Chapter 116

"Elder Ge should know, right?" Xu Jie asked with lowered eyes.

"I know." Yan Song replied still looking at him.

Xu Jie took out a memorial from his sleeve: "This is the memorial of Zou Yinglong, the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, who visited the east building. The emperor asked me to bring it for the old man to have a look."

Yan Song took the memorandum, still looking at Xu Jie: "Mr. Xu Ge, have you read it?"

Xu Jie: "I also saw it just now."

There was a little smile in Yan Song's eyes: "If you read it, I won't read it." Speaking of this, he suddenly stretched out his old hand to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment at first, seeing Yan Song looking at him all the time, and seeing the hand covered with age spots stretching out there, he stretched out his own hand too.

Yan Song grasped the back of his hand: "Please leave everything to Ge Lao."

The hand of more than 80 people was still so strong. Xu Jie's hand was held tightly by him, and a feeling of disgust suddenly appeared in his heart, but his face was full of sympathy: "Some things they have done in Donglou are too much. .For 20 years as the prime minister, Mr. Ge has not made any credit but also has hard work. The emperor will not forget it, and neither will we."

Yan Song slowly withdrew his hand: "Mr. Xu Ge's words comforted Yan, and made Yan even more guilty. There are too many people who have fallen in my hands for more than 20 years... To be my deputy, you can survive When I fall, Mr. Xu Ge, you are a rare kind person."

Xu Jie lowered his eyelids.

Yan Song: "How should I deal with it? Should I go to prison, or will Elder Xu Ge escort me out of Beijing?"

Xu Jie: "Probably not at all. The emperor asked me to invite the old man into the palace."

Yan Song's ears were already reciting, at this time, half of him didn't hear clearly, and half of him didn't believe his ears: "The emperor still wants to see me?"

Xu Jie raised his voice: "Yes. The emperor was still thinking about Mr. Ge last night."

Yan Song's eyes seemed to be about to burst into tears, but he held it back, and his tone was still very calm: "Have you made an appointment?"

Xu Jie: "The emperor said that Mr. Ge can go anytime."

Yan Song: "Then Mr. Xu Ge, please wait a moment."

Xu Jie looked at him.

Yan Song: "The emperor likes to eat Liuxinju's pickles. Every season, veterans will send a jar of pickles to the emperor. Today is the [-]th day of the first lunar month, and Liuxinju will send spring pickles at dawn. It seems that I dare not come this year.”

Xu Jie suddenly remembered something, got up and walked to the door, opened a door: "Come here!"

A book office immediately came to the door from the yard: "Mr. Huige, the villain is here."

Xu Jie: "Go to the gate of the mansion to see if the pickle delivery person from Liuxinju has come. If not, please pass on my message and urge them to bring in the freshly pickled vegetables immediately."

"Yes." The secretary replied and ran out.

Yan Song's lips moved, looking at Xu Jie as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

In about half an hour, twenty altars of pickled vegetables were brought here, occupying a large courtyard.

The boss of Liuxinju is a middle-aged man. When he was brought here, he dared not go in. He knelt in the yard and said loudly, "Xiaomin pays homage to Mr. Ge. This year, there are [-] altars of various kinds of pickles pickled in the small shop. The old life has been sent."

Just as Yan Song expected, last night, the Division of Prosecution and the Division of Zhenfu surrounded Yan Shifan's mansion, and the news had spread throughout the capital before dawn. If Xu Jie didn't send someone to spread the word, the boss would not send pickles if he was beaten to death today. .Because of Xu Jie's summons, I had to come at this time.At this time, I saw both Yan Song and Xu Jie sitting in the study from a distance. He said that "Ge Lao" is naturally good, and the usual "respect to Ge Lao" was changed to "By the order of Ge Lao, all sent Here we come", this "Ge Lao" naturally refers to Xu Jie, which is even more correct.Fortunately, he was able to figure out these difficult words at this time, and he finally spoke them perfectly.After speaking, he bowed his head and knelt there, not moving any more.

Yan Song also heard these words, and sat there looking at the yard outside the door: "Is it Boss Zhao? Come in."

It can be seen from here that the boss surnamed Zhao is still kneeling there, motionless.

Yan Song looked at Xu Jie: "He's afraid of seeing me. Mr. Xu Ge, please tell him to come in."

Xu Jie had no choice but to look outside the door: "Yan Ge always called you, didn't you hear?"

"Yes." Then Boss Zhao replied, got up reluctantly, walked to the door, refused to come in again, and knelt down there again.

"Boss Zhao." Yan Song called him again.

"Yes." Boss Zhao answered the word "in" like a mosquito, but his head was still down there.

Xu Jie: "Ge Lao calls you, look up and answer!"

"Yes." Boss Zhao had no choice but to look up, but he only looked at Xu Jie, not Yan Song.

Yan Song was still nagging: "It's been more than 20 years, it's hard for you to send me pickles several times a year. I remember you said many times that you want me to write a plaque for your store, and I will write it for you today."

Boss Zhao bowed his head immediately, and hurriedly replied: "Xiaomin is a small shop, and he is doing business for ordinary people. How dare he bother the officials to inscribe plaques. Don't dare. If Mr. Ge has nothing else to do, Xiaomin So farewell." Said and kowtowed.

Yan Song laughed, tears came out of his laughter, and he turned to Xu Jie: "Mr. Xu Ge, you have seen it. Usually, many people ask for a word of this old man but can't get it. Now, no one dares to give away my words for nothing. I want it. Go back, I won’t bother you to deliver pickles from now on. Do your business well, the emperor likes to eat your pickles too.”

Boss Zhao hurriedly kowtowed his head for the last time, got up, bowed his head and retreated.

"Come here." Yan Song's cry was full of anger.

One of his stewards came in and looked at him sadly.

Yan Song: "Pick a jar of eight-treasure pickles, and I want to present it to the emperor."

Today, in front of Jiajing’s futon, there is a small square table made of Indian fine-leaf red sandalwood that glows red from the inside. There are three sets of bowls and chopsticks on the table: the bowl is the ultimate product of Ru porcelain official kiln. It looks like paper, at first glance it is blue, but when you look closely, there is a touch of pink in the blue.It is said that this pink celadon has only been produced once in the Ru porcelain official kiln, and it is a god-given product. After that, although the Ru kiln also produced red, blue and blue, it never produced pink and green.The three spoons in the bowl are also the best of the Ding kiln. The outer glaze is plain white, but a faint yellowish color appears from the inside.At this time, the three spoons were placed in the three bowls, like three oval moons floating in the pink water!The chopsticks were more ordinary, ivory silver-inlaid chopsticks, the silver-covered chopsticks on the tip were polished white and shiny, and the ivory on the chopstick body showed a shiny yellow color from the inside, mainly for the purpose of holding it comfortably in the hand, and also to prevent poison.

Jiajing was still sitting on the futon, Yan Song was still sitting on the east side, and Xu Jie was still sitting on the west side, as usual.

Jiajing finally looked at Yan Song with complicated eyes.Yan Song lowered his head slightly, while Xu Jie kept his head lowered all the time. Both of them knew that the lord was about to sigh.

"The people are suffering." As usual, the heart of heaven is unpredictable, but Jiajing's exclamation is about the people, "I look forward to the New Year all the year round, but the fifteenth day of the first lunar month has passed in the blink of an eye. Today, many people's pot I'm afraid we won't even be able to see the oil star here. Thinking of them, let's have a vegetarian meal. Knowing that Mr. Yan Ge will send me eight-treasure pickles today, I told Yuchu last night and told them to cook a pot Eight-treasure porridge. Lu Fang, let's eat."

"Yes." Lu Fang's voice today was lower than usual, "Dinner."

The two eunuchs were in front, carrying a charcoal stove that had no smoke at all. The pot of porridge was sitting on the stove, and the two eunuchs knelt down in front of the small square table.

Then eight court ladies came in with a tray each, and after entering, all four of them knelt down on both sides of the next door.There was only a small dish of pickled vegetables on each tray, thanks to the eight-treasure pickled vegetables that they divided out from the jar so quickly.

Lu Fang walked to the pot of porridge first, picked up a spoon to stir it, and then scooped up a spoonful.

The two eunuchs carrying the porridge knelt there, and each took out a shallow dish from his arms, and held it up with both hands. Lu Fang poured half of the spoonful of porridge into the small dish of the eunuch on the left, and poured another half into the small dish of the eunuch on the left. In the small dish of the eunuch on the right.

The two eunuchs brought the porridge to their mouths and drank it.

Lu Fang looked at them for a moment: "Go out."

The two eunuchs bowed and retreated.

Lu Fang then walked up to the lady-in-waiting, picked up a pair of chopsticks from the first tray on the left, took out a piece of pickles from the plate and put them on the side of the tray, then walked one by one, took out a piece of pickles from each plate Place on the side of each tray.

The eight maids all lowered their heads and ate the pickles on the side of their respective trays.

Only then did Lu Fang bring a plate of pickles to the small table.

Lu Fang: "Let's all go out."

The eight court ladies: "Yes." They all got up and bowed and retreated.

Lu Fang first picked up the bowl in front of Jiajing, put two spoonfuls of porridge into the bowl, leaving just two points away from the edge of the bowl, put both hands on the table in front of Jiajing, and then went to get Yan Song's bowl.

Yan Song stood up immediately: "Don't dare to bear it, let me do it myself."

Xu Jie also stood up at this time: "Let me fill both old Yan Ge's and mine."

"Sit down." Jiajing said, "Don't look at so many people calling him the ancestor, he is a slave here. You are my ministers. Let him flourish."

Yan Song and Xu Jie sat down gently again.

Lu Fang served Yan Song and Xu Jie porridge.

Jiajing picked up the spoon in the bowl, scooped up half a spoonful and brought it to his mouth.

"It's hot. Master, drink slowly." Lu Fang greeted.

Jiajing sent half a spoonful of porridge in, but held it in his mouth, and slowly swallowed it for a long time.

Yan Song and Xu Jie picked up the spoons and took half a spoonful of porridge into their mouths.

Jiajing looked at them: "There is no body fluid in health preservation. Suck it in your mouth first, draw out the body fluid, and then swallow it, you can live forever."

At this moment, both of them had porridge in their mouths, and they had to answer. The word "yes" was ambiguous, and they also imitated Jiajing holding the half spoonful of porridge in their mouths for a long time before swallowing it down.

Jiajing also stopped talking, and the three drank porridge silently.After a while, most of the bowls of porridge in front of Jiajing, Yan Song, and Xu Jie ran out.I also ate some of the eight dishes of pickles, and there was more than half of each dish left.

Lu Fang filled Jiajing's bowl with another half bowl of porridge, and then picked up Yan Song's bowl.

"Thank you, Eunuch Lu, that's enough for the old man." Yan Song stretched out his hand to cover the bowl, and turned to look at Jiajing, "Qi Zou Shengshang, the sinful minister has a few words that I want to report to the Shengshang alone."

Jiajing looked at him for a long time, and seemed to read his thoughts from his eyes, so he turned to Xu Jie and Lu Fang.

Xu Jie stood up silently and backed out.

Then, Lu Fang also backed out and closed the door behind her.

Yan Song stood up slowly, and took out a piece of silk from his sleeve, on which the names of people were written all over in red and red.

Jiajing didn't pick up the silk, but looked at Yan Song.

Yan Song: "The old minister is guilty, the fault lies with the minister. The ministers are guilty, the fault lies with Yan Shifan, Luo Longwen, Yan Maoqing, and some greedy and greedy people. Some people should be punished by heaven, and some people hope that the emperor will save them!" He handed over the piece of silk with both hands.

Jiajing had no choice but to pick it up, and looked at it silently—the first name was written Hu Zongxian prominently!Then there are many names below.

Yan Song continued: "The sinners have been in charge for 20 years, and many people have to follow the way of the sinners, but the sinners don't have so many private parties. Some sinners are used by the emperor as national servants, and they carry my burden on their shoulders. Daming's safety bears the heavy responsibility of my Daming. Some people are still on the emperor's mission, many things have to be done by them, and only they can do it."

"Understood." Jiajing stuffed the piece of silk into the skirt of his clothes, then picked up the chime and pestle and knocked on the copper chime.

Xu Jie and Lu Fang came in again.The two of them were disturbed in their hearts, but they didn't show any emotion on their faces. After entering, they both stood there.

Jiajing no longer asked Xu Jie to take a seat, but looked at Yan Song: "Yan Song."

Yan Song: "The guilty minister is here."

Jiajing looked at him: "I heard that you wanted to inscribe a plaque for Liuxinju this morning, but the boss didn't want it. Is there such a thing?"

You can't hide anything from the emperor, everyone knows that.But he knew about this trivial matter so quickly, and when he mentioned it at this time, Xu Jie and Lu Fang immediately expected that there would be another stone-paved street!

Yan Song immediately had a telepathy, and his eyes brightened a lot. He looked at Jiajing: "Return to the emperor, this is indeed the case. Human nature."

"I don't like this kind of common sense." Jiajing quickly took over the conversation, "Lu Fang, prepare the pen and ink, let Mr. Yan Ge write here, then stamp my seal, and send it to the pickle shop. They are limited to today. Carve it out and hang it up tomorrow morning."

As soon as these words came out, not only Yan Song's heart was agitated, Xu Jie had a big accident, even Lu Fang felt a little sudden.

"It's all ready." Lu Fang was always able to adapt to Jiajing's sudden change at the first time, and replied immediately.

High-quality rice paper of various sizes is always in stock in the jingshe. Lu Fang immediately took out a piece of rice paper cut into a banner from the cabinet by the wall and placed it on the imperial case. The ink in the inkstone box was also soaked with high-quality silk floss At this time, put it on the incense burner and roast it for a while, and it will melt.

After finishing these, Lu Fang said to Yan Song: "Please Yan Ge."

Yan Song couldn't move at this moment, so Xu Jie walked over and helped him to the side of Yu'an.

Lu Fang scalded the brush in warm water and handed it to Yan Song.

Jiajing also walked slowly to the side of the imperial case, looking at Yan Song's inscription.

Holding the pen, Yan Song concentrated his energy, filled the inkstone box with ink, and looked at Jiajing again.

Jiajing's eyes were full of encouragement: "Let's write."

"Yes." Yan Song supported the side of the table with his left hand, and with his right hand, he gathered all his strength and wrote the word "six" with one stroke.

"A treasured sword never grows old. Keep writing." Jiajing encouraged again.

Yan Song continued to write a horizontal stroke, another stroke, and a little more—that "six" character is so full and powerful!

"Okay!" This admiration, Xu Jie seemed very sincere when he exclaimed.

Jiajing glanced sideways at Xu Jie, showing admiration.

Yan Song dipped his ink again and wrote the word "heart" in one go.

With no more distractions in his heart, Yan Song dipped in ink again and wrote the last word "ju"!

The three characters are full of ink and bright, including Jiajing, Xu Jie and Lu Fang's eyes are fixed on the words, and there is silence in the abode.

Yan Song raised his head again and looked at Jiajing.

Xu Jie and Lu Fang also quietly looked at Jiajing.

Jiajing was still looking at the picture, silent.

"It's all good." Jiajing finally said, "It's just that the word 'heart' is not good."

Yan Song: "The guilty minister rewrites it."

Jiajing: "It's not that the characters are bad, but the name is bad. Why is it written as 'Liuxinju'?"

Yan Song: "Back to the emperor, this store was opened by six brothers surnamed Zhao, hence the name 'Liu Xin Ju'."

Jiajing: "Six people have six hearts, which is not good. People's hearts are like water, and people's movements are like smoke. My Daming is now 6000 million people. If they think like this, that is 6000 million hearts. Let me give you an idea. , add a apostrophe to the word 'heart', and change the word 'heart' to the word 'must'! Liuhe unifies, the world is of one mind!"

"The emperor is holy!" Xu Jie was the first to kneel beside Jiajing.

Yan Song couldn't bear it anymore, tears finally came out of his eyes, and he wanted to kneel down while supporting the imperial case.

"Stop kneeling." Jiajing stopped him, "Change it."

"Yes." Yan Song supported the case with his left hand, and with his right hand, he extended the pen into the ink cartridge to fill it with ink, probed it, held his breath, and wrote a thick stroke in the middle of the word 'heart'!
"Okay! Put my seal on it!" Jiajing said loudly.

"Yes." Lu Fang went to the altar and held the imperial seals of the three immortal titles that Jiajing had proclaimed himself, "Which seal should I use to play the master?"

"As a minister, you must be loyal, and as a son, you must be filial. Use the seal of 'Loyal and Filial to the Emperor'." Jiajing said.

"Master Shengming." Lu Fang put down the box containing the imperial seal, and took out the stamp of "Loyal and Filial Emperor Yujun" from inside with both hands, walked to the inscription, printed the seal heavily in the cinnabar ink clay box, and then He stretched it out to his mouth and took a deep breath, and covered it squarely on the upper right side of the banner.

(End of this chapter)

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