Chapter 143

Hai Rui: "Please continue."

The eunuch Shi surnamed Bingbi: "I won't say it when I grow up, but I will say that some people in the palace, as well as the Zhenfu Division, have been implicated by you. Lu Fang and Lu Gonggong have all gone to Nanjing. Someone wants to take advantage of you. He killed him. Eunuch Huang, Amitabha, said a few words for you by himself, and now he is locked up in the criminal punishment department and tortured every day. The Qi Dazhu and Zhu Qi who have been good to you have also been arrested. And your good friend My friend Wang Yongji was also transferred back to Beijing in a hurry yesterday. If you don’t admit your mistake today, those people will all die. Do you know this? You can’t care about the life or death of your own family, but you can’t care about the life and death of others, right? Don't want to save them?"

Hai Rui: "How can I save them?"

The eunuch Shi surnamed Bingbi: "It's what I said just now, as long as you admit your mistake later, everyone will be saved."

A look of pain appeared on Hai Rui's face, but he remained silent.

The eunuch surnamed Shi Bingbi stopped talking, just stared at him quietly, waiting, waiting for him to let go.

"I didn't intend to implicate anyone else." Hai Rui finally spoke.

"That's good!" The eunuch surnamed Shi Bingbi immediately praised, "The emperor has already thought about it for you, so don't make it too hard for yourself, just say that you haven't read the books of the sages well, and put the sages of Confucius. , Meng Shengren and Huang Lao were confused, so he said those crazy things, and then he pleaded guilty. If you plead guilty, the emperor will not convict you, and will make an exception and transfer you to the Imperial College, in the name of letting you go Read the books of the sages carefully. In fact, everything has been arranged for you to take the tribute exam. Aren’t you just a juren? After taking the tribute exam, the nine volumes of tribute will be taken to the capital hall, and the subject name will also be given. Shengde Weiwei, your future has a solid foundation in your official career. This is a never-before-seen story of a monarch and his ministers!"

Those expectant eyes were less than a foot away from Hai Rui. Hai Rui looked at these two eyes that were shining in the darkness. It was really a "21 History" and he didn't know where to start.

Hai Rui no longer looked at those eyes, and closed them: "Please, please recite the emperor's words, but my minister Hai Rui has nothing to say, so I can only use the words of the sages to recite. Take it lightly.’ Lao Tzu said: ‘A sage has no perseverance, but takes the heart of the people as his heart.’ Please think more about my society and the people of the world. My personal life and death are like a fallen leaf, turning into a It's just dust."

There was a helpless sigh, followed by the rustling of Eunuch Shi Bingbi's robes when he stood up, and then the sound of those boots leaving the cell.

Only then did Hai Rui open his eyes. The lantern was still on the wooden table brought in today, and the prison door was still open. The eunuch Shi Bingbi was no longer outside the prison door. The eunuch stood there like a nail, when footsteps came from the passage outside the cell, the two eunuchs and the two Jinyi guards at the cell door knelt down facing the passage.Hai Rui thought it was time to escort him to the lobby of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Hai Rui closed his eyes again habitually, waiting for him to be escorted out of the cell door and boarded the prison van.

The footsteps of several people stopped outside the cell door, but no one spoke. Hai Rui heard the footsteps of a group of people leaving the cell door and walking towards the end of the passage.There was a sudden silence outside the cell door, followed by the very light footsteps of a person entering the cell.Hai Rui frowned slightly, feeling that this person was not the eunuch Shi Bingbi just now, but he just sat down on the chair beside the square table.There was no sound for a long time, obviously staring at himself.

"You're going to be interrogated." Finally the voice came out, and it really was another person's voice.

The tone was very slow and gloomy, but there was an inexplicable huge aura pressing on him. Hai Rui subconsciously sat up straight, collected himself, and slowly opened his eyes to look at the man.

The man sat upright on the chair, those eyes were staring at him like two deep holes.The beginning of May was approaching pinellia, but this man was wearing a thick cotton shirt and a blue robe outside, which could not reveal his official rank or identity.

He had never seen it before, and of course Hai Rui didn't know him. This person was the current emperor whom he denounced in the memorial, the Jiajing emperor who had ruled the world for 45 years but had not been in court for more than 20 years!
Jiajing took another look at Hai Rui, who was sitting on the grass wearing a chain-skirt, "There are so many people interrogating you, and you won't be convinced even if you try. The emperor asked me to tell you what these people refuted you in advance, and I want to hear from you." How do you answer their words?"

"Since there is a decree, I will reply when I have to." At this point, Hai Rui suddenly had an indescribable premonition for this tall, thin man with long eyebrows and long beard, and asked suddenly: "Can you tell me, sir?" Which yamen do I work for?"

Jiajing's gaze was still fixed on the memorandum: "Same as you, serving in the Ming Dynasty. You just answer."

Hai Rui: "Then ask me."

Jiajing looked at Li Qingyuan's memorabilia: "Guozijian Secretary Li Qingyuan asked you, 'Who can be called a virtuous monarch under my three generations of China?'"

Hai Rui: "Emperor Han Wen should be the first to be promoted."

Jiajing still looked at the memorial book: "The sage of Emperor Wen and the rule of Wenjing will be praised by later generations, but you quoted the words of Jia Yi, a mad student, in your memorial to the emperor, asking for complete criticism, and attacking the current emperor by attacking Emperor Wen of Han. So Even if the wise king attacks like this, who is the wise king in your mind?"

Hai Rui: "Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang!"

Jiajing's gaze stabbed at him in a flash: "Li Qingyuan asked about the third generation."

Hai Rui: "It has been said in the memorandum of the minister that the emperor Wenwen of the Han Dynasty under three generations can be called a virtuous emperor."

Jiajing looked at the memorial again: "Li Qingyuan asked: 'Since you consider Emperor Wen of Han to be a virtuous emperor, why do you blame Emperor Wen for his inferiority and negligence? Does this allude to the current emperor?'"

Hai Rui didn't answer.

"Why didn't you answer?" Jiajing's gaze was still on the notebook.

"This statement is not worth refuting." Hai Rui replied.

"It's not worth refuting or refuting without words?" Jiajing finally looked at Hai Rui again.

Hai Rui: "They didn't understand my memorial, and they couldn't understand it, so it's not worth refuting."

Jiajing: "What a great knowledge. If there is a will, you must refute it."

"Then I'll say it." Hai Rui raised his voice, "Emperor Wen Wen of the Han Dynasty did not respect Confucius and Mencius, but advocated the way of Huang and Lao, and ruled by doing nothing. Therefore, he had the disadvantage of being superior and retiring, and neglecting government affairs. But the minister still recognizes Emperor Wen. As a virtuous emperor, because Emperor Wen still has the beauty of being close to the people, the virtue of being kind, forgiving, respectful and thrifty, taking the hearts of the people as his heart, and recuperating with the people. After Emperor Jing, the virtues of Emperor Wen are extensive, and there is the rule of Wenjing. Today, the emperor is everywhere He thinks he is imitating Wen Jing's actions. He has not been to the court for more than [-] years. It is called "government by doing nothing." There is no one move to rest and live with the people. As a result, the people are extravagant and greedy, and the people's wealth is exhausted. The world is not governed, and the people's livelihood is difficult. If you want to say it bluntly, there is still the disadvantage of abolishing the government with the virtuous Emperor Wen, not to mention that the current emperor is not as good as the Emperor Wen of Han!"

Jiajing's hand holding the playbook froze, and his face changed abruptly.

Hai Rui still said loudly: "There are tens of thousands of officials in the Ming Dynasty, and no one dares to speak to the emperor, but I, Hai Rui, speak for the emperor. If I don't speak, the glorious history will have its own words! Please ask my lord Li Qingyuan, turn to those officials who want to refute me, they don't say anything, I say it alone, what is insinuation? I say it alone, but the officials refute it instead, do they want the emperor to leave a reputation forever!"

However, Jiajing's eyes were blind. Looking at the stone roof above the cell, he uttered a deep voice from his abdomen for a long time: "According to what you said, my Lord Ming is a faint emperor, and all his ministers are sycophants. You alone are loyal and virtuous ministers. Good minister?"

Hai Rui: "I'm just a direct minister."

Jiajing: "A direct minister without a father or a king!"

Hai Rui saw the murderous look in the man's eyes, and replied calmly, "Can my lord relay my words to the emperor?"

Jiajing: "Say!"

Hai Rui: "I lost my father when I was four years old. My mother kept me and brought me up to be an official. My mother always told me, 'Although you have no father, you will eat the king's salary, and the king will be your father'. In fact, it's not just me. Hai Rui regards the emperor as his father, but who in the world does not regard the emperor as his father? Unfortunately, today's emperor does not regard the people as his subjects. Since the establishment of a strict party, eunuchs have been sent from the 24 yamen in the palace to all levels, from the imperial court to the provincial capitals. The officials in the county even regarded the people as fish and meat. The emperor lived deep in Xiyuan and devoted himself to Xuanxiu. When he observed the sufferings of the people's livelihood, how often did he think about the tens of millions of people in the Ming Dynasty? Pirates! The two capitals and the thirteen provinces are full of hungry and cold babies, fish and meat waiting to be cut, does your father know?"

These words made Hai Rui's heart ache, and his voice was like a torrent of bells, shaking the prison of the Governor's Office to hum!

But seeing the man's face suddenly white as paper, his teeth clenched tightly, sitting on the stool as if he was about to fall down, he grabbed the table with his hands.

Hai Rui also noticed it, and looked at the man with concern.

At this moment, Hai Rui noticed that the man's face gradually turned from white to red, and saw blood slowly dripping from his nostrils, followed by a stream of blood from the corner of his mouth.

Hai Rui was also startled, and shouted loudly, "Come on!"

Immediately there were hurried and chaotic footsteps, the eunuch surnamed Shi Bingbi was running in the front, followed by several eunuchs who were punished and Jin Yiwei.

"Your Majesty!" The eunuch Shi surnamed rushed over immediately, and took out a piece of white silk to cover Jiajing's bleeding nostrils.

All the eunuchs and Jin Yiwei knelt down and were at a loss.

"Carry the chair! Carry the chair and send it to the imperial hospital immediately!" the eunuch surnamed Shi shouted.

The eunuchs and Jin Yiwei swarmed up, even the chairs were lifted up, and they hurriedly squeezed out of the prison door.

There was a clatter of chains, and Hai Rui was already kneeling there, with panic showing in his eyes for the first time, looking straight at Jiajing who was being carried out.

"Stop!" Jiajing, who was carried out of the prison door, held his breath and shouted these two words again.

The foot that lifted the chair immediately stopped there.

Jiajing's back: "Hai Rui!"

Hai Rui knelt on the ground, "The culprit is here!"

Jiajing's back: "I give you eight words: 'No father, no king, abandon the country and family!'"

Hai Rui lay on the ground without answering a word.

Jiajing was also speechless.

Eunuch Shi surnamed Bingbi: "Take it away quickly!"

With a gust of wind, Jiajing was carried away from the prison door.

Hai Rui slowly raised his head, looking out of the empty cell door, tears welled up in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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