Chapter 139

There is a Buddhist saying: "What is far is fate, and what is near is cause." It can be said that Zhao Zhenji and Hai Rui have both distant ties and proximate causes.When investigating the case of converting rice into mulberry in Zhejiang, Hai Rui, who was the magistrate at the time, repeatedly disobeyed orders, which made Zhao Zhenji, the governor, deeply resentful but helpless.He was transferred to Beijing one after another, and Hai Rui became the head of the household department in Zhao Zhenji's office. For the first few months, nothing happened, but he was shocked by a thunderstorm overnight, shaking the whole court!The first one to be implicated was himself, his immediate boss, Zhao Zhenji's resentment can be imagined!

Finally, the eunuch who was punished and the guards of Jinyiwei led Zhao Zhenji to a very deep prison door and stopped.

There was no light in the prison, and the light from the lantern outside the prison door shone in. You could only vaguely see Hai Rui still wearing shackles and handcuffs, sitting on the scattered straw on the ground, closing his eyes and meditating.

Zhao Zhenji's eyes immediately shot out a deep evil light: "Take it to the execution room, I will interrogate him carefully."

"That can't be done." The head of the eunuch who accompanied him to punish him replied darkly, "The superiors have said hello, and the sentence cannot be imposed, so we will interrogate him here."

Zhao Zhenji became angry: "Ask me to interrogate him in such a place?"

The head of the Tixing eunuch: "We don't want to either. But this is the meaning of the superiors. Mr. Zhao will interrogate inside, and we will record outside."

Zhao Zhenji swallowed that breath back: "Open the prison door."

The cell door opened, and Zhao Zhenji had just walked in, only to hear the cell door shut behind him with a bang, and turned around to see that it was locked again.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Zhenji angrily yelled at the criminal eunuch outside the door, "Do you even lock me?"

The head of the eunuch who raised the sentence: "The meaning of the above, you can't miss a word when you ask. Mr. Zhao, after asking, we will naturally unlock the lock and let you come out."

Zhao Zhenji held his breath so hard that he closed his eyes tightly, opened them again, and scanned the cell. Except for the messy grass on the ground, there was no stool, so it seemed that he had to stand and ask questions.

Immediately outside the prison door, someone brought a low table, a small tiger stool, with paper, pen, ink and inkstone placed on the low table, and the head of the eunuch who was serving the punishment sat down in front of the short table: "Lord Zhao, let's ask the case."

"Hai Rui!" Zhao Zhenji roared out his anger.

Hai Rui let those people busy with the questions and answers just now, and didn't open his eyes all the time. Then he slowly opened them and looked at Zhao Zhenji.

Hai Rui: "The humble job is here."

Zhao Zhenji: "You did a good job!"

Hai Rui was silent.

"Answer!" Zhao Zhenji roared angrily.

Hai Rui answered slowly: "My words are written in the memorial. Mr. Zhao can read the memorial."

Zhao Zhenji had never seen the memorial, and was even more angry and anxious: "What did you write in the memorial? Who told you to write it! Tell the truth!"

Hai Rui looked at him: "Master Zhao came to interrogate the humble official, but the emperor didn't show the memorial of the humble official to Mr. Zhao?"

Although Zhao Zhenji was extremely angry, he immediately grasped that this talk was an opportunity to cleanse himself, and said loudly with a stern voice: "Can we courtiers read the words of treason?" After finishing speaking, he stopped there intentionally, waiting Record his words outside the prison door.

As expected, the head of the eunuch who was mentioned outside the prison door was recording quickly there.

Thoughts are different, but intentions are the same, Zhao Zhenji tried his best to argue that he and the ministers in the court had nothing to do with Hai Rui, and Hai Rui was also trying to let the emperor understand that his eunuch had nothing to do with anyone.Both of them were silent and waited outside the prison door to finish recording this sentence.

Only then did Hai Rui say: "Since Mr. Zhao doesn't even know what is written in the humble official's memorandum, how does he know that the humble official wrote the words of treason?"

Zhao Zhenji was really questioned, and there was no need to pretend for this silence. In this moment of silence again, while waiting to record this sentence outside the prison door, he felt that Hai Rui didn't want to Involve yourself in others.With this feeling, Zhao Zhenji, who is as smart as Zhao Zhenji, immediately had an idea, that is to let go and chase Hai Rui, anyway, he will not confess to anyone.

"Hai Rui!" Zhao Zhenji waited outside the prison door to record the above sentence, and then asked, "Why did you go to this school?"

Hai Rui: "Shangshu is the bounden duty of a minister."

Zhao Zhenji: "What kind of treasonous words did you write in your memorial?"

Hai Rui: "Your Majesty knows if there are any treasonous words or not, you can ask him."

"I'm asking you now!" Zhao Zhenji raised her voice, "I'm asking you now by order!"

Hai Rui: "My memorial is for the emperor to read. If the emperor is willing to publish it to the ministers, he will let you read it. If the emperor does not want to publish it to the ministers, I can't tell anyone."

Zhao Zhenji turned his head slowly, and looked at the eunuch who was sitting outside the prison door taking notes. The look in his eyes was very clear, and he could not go on interrogating this case.

Helplessly, the eunuch who was punishing did not look at him with his eyes downcast, just holding a pen and waiting to record.

Zhao Zhenji couldn't help it, so he turned to Hai Rui and asked, "Then let me ask you again, who ordered you to write this memorial?"

After asking this sentence, Zhao Zhenji himself became nervous, and the eunuch who was punishing outside the prison door also raised his head, obviously a little nervous.

Hai Rui didn't reply at this moment, and slowly closed his eyes.

Zhao Zhenji: "Talk back!"

Hai Rui still kept his eyes closed: "Master Zhao usually needs to be ordered by someone when he goes to Shushu?"

"What do you mean, answer bluntly." Zhao Zhenji pressed immediately.

Hai Rui: "You don't need to ask. The humble official wrote very clearly in the memorial to the emperor. The first sentence is 'Hai Rui, the chief minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs' Yunnan Qingli Department, would like to give this memorial'. Except for Hai Rui, this memorial has nothing to do with anyone .”

Zhao Zhenji looked deeply at this subordinate whom he had always hated deeply, seeing him still sitting upright like a mountain with his shackles wrapped around him, his eyes slightly closed but calm, at this moment, he couldn't help showing a trace of respect from the bottom of his heart.

Obviously unable to continue the question, Zhao Zhenji slowly turned around again, only to find that the head of the eunuch who was imprisoned for punishment outside the prison door had already voluntarily unlocked the prison door, as if waiting for him to come out.

Zhao Zhenji was a little surprised by this, but did not dare to go out in a hurry, and looked at the head of the eunuch who was punishing him: "Elder-in-law heard it?"

The head of the punishing eunuch: "It's all written down."

Zhao Zhenji: "Then there will be no interrogation today?"

The head of the eunuch mentioning punishment: "If you can't get out of the trial, what else will you try?"

Zhao Zhenji looked at the head of the punishing eunuch slowly walking out of the prison door in surprise.

The cell door was locked again with a bang.

At this moment, Hai Rui's memorabilia was unfolded and placed impressively on King Yu's desk!

Chen Hong stood on the side of the desk with his head lowered, quietly looking at King Yu who was staring at the memorial.He also had a big surprise. Faced with such a big event today, King Yu, who usually makes people feel weak, didn't show a trace of panic, but stood still with deep eyes.

"My lord." Chen Hong called out tentatively in a low voice.

Only then did King Yu slowly glance at him.

Chen Hong lowered his head: "Long Live Lord has an order to ask the servants to ask the prince, and see how the prince will answer after reading this memorial."

King Yu looked upwards with empty eyes: "I heard the truthful reply: this person dares to insult the emperor so rebelliously, as a son, I will kill this person!"

Chen Hong raised his head, his eyes filled with relief: "The servant will definitely return the order truthfully..."

"My words are not finished yet." King Yu cut him off, "But as a descendant of my ancestors, if I can inherit the great rule, I will use this person again!"

"My lord!" Chen Hong was terrified by this sentence, and knelt down on his knees, "I implore you, my lord, to take back this last sentence!"

"I won't take it back. I will never take it back." At this time, King Yu also showed the stubbornness inherited from his father's blood, and he said firmly, "I know, my father suspected that I was instigating this person. This ignorance makes me suspect that I will force my father to abdicate. I will write this chapter and implore my father to deprive me of my title, whether I am a commoner or allow me to commit suicide, I will obey the order immediately."

After saying these words, King Yu immediately picked up the pen, spread out the blank chapter and began to write quickly.

"My lord! My lord!" Chen Hong knelt there and yelled twice. Seeing that King Yu was still moving his brush like flying, he walked over on his knees, grabbed King Yu's wrist with both hands, and shouted: "My lord!"

King Yu's hand was grabbed, and he looked at him coldly.

Chen Hong still grabbed his hand and raised his head high: "Does the lord want to destroy the land of the ancestors?"

Yu Wang: "The country of the ancestors and the ancestors is about to perish in the hands of you people. Is it my turn to perish the country?"

"The prince's words include slaves?" Chen Hong stared at King Yu with panicked eyes.

King Yu didn't answer.

Chen Hong slowly let go of King Yu's hand, turned his head to look at the sword enshrined on a red sandalwood table, stood up and walked over, held the sword in both hands and knelt down facing King Yu again: "My lord, if If you look at the servant like this, let him die now!" He lifted the sword high with both hands.

King Yu sneered: "Cabinet ministers, six ministers and nine officials are all locked up in Xiyuan on duty by you. The Ming Dynasty has already been paralyzed. Except for the emperor, you are the only elder. How can I kill you!"

"My lord has killed my servant..." Chen Hong's hand that raised his sword softened, and he lay on the ground and suddenly cried loudly.

King Yu didn't look at him anymore, and he didn't write the playbook any more, he just looked ahead with vacant eyes.

Chen Hong cried for a while, stopped, and looked at King Yu again: "Since the lord recognizes the slave in this way, the slave will not die today and tomorrow, and there will be no place to die one day. The person who is about to die, I implore the lord to let the slave say something. words."

King Yu: "What do you want to say, no one can stop you."

Chen Hong wiped away his tears: "The slave just said that. My lord, please think about it, not to mention someone as staunch as the Emperor Long Live, from ancient times to the present, which emperor on the stall could bear to see a memorial like Hai Rui's? Just as the king of Qin said, the emperor bleeds for thousands of miles in anger, and suddenly such a stabbing incident happened tonight, the prince told the servant, what should the servant do?"

King Yu slowly looked at him.

Chen Hong: "The first thing a slave can do is to appease the emperor. Everything must be appeased by the emperor, so that it will not get out of hand."

"Will the emperor be calmed down by locking up all the ministers of the court?" King Yu's tone was already a little soft.

Chen Hong: "Only when you calm down can you slowly relieve the emperor's suspicion. The servant has served the emperor for 30 years, and he can be regarded as someone who knows the emperor. Once the emperor becomes suspicious, not only many of the ministers will be implicated, but the prince will also be involved." You will be implicated. The slave is doing this to slowly dispel the suspicion of the emperor. My lord, please think, why did the slave encourage the emperor to ask Zhao Zhenji to interrogate Hai Rui? Zhao Zhenji is a student of Mr. Xu Ge, and Mr. Xu Ge is also the master of the prince. Hai Rui is Zhao Zhenji's subordinate again. If Zhao Zhenji doesn't get rid of the suspicion, everyone will be suspicious. The slave's painstaking effort, the prince can't see clearly!"

These words touched King Yu's heart, and he began to re-examine the man kneeling in front of him.

Chen Hong wiped away another tear: "My lord said that the slaves imprisoned the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty in Xiyuan. What is a slave? If you have the heart but not the guts, you have the guts but you don't have the ability to dare to be full of the Ming Dynasty with me." At this time, they can only sit in the duty room. At the same time, the slaves have already transferred all the records of Hai Rui's affairs after entering Beijing from the ceremonial supervisor and submitted them to the emperor. The situation of Hai Rui after entering Beijing The servant has already asked about it, except for some contact with Yushi Wang Yongji of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Qi Dazhu of the Zhenfu Division, he has no contact with any other ministers in the court. The emperor read those reports and naturally released the pair The suspicion of the minister will let Mr. Xu Ge and the others go back to the Ministry of the Ministry in the morning. My lord, you give me a clear indication, what else can I do besides doing this? Is what the slave is doing to destroy the world of Ming Dynasty? "After speaking, he fell down again and burst into tears.

King Yu looked at Chen Hong and fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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