Chapter 134

Yun Niang also stood up quickly, took the handkerchief with both hands, imprinted her eyes, and said with an apologetic smile: "I made Niang laugh."

"Come on, sit down, sit down and talk slowly." At this moment, Concubine Li lost all her reserve, and took her hand and sat down together.

After sitting down, Concubine Li looked at the woman in front of her again, and suddenly said: "I understand. A child from a family like Gao Hanwen, who managed to get two Jinshi, why would he give up his official position and marry you as his wife. "

Yun Niang was holding back, Li Concubine's words were like an awl, piercing her most distressed place, and also pierced her most worried place, she knelt down to Li Concubine with tears: "Ma'am , the woman has an unfeeling request, and she wants to ask the empress to make the decision."

Concubine Li: "Just say it, I can make the decision for you and I will make the decision for you. Get up, get up and say it."

Yun Niang didn't get up, but raised her tearful eyes: "Ma'am, the person women have been reluctant to part with all their lives is my husband. He was originally from a family of officials and officials, and he is also a very talented person. For me, now he has lost his official career. , I can’t go back home anymore. The women know that he came this time to do some great things for the court, and finally let the Gao family recognize him as a descendant, let him recognize his ancestor and return to his clan.”

"Inviting him here is to let him work for the court, you don't need to ask." Concubine Li misunderstood what she meant.

Yunniang: "Your Majesty, that's not the meaning of the women's wife. The meaning of the women's begging for the mother is just the opposite. The woman begged the lady to make love with the prince and not let him run a cotton merchant with the government and the court. The water in the court and the government is worse than the sea. Deep, the waves are bigger than the sea, the husband of the peasant woman does not have this ability, he cannot steer this boat, and cannot cross the sea. Please forgive me, let the peasant woman accompany him back, he can no longer bear the setback." Said Kowtow to Concubine Li.

Concubine Li never expected that she would have such a request, she was stunned for a while, and then looked at her deeply: "Why do you have such thoughts?"

Yunniang ignored everything, and looked straight at Concubine Li: "Your Majesty, do you still remember the blood scriptures of Daoist Zhang that the women gave to Your Majesty four years ago?"

This is an extremely sensitive topic, Concubine Li didn't answer, just looked at her.

Yun Niang: "After seeing the empress, the women are like meeting relatives, and they don't hide anything from the empress. Before marrying my husband, the women were with the largest silk merchant in Yingtian and Zhejiang at that time. Shen Yishi, a businessman in the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau, gave the blood scriptures to the women."

Concubine Li's expression became solemn all of a sudden, she looked at her seriously and waited for her to continue.

Yun Niang: "In terms of scheming, strategies to deal with the court and officialdom, and methods to reach the sky, the husbands of civilian women are not one-tenth as good as Shen Yishi. In the end, Shen Yishi was forced to burn himself to death , Countless family wealth was turned into ashes in an instant. Madam, think about it, if the husband of a civilian woman comes to help the court and the government manage the cotton industry, can he do better than Shen Yishi? Not only does he not have Shen Yishi The method is not as cruel as Shen Yishi. He is just a scholar, a scholar with a heart higher than the sky but does not know the height of the sky and the earth, but he himself does not know that he does not have this talent. Except for the women, no one understands that he is going to the abyss Jumping in. At that time, I will not only harm myself, but also miss the affairs of the court. Madam, the women have poured out their hearts, I hope Madam will understand, and I beg Madam to help you!" After finishing speaking, she bowed deeply again.

Concubine Li was startled for a moment, not knowing how to answer her.He stretched out his hand to help Yunniang up.Yun Niang sat back on the chair and looked at Concubine Li beggingly.

"I understand your heart." Concubine Li obviously thought it through, and only then began to answer her, "But your thoughts may not be all right."

The light that had just appeared in Yunniang's eyes was immediately dimmed by her last words.

Concubine Li: "As the saying goes, 'One moment is another moment'. It is also said that 'it depends on man's effort'. It is wrong to compare the present with the past. In the past, the strict party used the country for personal gain in the south of the Yangtze River. They did so many bad things, so naturally they will not There will be a good end. It is even more wrong for you to compare Gao Hanwen with Shen Yishi. Shen Yishi is a businessman who only knows profit. I won't treat him badly. How could he end up with a stone like you feared. "

These words were so majestic, and Concubine Li said it so decisively, Yunniang knew in her heart that something was wrong, but she had nothing to say, her heart turned cold all of a sudden, and she just stood there in a daze.

Concubine Li Zhengyan said the big truth just now, smiled again, and said softly: "In the 40 years of Jiajing, you once helped the court, and I will remember you at that time. Now Gao Hanwen wants to serve the court and ask for help." Doing things for the prince, you are willing to tell me everything in your heart. From now on, the prince and I will take care of you and Gao Hanwen. The prince is the prince, and the world of Ming Dynasty will be governed by the prince one day. Work hard and help the court for a few years We have overcome the difficulties. At that time, I will make the decision for you and give you an imperial order to let Gao Hanwen return to the imperial court to take up his post again. Let you husband and wife go back to Gao's house in a good manner, and see who dares to deny you as a daughter-in-law and not let you Recognize the ancestors and return to the clan!"

No matter how smart she is, she is a woman after all, and after all, she is facing the concubine of the Prince of Ming Dynasty. After hearing what she said, Yunniang's eyes gradually brightened, as if she really saw the hope of a few years later.

Concubine Li took her hand again, smiled and lowered her voice: "You said you asked me just now, but I really have one thing to ask of you, it depends on whether you give me favor or not."

Yunniang was panicked, she stood up quickly by her hand, and was about to kneel down.

"Stop kneeling." Concubine Li held her back, "Sit down and listen to me."

Yun Niang had no choice but to slowly sit down next to the chair: "Your Majesty has any orders, but if you say yes, the women will obey."

Concubine Li smiled again: "This matter can't be said to be obedience or disobedience, it's just a private matter that requires your help."

Seeing Concubine Li being so caring and caring, Yunniang was immediately moved: "My lady, please tell me."

Concubine Li sighed softly: "I've already told you that I also came from a poor family. The rules of the ancestors and clans are very strict. The natal family in the harem can at most confer a title, never give real jobs, and are not allowed to do business, let alone ask questions. The government affairs of the imperial court. You outsiders don’t know, but there are many women in the palace now, and their natal families are all poor.”

"The housewife knows. The lady's natal family has any difficulties, and it needs to be spent. The housewife can send it over tomorrow." Yun Niang immediately expressed her opinion.

"Who do you think I am?" Concubine Li's face darkened.

Yun Niang was stunned.

"You are kind, and I didn't mean to blame you." Concubine Li softened her face again, "I have a younger brother who was granted the title of Duqiwei by the emperor's grace. He cannot hold a real position in the court. I want him to go to Nanzhili , and a tax-collecting errand, that’s okay. You went to Songjiang to manage the cotton industry for the imperial court, and my younger brother can also do something for you. First, let him experience experience, and second, what do you have? If there is any difficulty, he can also write to me directly, and I can help you too."

Yun Niang stood up abruptly, and most of the heart that had been hanging was put into her chest at this time, and she replied excitedly: "Your Majesty is not begging us, this is really taking care of the women and couples. Madam, don't worry, Uncle Guo If the Lord is with us for a day, we will respect him wholeheartedly."

Concubine Li also stood up, and smiled brightly: "Now you won't worry about what kind of waves your husband is in, right?"

Yun Niang also smiled, but for some reason, this smile suddenly gave off a chill in her heart.

Shengjia refused to move last night, and the capital shook.In Yuxi Palace Abode, Huang Jin, who was waiting for the holy driver that night, did not dare to close his eyes all night. Zishi finally knelt down and begged Jiajing to lie down on the dragon bed. He was worried that he would catch the cold after his anger hurt his liver, so he took out the brocade quilt and gave it to him. He covered it, but was thrown out of bed by Jiajing.Fortunately, relying on his clumsy status, he threw it down and covered it up, going back and forth several times, Jiajing had to bear it.

Huang Jin added some sandalwood and agarwood to several censers, and ignited the fire, making the abode as warm as spring.

It was Yin time, and when it was darkest, Huang Jin knew that Chen Hong was coming to take his shift at Mao Shi, so he quickly decocted the medicine, decanted it into a bowl, and held it in front of the bed: "Long live master, it's time to take the medicine."

"I won't eat from today on." Jiajing lay face to face in the bed and said these words.

"Master." Huang Jin knelt down in front of the bed holding the medicine bowl, "They can't make things difficult for us, but we can't make it difficult for ourselves. After these 49 days, the master is free from all diseases, and then he will slowly teach those people. Immortal bodies are at odds, master doesn't even have the energy to be angry with them."

Jiajing moved slowly, but still didn't turn around, and suddenly called out: "Lu Fang."

Huang Jin was taken aback, then replied: "Master, Lu Fang is in Nanjing."

Jiajing was also silent for a while, knowing that he blurted out the wrong name, but continued stubbornly: "I call you Lu Fang, you just answer it, how can there be so much wordiness!"

Huang Jin was taken aback again, and had no choice but to answer: "Yes. Back to the master, the slave Lu Fang is here."

Jiajing: "Did you say that the congratulatory forms of the Beijing officials will be presented at dawn today?"

Huang Jin: "Long live my master, I will definitely present it."

Jiajing was silent for a moment again: "Yes, King Yu went out in person, which is more effective than me. Lu Fang, you have so many contacts with King Yu, don't you think so?"

Huang Jin felt like crying, but had no choice but to answer: "Master, we slaves are all rootless people. Since we are loyal to the master in our hearts, we must be loyal to the master's son. Father and son are the same body. There is nothing wrong with King Zhongyu."

Jiajing turned over and sat up, looked straight at Huang Jin, and smiled slightly: "After all, you are not Lu Fang, if Lu Fang would not be able to say what you said. Seeing that you have spoken frankly, I am here This bowl of soup medicine."

"Longevity, master!" Huang Jin smiled, and raised the medicine bowl with both hands.

Jiajing took the medicine bowl and drank it in one gulp. Seeing that Huang Jin brought warm water again, he took a mouthful of warm water in his hand and spit it into the medicine bowl, handed it back to him, and then took the handkerchief presented to him and wiped his mouth: "What time is it?"

Huang Jin: "Long live my master, it's almost the end of the hour, and Chen Honggai brought the congratulatory forms from Xu Ge's veterans and officials."

Jiajing: "Hurry up and tidy up the medicine jars, and open a window to let the medicine gas out."

"The master has to put on his coat first." Huang Jin replied, took the cotton overcoat that had been prepared for him and put it on for him, then packed the medicine bowls and jars, hid them in a cabinet in the corner, and locked them.Then go and open a window to the east.

At the coldest moment, when the night wind blew in, Huang Jin shivered: "It's too cold, master has to add another coat." While nagging, he took out the leather robe and cloak from the closet and put it on for Jiajing .

Jiajing also felt cold, so he grabbed the skirt of his shirt with both hands and tightened it tightly.

"Slave Chen Hong is waiting for the master, Long Live Lord is here!" Chen Hong's voice sounded a moment early outside the main hall door!

Jiajing frowned.

"Supernatural!" Huang Jin couldn't help cursing, but had no choice but to close the window, and then went to blow up the fire of several incense burners with a copper pipe torch, and then went to take off Jiajing's leather robe and cloak Hastily folded it and put it in the closet.Going back to the bed and putting on Jiajing's shoes, he helped him stand up and walked to the futon to sit down.

Jiajing began to make cotton shirts.

"Don't take this off?" Huang Jin wanted to stop Jiajing.

Jiajing had already taken it off: "Take it."

Huang Jin sighed, and had no choice but to take the cotton shirt to the cabinet and put it in again.

Jiajing only had two silk shirts left, so Huang Jin moved the two copper censers to the futon.

"Slave Chen Hong is here to serve the master, Long Live!" Chen Hong's voice called out from outside the main hall again.

"Open the door." Jiajing closed his eyes.

Huang Jin took a lot of sandalwood and agarwood and added it to the incense burner. After watching it burn, he knelt down and kowtowed: "Master, the servant has gone."

Jiajing still closed his eyes: "Go."

Huang Jin pulled the latch from the inside, and opened a heavy door by a thread. Chen Hong was already impatient, and pushed his foot inside from the outside, and the door pushed Huang Jin staggeringly.

Huang Jin got angry, and just wanted to compete with him, but he couldn't compete anymore.

But seeing Chen Hong standing at the door holding a stack of congratulatory forms as high as a hill in his hands, he looked anxious to ask for credit.

"All the congratulatory forms from all the officials are here?" Huang Jin asked out of breath, looking at the stack of congratulatory forms.

Chen Hong: "Why am I in such a hurry for this?"

Huang Jin looked out the door again: "Mr. Xu Ge is not here?"

Chen Hong has already stepped into the door: "Are you taking too much care? Let's go, close the door."

Huang Jin endured that breath, went out, and closed the palace door behind him.

"Really!" Chen Hong muttered again, holding the stack of congratulatory forms, as if he was holding the country of Daming, he walked towards the door of the jingshe.

Chen Hong neatly placed the stack of congratulatory forms on the imperial case.Then with a smile on his face, he took out the copper pot from an incense burner, poured hot water into the gold basin, twisted a hot face towel, and then went to Jiajing and knelt down: "Master is very happy, first warm the holy face." He shook off the hot face towel and wiped Jiajing's face. After wiping, he couldn't help but say, "Master, I opened my longan eyes to see that the congratulatory forms of the Beijing officials have come all night."

Jiajing still kept his eyes closed: "Where's Xu Jie?"

Chen Hong had thought about it a long time ago, and now he replied in a low voice: "I was about to play the master, but the servant didn't call Mr. Xu Ge to come with him, so let him wait in the guard room first, because there is something to play the master Chen first."

"What's the matter?" Jiajing opened his eyes.

Chen Hong: "Last night, those people in the cabinet went to see those officials in honor of Prince Yu, and they all cried."

Jiajing: "Just this?"

Chen Hong: "There is another strange thing. Xu Jie and Zhang Juzheng accompanied Prince Yu back to the mansion to meet two people."

Jiajing: "Go ahead."

Chen Hong: "Where does the master know that that person is Gao Hanwen, and his wife who is a geisha—the geisha who once had an affair with both Yang Jinshui and Shen Yishi."

Jiajing: "Do you know why you saw them?"

Chen Hong: "The servant is arranging people to investigate."

Jiajing glanced at him: "Check it out slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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