Chapter 147

The sunlight of the beginning of autumn was particularly dazzling. Zhu Qi, Qi Dazhu, and a few Jin Yiwei who were executing the execution were all standing under the gallows at this time, all looking up at the sycamore tree whose leaves were already green and yellow.

The two Jinyi guards carrying out the execution carried a bill case with incense burners, incense candles and paper money on it, and carried it under the big tree.

Qi Dazhu looked at his master with desolate eyes: "Master, do you always ask God?"

Zhu Qi still looked up at the crown of the tree: "Shangxiang, ask God!"

The two Jin Yiwei who were executing the execution immediately lit the incense candles and handed the incense sticks to Zhu Qi.

Zhu Qiqing knelt down facing the big tree in front of the incense table with the incense sticks: "God bless Zhongliang, please let the gods show you who deserves death!" Zhu Bi kowtowed three times and inserted the incense sticks into the stove.He picked up the paper money on the incense table again, and then stood up.

Qi Dazhu and several others all looked at him.

But Zhu Qi looked at Qi Dazhu: "Hai Gong is your benefactor, you can ask this god." He said and handed the paper money to Qi Dazhu.

Qi Dazhu took the paper money and lit it on the joss stick, but his hands trembled a little, and he put it on the ground, then he also knelt down, kowtowed three times, stood up abruptly, and walked towards the tree trunk.

All eyes were on him.

Qi Dazhu shouted loudly: "God bless Zhongliang!" Then he slammed his palms at the thick tree trunk.

All eyes were raised, looking at the sycamore leaves falling from the tree!
Countless fallen leaves drifted toward the gallows, and all fell on both sides of the gallows, and none of them floated toward the gallows.

There were only two or three leaves left on the tree floating in the air, Qi Dazhu's eyes lit up first, and Zhu Qi and those people's eyes gradually lit up.

Two more leaves fell away from the gallows to the ground.

At this moment a breeze blew, and the last leaf, which seemed to have fallen below the ring, was suddenly blown up again, and rose above the gallows, where it floated.

The fallen leaf was slowly floating on the gallows, unwilling to fall!

The gust of wind passed, and the leaf finally fell slowly, but it was next to the twisted rope!

All eyes were shocked.

The fallen leaf slowly approached the ring, slowly floated from the side of the ring into the round ring ring, and passed through the ring before slowly falling to the ground—the gods showed that the people who were tortured today Lifeless!
Qi Dazhu's body softened and he knelt down.

Even though he was taking the medicine prescribed by Li Shizhen again, Jiajing's serious illness was difficult to recover. At this time, he could no longer meditate on the futon, leaning against the head of the bed, covered with a quilt in the hot weather.

The list of culprits in Qiujue is full of criminal cases. Huang Jin’s face and body injuries have healed, but his leg has been limped since then. At this moment, he is standing in front of the criminal cases, picking and judging from above. The list of criminals was lined up in order, and his eyes were fixed on the list with the name "Hai Rui".His hand skipped over the list, picked up a few lists behind Hai Rui, put them on the tray and limped towards the bed.

At the bedside, Huang Jin first picked up the vermilion pen on the bed table and handed it to Jiajing, then stretched over the tray.

Jiajing's usually radiant eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of cloud, and now he tried his best to look at the name on the tray, and after he recognized it clearly, he ticked off the ink pen.

After ticking off several lists, he looked at Huang Jin.

Huang Jin also looked at him deeply.

Jiajing: "What else? Bring them all."

Huang Jin shivered, and limped towards the case with difficulty, holding the tray.

Ever since he was pardoned, Huang Jin has not resumed his position as the Chief Eunuch of the Rites Supervisor, and has dedicated himself to serving beside Jiajing in the Jingshe. Over the past few decades, the system of two eunuchs working day and night has been changed to Huang Jin's twelve days and nights. He stayed with Jiajing all the time, and made a bed next to Jiajing's bed at night.Therefore, it is even difficult for Chen Hong to go to the jingshe to see Jiajing.

At this time, Chen Hong had been staying at the gate of the main hall, walking lightly back and forth, while the other eunuchs on duty stood with their heads bowed inside and outside the gate of the main hall, not daring to show their air, waiting for Qiu Jue's Gou Zhu to send him off in a hurry. Cabinet value.

"To kill or not to kill?" Chen Hong stood outside the main hall door, looking at the sun above, "What time is it?"

In the main hall, a eunuch on duty had been staring at the copper pot with an hourglass, and at this moment he replied softly, "It's almost two quarters."

Chen Hong turned around, walked into the main hall and looked at the door of the Vihara.

Suddenly, he heard Huang Jin's voice, as if he was reading from a playbook, and listening carefully, he was reading Hai Rui's playbook.

Huang Jin's tone of voice has completely lost the straightforward anger of the past, and he reads very slowly: "Hai Rui, the head of the Ministry of Household Affairs' Yunnan Qingli Department, would like to play: In order to speak out the most important thing in the world, to upright the way of the monarch, and to clarify the duties of officials, I pray for the peace of the world..."

"Delaying the time?" followed by Jiajing's irritable voice, "Bring it here, I will see for myself."

Chen Hong tilted his head and pricked up his ears.After a while he heard Jiajing's voice again: "First call Chen Hong to send the list of those who should be executed to the cabinet."

Chen Hong immediately walked towards the door of the abode, and when he got to the door, he saw Huang Jin walking towards the door of the abode limping, holding a tray, on which was a stack of lists marked red.

Huang Jin walked to the door, Chen Hong slowly reached out to pick up the tray, relying on Huang Jin's body to block it, and looked over his shoulder at Jiajing who was on the bed secretly.

The tall standing lamp beside the bed was very bright. Although Jiajing's face was half blocked by Hai Rui's melody at this moment, it could still be seen from the exposed eyebrows and the corners of his eyes and the clenched gums that there was a murderous look in his heart at this time.

After going through all these ordeals, Huang Jin no longer spoke to Chen Hong. Seeing that he was peeping at Jiajing while receiving the tray, he simply put the tray on the threshold, turned around and walked towards the shrine with a limp , Expose Chen Hong at the door.

Chen Hong couldn't stay any longer, he hurriedly picked up the tray and prepared to quietly leave the door of the Abode.

"Chen Hong." Although Jiajing's gaze was still fixed on Hai Rui's memorial, the corner of his eyes was on Chen Hong's figure.

"The servant is here." Chen Hong quickly knelt down.

Jiajing was still looking at Hai Rui's memorabilia: "Didn't Xu Jie say that I still have important memorabilia for me to read?"

Chen Hong: "Back to the master, it seems to be."

Jiajing: "It seems that I asked him to send it immediately."

Chen Hong: "The slave understands." Then he stood up and went to the cabinet to check the room with the tray in his hand.

The four cabinet members Xu Jie, Li Chunfang, Gao Gong, and Zhao Zhenji, together with the Ministry of Punishment, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the Dali Temple, were waiting here early in the morning. When they saw Chen Hong appearing at the door with a tray in their hands, they all stood up.

"Did Hai Rui hook it up?" Xu Jie, who was always calm, couldn't hold back anymore, and asked when he saw Chen Hong.

Everyone looked at Chen Hong.

"It's all on this, I don't know." Chen Hong put the tray on the big case.

"Let's see if there is Hai Rui." Gao Gong reached for a stack of lists as he spoke, and quickly read them one by one.

Zhao Zhenji also took a stack and looked at it one by one.

Li Chunfang was next to Xu Jie, picked up a copy of the list left on the tray and handed it to Xu Jie, and after he finished reading it, picked up another copy and gave it to Xu Jie.

Shen Shixing, Shangshu of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Zuodu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Zhengqing of Dali Temple were all sitting in front of the case on the left, and they were all looking at the four members of the cabinet who were looking at the list.

Gao Gong was the quickest to see: "I don't have any here."

Zhao Zhenji also finished reading that stack: "I don't have any here either."

Li Chunfang handed the last list in the tray to Xu Jie, and Xu Jie stopped in front of him with the list.

All eyes were on him.

Xu Jie slowly put the list back on the tray, turned to Shen Shixing and said, "Lord Shen, immediately send the list of those who have been involved in the execution to the Ministry of Punishment for execution at [-]:[-] noon."

"Didn't anyone be sent to Zhenfusi's imperial prison?" Chen Hong asked urgently.

"No." Xu Jie then looked at the crowd, "The Emperor did not hook Hai Rui up."

All eyes lit up and they touched each other.

Shen Shixing left his seat and walked over, picked up the list that had been placed on the tray again, and walked out quickly.

Seeing that Xu Jie and several other ministers showed relief that Hai Rui was not included in the list, Chen Hong felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Your Majesty is pitiful." He said in his heart, and his eyes revealed a look that wanted to put an end to their excitement, "Mr. Ge, whether to go or not, Hai Rui is already in the notebook you are going to present. Your Majesty is waiting Let’s go, I tell you to send it here.”

These few words were eerie, and everyone seemed to see ominousness from his expression.

This was the moment Xu Jie had been waiting for, and when he woke up, it was nearly an hour before [-]:[-] noon. Will the emperor decide to kill Hai Rui at this last moment?It all depends on how you write these plays, whether they work, how you speak, the emperor's mood at this time is very important.At this point, Nianxiang asked Chen Hong: "How is the holy body now?"

Chen Hong: "After taking the medicine for the past few days, I just saw some improvement, and today it's not good. Right now, I'm reading Hai Rui's memorabilia on the bed again. Mr. Ge, it's best not to show the emperor any taboo things at this time. "

Everyone looked at Xu Jie.

"Take care of me." Xu Jie answered him, then turned to Gao Gong and Zhao Zhenji and said, "Suqing, Meng Jing, report the report from Guangdong that Hai Rui's wife died in Leizhou and the report from Tan Lun. Give me a record of one hundred thousand bolts of cotton cloth."

Both Gao Gong and Zhao Zhenji picked out one from the stack of notebooks in front of their case and handed it to Xu Jie at the same time.

Chen Hong stared straight at the two memorials that Gao Gong and Zhao Zhenji handed to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie took the memorial and left his seat: "Eunuch Chen, let's go." He said and walked out.

Chen Hong had no choice but to follow him out.

(End of this chapter)

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