Chapter 123

"How to consider? How to discuss?" Gao Gong didn't want to deal with them so boringly anymore, so he stood up abruptly, "The state affairs are like this, and we are still arguing here! I am also in charge of the Ministry of Officials, and I don't talk about those from other provinces." , there are already many people in the Beijing government who have bought grain and rice on credit for half a year in the rice store, and some are still in arrears with the rent. The court officials of the sixth and seventh ranks are chased by creditors every day to collect debts. Every day, many officials come to my house to wipe Tears, I can't see them, and I can only be silent when I see them. There is also the Ministry of War, Yu Dayou, Qi Jiguang, they are fighting bloody Japanese pirates every day in Fujian and Guangdong. Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li Ge, didn’t you see a copy? Mr. Zhao is in charge of the household department. He also said yesterday that if the disaster-stricken provinces and the state governments with harsh governments and taxation don’t provide relief, I’m afraid it will stir up civil uprisings! Now it’s all over. The discussion here and there is only for the Ministry of Industry, just for the repair of those temples and those Taoist temples!" At this point, he simply looked directly at Xu Jie: "Xu Xiang, as the chief assistant, you should always fight with the emperor. A fight. And those of us, as ministers, we must always be worthy of the country and the people of the Ming Dynasty!"

"I don't agree with Mr. Gao Ge's words." Zhao Zhenji had to stand up and argue for the teacher, "How do you know that Xu Xiang has not been loyal to the emperor? When it comes to disputes, Mr. Gao Ge can also fight, we can all fight. Chunqiu blamed the sages, but Xu Xiang alone cannot afford the Ming Dynasty."

"Then take care of it together!" Gao Gong didn't like his tricks, "I'll go to the school right away, and you Zhao Zhenji will go to the school too, the six departments and nine ministers, there are so many Shizhong and Yushi who can go to the school. He also said that Hai Rui talked about the holy will arbitrarily, and that a small head of the household department dared to criticize the government's abuses as soon as he came to Beijing, but we all only wanted to protect ourselves. It is really shameful. The pen and ink are here, Mr. Zhao, I and You're going to take the lead, don't you dare!"

Zhao Zhenji has always regarded himself as Neo-Confucianism, but in fact, he has had more "power" than "Classics" for a long time, but he couldn't let go of the air of Neo-Confucianism. At this time, when Gao Gong forced him, his face immediately flushed: "As long as it helps things, Mr. Gao will worry about it." Country, I'll just keep up."

"It's not the time to be angry." Xu Jie's face was full of worry, and he immediately interrupted their dispute, "At the moment, no one can go to school, and they can't say a word."

Gao Gong's blood was boiling with enthusiasm: "It's for self-protection, or for something!"

"For the sake of my Ming Dynasty!" Xu Jie's tone became more serious, "Since you all talked about Hai Rui, I will say it clearly. When I left the palace, the emperor had already ordered Yu Wang to take Hai Rui under his care." The few words written by Liubiju immediately copied and engraved a plaque and hung it in Liubiju, and asserted that Hai Rui is sincere, and we people are sincere and sincere, only King Yu knows!"

Everyone was startled when they heard this, and so was Gao Gong.

"At the same time, Feng Bao was expelled from Prince Yu's Mansion and sent to Chaotian Temple!" Speaking of this, Xu Jie was emotionally moved, "Who doesn't know that Feng Bao is the son's great companion in Prince Yu's mansion. The son is only five years old, what is the child doing? Su Qing, court ministers like you and I left one and another, but the emperor now only has one son and one grandson! You and I can go all out to fight, but we must not shake the foundation of Ming Dynasty!"

Only then did Gao Gong realize that Jiajing's sweeping blow did not hesitate to injure his own son and grandson, so his face immediately changed, and he stood there in a daze.

"I'm the first assistant, why don't I want to share the worries of the emperor and the world at the same time." Xu Jie's tone was very sad at this time, "It was only an hour after the morning performance, and the emperor fell ill twice, and the last time Almost fainted, the holy and holy body is... worrying!" Tears flashed from the eyes.

Gao Gong was originally a man of temperament, he was shocked at first, and then burst into tears.

Li Chunfang had no tears, she just took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and wiped her eyes.Zhao Zhenji and Xu Fan naturally felt more sympathetic with Xu Jie's experience, and they also shed tears.

"Then let's not talk about it today!" Gao Gong directly wiped away his tears with his hands, "Li Shizhen is in Prince Yu's mansion, I'll go right away and bring him into the palace right away, trying to make Longyan angry, and also invite the emperor Let Mr. Li treat him!"

"Not today." Xu Jie shook his head, "If I go, I won't be able to enter the palace."

Gao Gong: "Then find Eunuch Lu and ask him to lead Li Shizhen into the palace. At this time, he understands that the Eucharist is more worrying than us."

Xu Jie shook his head again in pain, and his tone became more serious: "Su Qing, why Feng Bao was expelled from the palace, why haven't you figured it out yet?"

It's not that he can't figure it out, a disordered temperament leads to confusion, Gao Gong has been agitated all the time, only after hearing Xu Jie's words did he realize that Lu Fang was also suspected by the emperor.Immediately, he closed his eyes tightly and sat down on the chair without saying a word.

"Worrying about the emperor and the people, we all share the same heart." Xu Jie concluded, "In the past few days, all ministries will be notified, and subordinate officials must be restrained. Everyone must put state affairs first, and they are not allowed to go to the public, let alone talk about government affairs in private. Meng Jing."

Zhao Zhenji immediately bowed down: "The disciple is here."

Xu Jie: "You are in charge of the household department. That Hai Rui has already been watched by Jin Yiwei. If he can still report to the household department tomorrow, you have a good talk with him. If he is not in his position, he will not seek his own affairs. His talents will be used. Score."

Zhao Zhenji: "Master, don't worry, disciple understands."

"Then what about the funds from the Ministry of Industry for the emperor's palace repairs? It's already July..." Xu Fan was still thinking about his big job.

"This matter is no longer discussed by all ministries!" Xu Jie has no good feelings towards him, "You and Meng Jing both go back to their respective ministries. How to redistribute the money is up to the cabinet to discuss, me and Mr. Li Ge , Gao cabinet members re-draft the vote."

Xu Fan and Zhao Zhenji immediately replied: "Yes."

"We won't discuss it today!" Gao Gong, who was sitting quietly with his eyes closed, stood up again at this moment, "I have to go to Prince Yu's Mansion, and I still want to see Doctor Li!"

It was obviously impolite for the cabinet members to deny Shoufu's proposal face to face, but at this moment, after all, their hearts were forgiven, so Xu Jie sighed helplessly: "Forget it. Let's discuss it tomorrow."

Only then did Li Chunfang say: "That's right, we can't come to a conclusion today."

Gao Gong bowed to Xu Jie, and walked out first.

Zhao Zhenji immediately showed dissatisfaction: "Master..."

"Let's all retreat." Xu Jie interrupted him immediately, stood up and walked away.

Xu Jie was in front, and the group of people walked towards the door of the duty room at a slow pace.

The three south gates facing the palace are like palace gates. The middle gate is closed all year round, but the side gates on both sides must be opened during the day to absorb the purple air from the southeast; day and night there are eight forbidden soldiers guarding them to abolish the majesty of the royal family.

Gao Gong's sedan chair arrived here only at the beginning of time, but found that the side doors on both sides were also closed today.

Gao Gong came out of the sedan chair door and climbed up to the eaves: "Why did you close the doors at Cai Shen Shi?"

The people in Prince Yu's Mansion naturally respected him, and a leader of the forbidden soldiers replied: "Respond to Mr. Gao's words, the prince has an order. From today on, no foreign officials will be seen during the recuperation period."

Gao Gong said sadly: "It's good to see few people this time. Open the door, I have something to report to Prince Chen."

The leader of the forbidden army: "Master Gao, the villain just said that the prince will never see foreign officials if he has orders."

"You don't see foreign officials and you don't see me?" Gao Gong was a little angry after being surprised, "I am also a lecturer in the palace, not a foreign official."

The leader of the forbidden army: "My lord, the prince said that this time, except for Master Zhang who is appointed by the emperor as a daily servant lecturer, he can enter. Master Gao and Master Xu don't have to come."

As the crown prince, this is tantamount to imprisoning himself within a high wall. Gao Gong knew that the situation was serious, but he didn't expect King Yu to take the situation so seriously!Grievance and sadness surged up along with discouragement at the same time, eyes were wet again, he stared blankly at the closed gate of the mansion, and after a long time said: "Please send my greetings to the lord!" After saying this, he turned and left.

Walking to the sedan door, Gao Gong looked back sadly, but saw the door on the left opened a crack, then Zhang Juzheng came out from inside, and then the door was quickly closed from inside again.Gao Gong rushed towards Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Juzheng also saw him, and walked towards him quickly.

The two looked at each other for a while, then Gao Gong asked: "Is the prince safe? Is the son safe?"

Zhang Juzheng: "My lord is safe, so is my son."

"Don't lie to me." Gao Gong said in a low voice, "The national disease is difficult to cure, please ask the prince to recover from his illness, only he is the green mountain of my Ming Dynasty."

Zhang Juzheng nodded: "With Mr. Li here, you and I don't have to worry about that."

"I heard that the Holy Majesty's illness has occurred twice today." Gao Gong said immediately, "Tai Yue, can we think of a way to let Mr. Li enter the palace to ask the emperor's pulse!"

Zhang Juzheng's expression was already very heavy: "It's impossible to talk about everything. Mr. Chen Hong and Mrs. Chen came here today to pass the decree, and he was beaten by the princess. The emperor was already ill. Hearing about this incident, it is inevitable that he will be more easily angered and angry when he is ill. Another illness! Brother Suqing, the thunderstorm is coming, you and I need to calm down."

This news was like a blow to the head, shaking Gao Gong there. After all, he is a staunch person. At this moment, he can't talk about being calm, and the blood surged up again: "Then you have to bring Mr. Li into the palace. Ask the emperor for pulse, and stabilize the condition. You go now, invite Mr. Li out, and I will find a way to bring him into the palace!"

Zhang Juzheng shook his head: "My lord and I thought about it just now, but now even the line with Eunuch Lu is broken. Chen Hong and those people are adding fuel to the flames, Mr. Li can't enter the palace at this time."

Gao Gong: "Mr. Li please come out, may I meet him?"

Zhang Juzheng: "After taking the medicine for the prince, Mr. Li has already left the house."

"Where did you go?" Gao Gong asked anxiously.

Zhang Juzheng: "You know Mr. Li's personality. He doesn't want to talk about it, so it's not easy for us to ask."

Gao Gong let out a long sigh: "Taiyue, can you come to Bishe tonight for a chat?"

Zhang Juzheng was silent for a while: "My lord repeatedly told me that I am a person who has to enter the mansion every day, and told me that it would be best not to associate with other people. Brother Suqing, the lord is very worried. At this time, we should just wait and see what happens. "

Gao Gong held back his chest again, wanting to say something, finally waved his hand and got into the sedan chair: "Go home!"

Zhang Juzheng's sedan chair was also carried over, but Zhang Juzheng didn't get on the sedan chair immediately, looking at the lonely Gao Gong's sedan chair going away so sadly under the setting sun!

By the time of Jiajing, the No. 11 emperor had been passed down in the Ming Dynasty.The eunuch who was ordered by the emperor to pass the decree was beaten, not to mention the chief eunuch who was the chief of the ceremonial supervisor, this is really unheard of.Although the prince and concubine can be regarded as the masters of the eunuch, after all, the identity of the slaves has changed at this time, and the title of Tianxian is already the emperor's substitute. The phrase "beating the dog to bully the master" is very appropriate here.

If this incident gets serious, it may immediately set off a court upheaval!No matter how small it is, there will be a thunderstorm. Concubine Li will be directly condemned by God. When implicated, King Yu's son will bear the brunt of it. The ministers and officials who have always relied on King Yu and are highly valued, including the eunuchs of the inner court, will inevitably suffer.All of this depends on how Chen Hong responds to the order and how he responds in front of Jiajing.

Chen Hong entered the palace at the age of ten, and practiced in this eight trigrams furnace for more than thirty years. When he climbed to this position at this age, every pore on his body has become a heart.Rather than saying that this event that should never have happened was caused by the prince and Concubine Li in a hurry, it is better to say that Chen Hong deliberately or unintentionally provoked something invisible in his heart.The thing finally happened, and Chen Hong himself knew that the arrow had been shot.How to just shoot the arrow at Lu Fang, let the emperor settle the account on Lu Fang's head, and take the seal of the supervisor of ceremonies himself, without hurting King Yu, this is where life and death depend on hair.If King Yu is condemned because of this, not to mention offending the future emperor, he will die without a place to bury him, and so many ministers headed by Xu Jie and Gao Gong will make him feel uneasy every day.So Feng Bao was sent to Chaotian Temple, and on the way back to the palace, he weighed and rehearsed the matter of how to revive the edict in his heart no less than a hundred times.After making up his mind, he first went to the imperial hospital to get the medicine, wrapped his swollen forehead heavily with white silk, put on a tall gauze cap, and showed his red and swollen cheeks before he came to the Abode to reply.

"The slave has come to return the edict to the master, Long Live God!" Chen Hong deliberately did not show his body outside the door of the abode, but knelt on his side where he could not see it.

Jiajing had taken the elixir in the morning, and now he had taken the elixir for the second time. He sat on the futon and meditated, and he felt much better.When he closed his eyes and heard Chen Hong's voice, he knew where he was kneeling, and the long eyebrows on the left moved slightly.

For more than 20 years, every time Jiajing meditates, Lu Fang has been quietly waiting by his side, adding sandalwood to the copper stove, changing incense candles on the altar, and wiping the dust on the altar incense table and the ground. The cat picks things up like a needle, and has already practiced kung fu like walking on water.Only this point makes Jiajing deeply satisfied.But today, Lu Fang suddenly lost her power. At this time, she was just opening the lid of the red sandalwood incense burner in front of the altar to add incense. When she heard Chen Hong, who could not see anyone but heard his voice, she called softly. There was a crisp sound!
Jiajing's eyes opened suddenly, and he leaned towards Lu Fang!

Lu Fang knelt down slowly.

Jiajing: "This is the third time you have disturbed my Qingxiu in this month. Lu Fang, what are you afraid of?"

Lu Fang lightly touched her head: "Back to the master, what will the slave be afraid of when he is around the master?... If you go back to the master, the master should not be angry, the slave is also getting old."

Jiajing's gaze flickered, and he turned to the door of the jingshe: "Chen Hong, what are you afraid of?"

"Long live master, the slave is afraid of disturbing master Xianxiu." Chen Hong replied softly, still hiding outside the door.

Jiajing: "You can't disturb Zhen Xianxiu, and no one can disturb Zhen Xianxiu. Come in and answer."

Chen Hong still refused to show himself: "For the sake of the peace of the master, Long Live, the slave is here to answer the order."

Jiajing stared at the ground, as if feeling something, then closed his eyes: "Talk back."

"Yes." Chen Hong knelt outside the side door, "Back to the master, the servant went to the Yuwang Mansion, and the Yuwangye respectfully received the imperial decree and was copying those six sentences, and asked the servant to play the master's behalf. He must have carved a plaque and sent it to him immediately." Six must live."

"Is King Yu safe?" Jiajing closed his eyes and asked.

"Long live my master." Chen Hong replied immediately, "When listening to the servants delivering the decree, Lord Yu was really terrified."

"Are you being polite to you?" Jiajing asked again.

Chen Hong: "Long Live Master, King Yu is not only polite to the slave, he really appreciated the slave's face, took off the jade pendant on the spot and gave it to the slave, and asked the master several times if the fairy body is safe."

Jiajing: "Where's Feng Bao? Have you sent it?"

Chen Hong: "Back to the master, Long Live, Feng Bao has been sent to Chaotian Temple and handed over to the eunuch in charge."

Jiajing was silent.

Chen Hong waited outside the door for the upcoming changes with his ears.

Lu Fang got up at this time, wrung out a snow-white face towel from the golden basin and handed it to Jiajing with both hands: "Master, it's time to cleanse your face."

With a sudden wave of Jiajing's hand, he dropped the face towel that Lu Fang handed over to the ground, and looked outside the door: "You were scolded or beaten! Show your original shape, let me see, and let our ancestors see!"

Lu Fang froze there.

Chen Hong didn't say a word, still hid and knelt outside the door, deliberately dawdling not to go in.

(End of this chapter)

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