Chapter 126

Li Chunfang took the initiative to answer this time: "The Ministry of War can allocate 50 taels. The Ministry of War sent Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang a message to them. Don't take the initiative to attack this year. Hold a few fortresses and guard against Japanese pirates first."

Xu Jie: "Present. Su Qing, can the salary owed to officials be repaid with less this time?"

Gao Gong: "Is there anything else that can be done? Officials in various ministries in Beijing, governors of other provinces, chief envoys, and officials at the level of inspectors will not receive their salaries this year. Beijing officials below the fourth rank will receive half of the salary. Officials have to make up all of them, otherwise they will let go and corrupt."

Xu Jie: "How much money can we get out of this?"

Gao Gong: "There should be four to five million taels."

"Then there is still a difference of five or six million." Xu Jie looked at Zhao Zhenji, "This will involve the people in the disaster-stricken area and the people in the harsh taxation area. Does the Ministry of Households have a solution?"

Zhao Zhenji: "I'll find a way. Let's allocate 60 taels from this piece first."

Xu Jie: "Then hurry up and redraw the ticket!"

On the main hall of Yuxi Palace, two large red sandalwood cases were placed on the left and the right.

On the left is still the inspector of ceremonies, but there is no longer Lu Fang, and Chen Hong's robe has also been changed, it is the first-class clothes that Lu Fang used to wear.The person next to him was still Huang Jin, who was not implicated, and the robe on his body was changed into that of the chief eunuch Bingbi.Then there were the original two eunuchs holding pens, and one was added, who was a new face.

The cabinet is still standing on the right, and the first one is of course Xu Jie. There is an embroidery pier beside him, but he is not sitting.Next to each other are Li Chunfang and Gao Gong.Next came Zhao Zhenji and Xu Fan who were present.

"Old Xu Ge." For the first time, Chen Hong showed great respect to Xu Jie, and bowed his waist and said, "Report the proposed branch of the cabinet."

"Okay." Xu Jie looked at Li Chunfang first, "Old Li Ge, please report to the Ministry of War first."

Li Chunfang: "Yes." He answered and picked up the ticket on the case in front of him.

In the abode next door, Jiajing sat on the futon again, and the copper chime was placed beside him again.With eyes closed, ears pricked up hearing this.

Li Chunfang's voice came from outside: "The Ministry of War recalculated again yesterday and night, and the originally calculated silver is not needed so much now, and 50 taels can be reduced for the Ministry of Industry to repair the Longevity Palace and Yongshou Palace. .”

Jiajing opened his eyes, slowly stretched his left hand into the copper chime and picked up the chime, but it stopped there.

In the main hall, Chen Hong immediately winked at the last new eunuch Bingbi, and the eunuch hurried to the opposite side and picked up the ticket that Li Chunfang handed over, intending to send it to Chen Hong.

Chen Hong picked up the red pen, and listened to the chime and pestle fall with his eyes.

Everyone is waiting for the sound of the copper chime.

At last the sound of the copper chime from the Jingshe rang, and Chen Hong moved his pen like flying, and quickly approved the ticket in the Ministry of War.

Xu Jie: "The Ministry of Officials! Mr. Gao, submit the proposal to the Ministry of Officials."

Gao Gong: "All the officials in the two capitals are willing to temporarily not receive their salary arrears, and many officials with good family backgrounds can also temporarily not receive their arrears. Therefore, the Ministry of Officials can also reduce 40 taels to relieve the worries of the emperor's father. It is used by the Ministry of Industry to repair palaces."

The last eunuch walked over immediately, picked up the ticket and planned to give it to Chen Hong.

This time, the copper chime on the side of the jingshe rang very quickly, and it was particularly crisp, conveying the invisible but audible joy in Jiajing's heart at this time!
Chen Hong quickly approved the red.

"It's time for the household department." Xu Jie looked at Zhao Zhenji, "Zhao Zhenji, the household department's money involves the common people, have you figured out a way?"

Zhao Zhenji immediately replied: "I have already thought about it. The provinces that have been hit by the disaster this year and the provincial governments that have imposed heavy taxes must be appeased, and all the money that should be allocated must be fully allocated."

Chen Hong immediately looked at him.

All eyes were on him.

There was a gleam of light in Jiajing's eyes on the futon, and the chime pestle was slowly placed on his lap.

Zhao Zhenji's voice came clearly: "The way of heaven has always been to make up for what is damaged. I have two capitals and thirteen provinces in Ming Dynasty, and there are also rich provinces. The Ministry of Households has already written to Nanzhili, Zhejiang and Huguang, calling them Take some surplus money from their respective treasuries, or allocate some surplus grain from their respective official warehouses, to help disaster-stricken and overtaxed provinces. In this way, the Ministry of Households can also allocate 60 taels of money to the Ministry of Industry. "

Jiajing's eyes slowly opened, and there was peace, but he didn't go to get the chime pestle immediately, but waited more attentively for Zhao Zhenji's clear and pleasant voice.

Next came Xu Jie's voice: "The household department's arrangement is very appropriate. But do Nanzhili, Zhejiang and Huguang have any objections?"

Then came Zhao Zhenji's pleasant voice: "Old Huige, my subordinates have already discussed with the official documents of these provinces a month ago. Their reply documents came yesterday, and they are all willing to allocate funds and food for relief, and they all say Now, it is my duty to relieve the worries of the emperor and the father, and the difficulties of the disaster victims in the Soviet Union."

Jiajing immediately picked up the chime and pestle and knocked it three times on the copper chime!

Chen Hong couldn't hide his extra excitement when criticizing this red ticket, and immediately warned himself in his heart to be steady, so he slowed down his brushwork, neatly switched to regular script and slowly wrote red on this ticket.

This piece of paper has been approved, and finally it is time to report the funds to the Ministry of Industry. Chen Hong no longer asked Xu Jie to ask, but directly looked at Xu Fan: "Xu Shilang, it was originally planned for the palace and the cultivation of immortals." Guan Guan has 400 million taels. Is 400 million taels enough?"

Xu Fan replied in a loud voice: "Back to Eunuch Chen, the father who is dedicated to the whole world, the Ministry of Industry will definitely use the 400 million taels for the project, and guarantee that it will be completed by the end of this year. I respectfully honor the emperor and have a permanent residence!"

No longer having to wait for Jiajing inside to knock the chime, Chen Hong said loudly: "Then the ticket from the Ministry of Industry will be approved immediately!"

Xu Fan didn't wait for the eunuch on the opposite side to come and pick it up, and personally sent the ticket from the Ministry of Industry to him.

Chen Hong was simple this time, dipped in cinnabar and only wrote a big "Zhun" on the ticket!

After the dust settled, all eyes were on Xu Jie, waiting for him to end the meeting.

Xu Jie: "My great Ming Dynasty has been passed down from the Taizu Emperor Gao to the current emperor for eleven generations. I have blessed the world, the sages are majestic, and I have been chasing Yao and Shun! Zhao Zhenji, you are in charge of the Ministry of Finance. A new head of the Ministry of Accounting made a false statement yesterday. Holy Will, have you asked?"

Zhao Zhenji raised his voice, apparently to let Jiajing inside hear him more clearly: "Mr. Hui, please turn to Mr. Ge. Today the Ministry of Households is on the clock, and that Hai Rui has come to report. The minister questioned him, he is a barbarian A person who was born in a place where he is honest and upright has no other intentions. He also understands his fault after listening to the punishment of the minister. The minister plans to punish him with six months' salary in order to punish the six sentences he wrote falsely. He also voluntarily accepted the punishment. I wonder if such a punishment is appropriate?"

All the people were silent there, and all ears were listening to the sound of the monastery.

"Let's do it when it's time to do it, and let him go where he has to!" Jiajing's voice came from the door of the Jingshe before anyone saw him.

All ten people involved in the two cases went to the front of the case and knelt down.

Jiajing regained the aura of fluttering sleeves, carried the wind to the imperial chair in the middle and sat down.

All the people bowed their heads: "The ministers and slaves kowtow to the Holy Lord!"

Jiajing crossed his legs on the chair and looked straight at Zhao Zhenji: "A father should know how to love his son, and a boss should know how to forgive his subordinates. In one sentence, he will be fined one month's salary. I heard that Hai Rui is still a clean official. In the past six months, you Let his family drink the northwest wind?"

Zhao Zhenji kowtowed again: "The sage is as benevolent as heaven, I am ashamed for not being able to embody the benevolence of the sage. I am willing to share some money from my own salary to supplement Hai Rui's six-month penalty salary. "

Jiajing smiled in a rare way: "In the Song Dynasty, there was a man who made an absolute, called 'Sanguang Sunyuexing', but no one matched him. Su Dongpo is a great talent, only he can match him. Mr. Xu Ge, you should remember how he did it. Yes."

Xu Jie: "Yes. Back to the Holy Lord, Su Shi got two pairs right. The first pair is 'Ode to the Elegance of the Four Poems', and the second pair is more brilliant, and it is 'Four Virtues Henry Yuan'. To avoid Renzong's respect and taboo, the The word 'zhen' from Henry Zhenyuan was removed."

Jiajing: "After all, you are a bachelor, and you can tell the truth. You are now the chief assistant of the cabinet. There are only you, Li Chunfang and Gao Gong in the cabinet. It's too hard. Fill in the word that Su Shi omitted."

Everyone was startled.Especially Zhao Zhenji, who was kneeling there, beads of sweat already oozing from his forehead.

Xu Jie: "Your Majesty, my minister is dull. May I ask your Majesty, do you want to add a word 'zhen' to the cabinet? Is this word 'zhen' among the few people right now?"

Jiajing: "The chastity is auspicious. Elder Xu Ge is also very smart!"

"The minister leads the decree. Zhao Zhenji, the Minister of the Household Department, will enter the cabinet immediately!" Xu Jie delivered the decree loudly.

Zhao Zhenji kowtowed three times in a hurry: "I thank the sage, Shang Long En, and I will not hesitate to do so!"

Because it was July, and because it was noon and the sun was scorching, there was only this carriage on the post road at this time, heading towards the direction of leaving Beijing.From the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty to this time, this post road has been 300 years old, with lush trees on both sides and cicadas singing endlessly.

A small stream flows by the side of the road ahead, which is crystal clear.

"Stop for a while, drink some water before leaving." Lu Fang's voice came from inside the car.

The coachman reined in his horse and the sedan stopped.

The coachman jumped out of the car first, set up the step stool, opened the curtain and helped Lu Fang down.

Lu Fang had already changed into the blue long gown of ordinary people, with only his hair tied up on his head, and his face was still clean. After getting out of the car and looking around, he saw dark green everywhere and gurgling water. He breathed a long sigh of relief and turned around. He said to the car, "Jin'er, come down and drink some water too."

There is no speech in it.The coachman also watched from the side, apparently unwilling or afraid to lift the curtain to pick up the man.

Lu Fang turned to the coachman and said, "Go drink water and wash your face first."

The coachman: "Yes." He walked towards the creek alone.

Lu Fang went to the car and patted the door: "Come down."

Only then was the car curtain slowly opened a crack, revealing a head of messy gray hair and Yang Jinshui's idiot face.

Lu Fang said very kindly: "Come on, come down."

Only then did Yang Jinshui half-crawl out of the car, and looked around.

Lu Fang stretched out a hand to him, Yang Jinshui took his hand and stepped on the step stool to the ground.

Lu Fang: "Do you know where this is?"

Yang Jinshui shook his head, and started trotting by himself, not going far away, just running circles around the car and the horse.

Lu Fang sat down on a rock under a tree by the side of the road: "Don't run away, come here."

Yang Jinshui pretended not to hear, and trotted around the carriage.

"Come here!" Lu Fang shouted in a low voice.

Yang Jinshui stopped brushing the ground, showing a very frightened look, and slowly moved towards Lu Fang.

Lu Fang stretched out her hand to him again, Yang Jinshui stiffly passed her hand over, Lu Fang took his hand, and Yang Jinshui squatted down in front of him.

In the distance, the coachman was taking off his sweat clothes and was wiping his body with the stream water.

Lu Fang said softly: "Jin'er, from this moment on, you don't have to pretend, we are safe."

Yang Jinshui stared at Lu Fang blankly at first.

Lu Fang: "It's been hard for you for more than three years... Now it's all over! We both went to guard the tomb of the great grandfather. The great grandfather can't speak, and he won't be angry. No one will plot against us anymore. Go. Go to the stream and wash your hair, face and our half body. From now on, we father and son will be clean people."

There were tears in Yang Jinshui's bewildered eyes first, then the eyeballs moved slowly, and suddenly opened his mouth, weeping bitterly, his body twitching non-stop!
Lu Fang also slowly shed tears: "Cry, cry, cry out all the grievances in your heart. We don't have to cry in the future, let them cry."

Strange to say, at this time the cicadas on the big trees on the whole road stopped, only the sound of Yang Jinshui's crying became softer.

"Okay!" Lu Fang stood up, "Wash away!"

Yang Jinshui stood up, went to hold Lu Fang's arm, and helped him walk towards the creek.

For 40 years, Lv Fang, who had been "thinking about danger, thinking about retreating, and thinking about change", retreated from the police all over the body. The "interior minister" changed people, and Chen Hong, who had an iron fist, was replaced, and the inner court was stable.As for the foreign dynasty, they copied more than 1000 million taels of silver from the strict party. Just as Jiajing said, the money was divided for the army, the officials, and the people. , the past few months seem to be nothing for the time being, but in a blink of an eye it is the end of the year again-the "year end" is here!
It was snowing heavily, and the sky was full of noise, and Hubu Guangyingku looked extraordinarily tall in the shadows.A lot of people, Beijing officials waiting to receive their salaries for the New Year, lined up densely in the heavy snow, all looking at the unopened gate of Guangying Library with longing eyes, imagining that it was full of money and rice.

The so-called New Year's Pass mostly refers to poor people.Throughout the year, in the midst of hunger and cold, the whole family waits and sees through their eyes. That is to say, when the family arrives for the new year, they will eat meat and add clothes. The head of the family has to work hard for these eager eyes. , to ask for help, to look at people's eyes, to listen to people's sarcastic remarks, this is called a kind of New Year's Eve.As for the year-end of the extremely poor, it is not longing but panic.After a year, I have already been covered with debts, and what I am afraid of is that the creditors will come to collect the debts at this time and press them like thunder.In this way, the head of the family hid away as early as the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, leaving the old and young women and children to listen to the creditors yelling and scolding in the dilapidated shabby house on all sides. It's the end of the year.At that time, there was a couplet circulating: "The year is sad, this year is the saddest, let it go; you have to pay your debts, you have to pay all your debts, and you have to pay them back." It is such a bitter feeling.

This year, this couplet will be hung from the homes of poor people to the doorsteps of many sixth- and seventh-rank Qingliu Beijing officials in the Ming Dynasty.

The salary owed to officials by the Ministry of Households has been dragging on since the beginning of the year. In May, the homes of several corrupt officials of the strict party were raided. It was expected to make up the salary owed in the first half of the year. , Yongshou Palace, Chaotian Temple and Xuandu Temple were completed, and less than half of the owed salary was repaid.After July, many disasters occurred in thirteen provinces, and there was no harvest in the autumn. The bank and grain could not be handed over to the household department according to the amount. more than half.This year is not going well, all because of the opening of the gates of Guangying Library today.Therefore, no matter how heavy the snow is, everyone came here early in the morning and formed a long queue.

Guangying warehouse is the only warehouse for the Ministry of Households to store money and food.There are three warehouse gates, each of which is two feet high and three feet wide, which means to store the property of two capitals and one thirteen provinces.Each warehouse door has two doors, both of which are equipped with grooved wheels. When opening the warehouse, they are pushed to the two sides, and when the warehouse is closed, they are pushed to the middle. They are opened and closed for the storage of money, grain and various goods. There is also a small door on the left side of the door for the personnel of the household department to enter and exit when checking the warehouse.

But at this time, the Guangying library is wide and wide, and it is not profitable.The huge warehouse is empty at first glance, except for a thin layer of cloth bags on the ground.Each pile contains three bags of large, medium and small: the big bag contains two buckets of rice, the middle bag contains two liters of pepper, and the small bag contains ten hangs of money.Zhao Zhenji, the hall official of the Ministry, said that there is no need to worry about unevenness, regardless of the six nine ministers or the seventh-rank officials of each ministry, everyone who comes today will receive three bags each.

The lanterns were lit, and the officials of the household department were assigned to sit in front of the big case at the entrance of Sandao Cang. waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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