down.

Gao Gong was the first to say loudly: "My lord, since ancient times, 'Han and thieves are not at odds!' If you don't fight at this time, what do you want us ministers to do!"

Xu Jie: "You can't ask the prince's crime if you ask anyone's crime. The kingdom of Ming Dynasty belongs to the prince."

After saying these two sentences, the two kowtowed knowingly at the same time, Gao Gong helped Xu Jie stand up, and the two walked out at the same time.

King Yu stood there in a daze, suddenly became dizzy and looked like he was about to fall down.

"Master!" Feng Bao, who had been kneeling at the door, bounced up suddenly, rushed in, hugged King Yu, and then shouted outside, "Come here!"

At the end of Haishi, the lantern fairs everywhere dispersed, and the people who watched the lanterns had to return home before midnight, but those who lived in Xiejie and watched the lanterns outside could not return at this time, and were blocked by the officers and soldiers brought by Yan Shifan. At the intersection, they were not allowed to leave. For a while, many people squatted against the wall and next to the intersection, and they were not allowed to speak out, and they did not know what crime they had committed.

There was another sound of the whole team running.Immediately afterwards, another group of officers and soldiers appeared, followed by a large sedan chair and two carriages.

"Is it the waterwheel of the commanding yamen!" the team officer guarding the street asked loudly, leading two soldiers to meet him.

"What waterwheel, which yamen do you belong to?" The team leader approached and asked loudly.

Only then did the officers guarding the street see clearly that the soldiers were also holding lanterns and holding a sedan chair, followed by only two carriages, so there was no waterwheel.

"Stop!" The officer guarding the street blocked the soldiers, "Which Yamen do you belong to? I didn't see that the night is banned here, so take a detour!"

The officer of the team: "You even asked about us. What kind of night is forbidden before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month! Get out of the way!"

"Come on!" The team officer guarding the street shouted.

Many soldiers ran over and blocked the intersection.

The people squatting there looked at the two teams of officers and soldiers in horror.

"What's going on?" Zhang Juzheng came out from the place where the car curtain was lifted.

"Master Zhang!" Of course the team officer guarding the street knew him, so he didn't dare to neglect him. He hurriedly approached him and gave a military salute with one leg, "I don't know if it's Master Zhang driving, but the younger one will make an apology first."

Zhang Juzheng: "It's a big festival, what are you doing here?"

The team officer guarding the intersection hesitated for a moment: "It's really hard for the young ones to answer the adults' words. Please understand the difficulties of the young ones, and take a detour somewhere."

Zhang Juzheng smiled: "I just want to enter this street, where do you want me to go around?"

The team officer guarding the street was stunned: "May I ask whose house you are going to?"

Zhang Juzheng withdrew his smile: "How dare you question me? The whole team entered the street. If anyone dares to block the way, take it down immediately." He said and got into the sedan chair.

"Yes!" The team officer with him answered very loudly, "The whole team enters the street!"

This team of officers and soldiers held their guns straight, and those carrying knives drew their knives, and trotted towards Xiejie.

The team officers guarding the street first stepped aside, and the soldiers naturally moved to both sides.

This team of officers and soldiers embraced Zhang Juzheng's sedan chair and the two carriages and came to the gate of Gao Hanwen's mansion. Zhang Juzheng got off the sedan chair, but the soldiers guarding the door were about to stop him, and the team officer who followed Zhang Juzheng scolded, holding a knife handle: "I'm blind!" Damn, didn't you see that it was Mr. Zhang? Get out of the way!"

The soldier knew Zhang Juzheng, but he was brought by Yan Shifan, and he was thinking about what to do inside, when he was pulled away by the team officer.The team officer opened the way ahead and led Zhang Juzheng into the Gaofu.

Yan Shifan stared wide-eyed, looking at Zhang Juzheng who walked in slowly.

When Gao Hanwen saw Zhang Juzheng appearing at this time, his eyes shone brightly.

"Elder Xiaoge also knows?" Zhang Juzheng didn't look at Gao Hanwen, but only bowed his hands to Yan Shifan.

"What do I know? What are you doing here?" Before Yan Shifan came here, he had already sent people to quietly surround Zhang Juzheng's mansion, and when he was ordered to arrest him, Zhang Juzheng appeared here?Yan Shifan was suspicious for a while, and he forgot the minimum etiquette, and did not return the courtesy, staring at Zhang Juzheng and asking.

"Of course it's about Gao Hanwen." Zhang Juzheng replied, turning to look at Gao Hanwen, "There is an approval document from the cabinet, Gao Hanwen listen carefully."

Gao Hanwen stared at Zhang Juzheng in a daze, and slowly knelt down.

Yan Shifan was also there in a daze, staring at Zhang Juzheng with wide eyes.

Zhang Juzheng took out a ticket from his sleeve, and read it aloud: "There is a censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate impeaching the Hanlin Academy to compile Gao Hanwen, saying that Gao Hanwen, as a scholar in the literary garden, was ordered by the court to take prostitutes as his wives. The regulations of the Great Ming Huidian have tarnished the official admonitions! Now it has been verified by the Ministry of Officials, and it has been reported to the cabinet to draw up a bill and approved by the Supervisor of Rituals. It will be edited and compiled by the Gao Hanwen Hanlin Academy. It will be dismissed as a commoner and never used. Immediately after that, he was expelled from the capital and handed over his place of origin." After the reading, he looked at Gao Hanwen again, "Gao Hanwen, the carriage has been prepared for you, pack it up, and leave Beijing immediately with your family."

After listening to Zhang Juzheng's words, Gao Hanwen stood up slowly, looking at Zhang Juzheng's eyes like the ice of a millennium cold river!

Yan Shifan suddenly came to his senses: "Where are you from?"

Zhang Juzheng: "Since it is drafted, it is of course the cabinet's."

Yan Shifan: "Which cabinet? Have you ever seen Yan Ge?"

Zhang Juzheng: "Master Yan, do you have to read the approval documents from the cabinet?"

"Fake!" Yan Shifan roared, "The old man is the chief assistant of the cabinet, and I haven't even seen him. How can the cabinet draw up votes? And who dares to criticize red?"

Zhang Juzheng was not in a hurry: "Your Majesty Yan's words are a little wrong. Last July, the emperor made a decree, and the daily affairs of the cabinet were handled by Mr. Xu Ge. After that, the cabinet was drafted by Mr. Xu Ge and reported to the Supervisor of Ceremonies for approval. This ticket was drafted by Mr. Xu Ge, and approved by Eunuch Lu. Could it be that the vote was drafted by Mr. Yan Ge, and they are all fake?"

Yan Shifan knew that he had already done it: "Okay, you draw up your votes, we draw up ours! Gao Hanwen has a big case on his body, so he is not allowed to leave tonight!"

"Must go tonight!" Zhang Juzheng protested sternly, "Master Yan, if you have other cases, you can file the case through the Three Law Departments tomorrow and report it to the cabinet for trial. Come!"

The team officer following Zhang Juzheng walked in at the sound.

Zhang Juzheng: "You help to count the luggage of the leather workers, and send the leather workers and their families out of the city gate with the survey and cooperation from the Ministry of War."

The team officer: "Yes!"

"Who dares!" Before the team officer turned around, Yan Shifan yelled at him, and then stared at Zhang Juzheng, "I mean, it's a serial game, killing people and killing people!"

Zhang Juzheng was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned cold: "What does Master Yan mean by this, what kills people to silence him?"

Yan Shifan sneered: "Tell them to deceive the emperor secretly, and now that the matter is about to be revealed, tell them to set themselves on fire! Gao Hanwen, you don't understand at this time!"

Zhang Juzheng was also confused, and looked at Gao Hanwen blankly.

"It's none of Mr. Zhang's business." Gao Hanwen replied calmly, "Xiao Ge always wants to accuse me and Zhuo Jing of deceiving the emperor. Zhuo Jing has prepared dry firewood and oil in the backyard. She, she had to die together."

Zhang Juzheng was also shocked. Only then did he understand why someone asked about the water tanker when he entered the street just now. He slowly looked at Gao Hanwen: "That's not the case. Gao Hanwen, go and call your wife out, and I'll send you out of Beijing."

"No one can leave! Come!" Yan Shifan roared.

One of his team officers ran in.

Yan Shifan: "This house and this street are under my control. No one is allowed to go out, let alone let a person into the backyard! Also, why hasn't the water truck that leads the yamen come!"

"Yes!" His team officer ran out, yelling all the way from the courtyard to the courtyard gate, and many soldiers ran into the courtyard gate, confronting Zhang Juzheng and his soldiers there.

The team officer yelled at the soldiers again: "What is the commander's yamen doing? Why isn't the water tanker coming? Hurry up!"

Zhang Juzheng knew that Gao Hanwen and Yunniang were determined to die. Although his mood was complicated at this time, he already understood that Yan Shifan would not be able to catch him, so he calmed down and shouted: "Security to the courtyard gate! No one is allowed to come again!" Get in and out of this house!"

His team officer also shouted loudly outside, and immediately led soldiers to block the door.

The soldiers brought by Yan Shifan and the soldiers brought by Zhang Juzheng were blocked in the courtyard.

Then, Zhang Juzheng simply sat down: "It's the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the 41st year of Jiajing. I didn't expect to sit here with Mr. Xiaoge and wait for the holiday."

"Zhang Taiyue!" Yan Shifan was so angry that he rushed to him and shouted at him, "You are also a Jinshi in Jiajing for 26 years, and you have been a Jinshi for 15 years. You know, no one will end well if you fight against the cabinet and the court!"

Zhang Juzheng: "It's still the time of Haishi on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Mr. Xiaoge, let's talk about unlucky words after the end of the day."

"Okay, okay, then we'll wait until Zishi!" Yan Shifan lifted his robe abruptly and sat down.

The flaming torches and bright lanterns illuminate the courtyard outside the supervisor's room brighter than the lantern market!
Dozens of officials with more than a thousand households in the Division of Prosecution and the Division of Zhenfu suddenly received an order that there was a large prison, and many people were to be arrested, and they all gathered in the courtyard at this time!

Chen Hong is the chief eunuch of Bingbi, and according to the regulations, he is in charge of the punishment department and the township department.At this time, he and several other Bingbi eunuchs stood in a line in front of the door of the duty room, looking coldly at the eunuchs of the East Factory and the head of Jinyiwei of the Zhenfu Department in the yard.

There were faint sounds of fireworks and firecrackers in the distance, but here there was only the occasional crackling sound of torches burning.

Chen Hong coughed and said, "Are all the teams ready?"

"Back to Eunuch Chen, everything is ready!" Several heads of the criminal punishment department and the township department replied together.

Chen Hong looked up at the small moon in the west of the sky: "It's the end of Haishi. Give our family some energy, and we will split up as soon as the order of Long Live Zishi arrives."

"Yes!" The heads responded in unison.

"Godfather!" A senior eunuch from the criminal punishment department looked at Chen Hong, "Where are they all going, who are they going to take?"

Chen Hong glanced at him coldly: "I will tell you when the time comes. No one is allowed to inquire now. Do you hear clearly!"

Several heads replied in unison: "Listen clearly!"

Gradually, the sound of firecrackers in the distance stopped. After all, it was the first month, and the night wind was cold, making the torches shake.

The eunuchs, the supervisors of ceremonies and the eunuchs all put on the leather robes and cloaks they had come out of, and stood there waiting.Only Chen Hong looked excited, looking forward, and seemed to be a little anxious, walking back and forth alone.

Seeing that it was time for lunch, Chen Hong didn't go back and forth, but stopped there, looking at the gate of the compound, waiting for the final decree to be announced.

The drum at Zishi finally rang, everyone shook their heads, and all eyes turned to the gate of the courtyard.

It was Lu Fang who appeared at the gate of the courtyard with the sound of more drums!Behind him was Zhu Qi and a group of Jin Yiwei.

"The old ancestor is well! The godfather is well!" Almost all the people knelt down on one leg and extended their hands in a row according to the proper salute.

Surprised, Chen Hong was stunned, looking at Lu Fang, he forgot to salute as usual.

Lu Fang walked towards him slowly: "Are you all ready?"

"Sure, ready." Chen Hong regained his composure, replied, and then asked eagerly, "I'm ready. There are three groups of people, one for Gao Gong, one for Zhang Juzheng, and old Xu Ge. go?"

It turned out that they wanted to take Yuwang's masters!All the people, whether they were kneeling there or standing there with their heads bowed, were all secretly shocked when they heard the words!

Lu Fang looked strangely at Chen Hong, "Who told you that Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and Xu Ge are old?"

Now it was Chen Hong's turn to be startled, and he stood there with his mouth open, not recovering for a long time.

Lu Fang ignored him, walked to the gate of the valet room, stood still, and said slowly: "Yan Shifan, Luo Longwen, and Yan Maoqing violated the rules of heaven, and they were ordered to immediately surround the mansion of the three of them! No one is allowed to let go of anything. !"

All heads were raised, all eyes were even more startled, Yan Dang fell?

Lu Fang: "I heard that Yan Shifan, Luo Longwen, and Yan Maoqing are still leading people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple to arrest loyal ministers. The Criminal Division and the Zhenfu Division will each divide a small team to the mansions of Gaogong and Zhang Juzheng to arrest Luo Longwen and Yan Maoqing. Take it, send it back to their own home to see and lock it up."

"Yes!" All understood, the two passers-by shouted in response, stood up quickly, and ran out.

Chen Hongmu was there, the supervisor of ceremonies and several eunuchs were silently there, and the group of Jinyi guards led by Zhu Qi were still waiting there.

Lu Fang looked at Zhu Qi: "Zhu Qi."

Zhu Qi responded loudly: "Yes!"

Lu Fang: "Your people go to Yandai Xiejie and send Yan Shifan back to his own home."

Zhu Qi: "Yes! Let's go!"

Zhu Qi led the group of Jinyiwei out of the courtyard gate in a gust of wind.

At this time, Lu Fang deliberately did not look at Chen Hong, but only looked at the other eunuchs who held pens: "There are many things to discuss, let's all go into the room." After speaking, she walked into the guard's room first.

Several Bingbi eunuchs walked into the valet room, Chen Hong was alone in the yard for a long time, gritted his teeth, and followed the valet room.

"Seven masters!"

"Seven masters!"

Zhu Qi's name is really resounding!The officers and soldiers brought by Yan Shifan and the officers and soldiers brought by Zhang Juzheng were facing each other in the front yard of Gao Hanwen's mansion. At this moment, they saw Zhu Qi and the group of Jinyi guards behind him. Although they were surprised, they all dispersed and lined up in two teams to salute together. Call "Seven Masters".

Zhu Qi always had a smile on his face towards these people, let them shout, and led the group of Jinyi guards straight into the front hall with his footsteps like the wind.

Seeing Zhu Qi enter the room, Zhang Juzheng and Yan Shifan stood up almost at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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