Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 206 Walking with Gao Leng Yujie Fan Today

Chapter 206 Walking with Gao Leng Yujie Fan Today
However, this outfit is not low-key.

If you look at it from the back, there might be someone who wants to strike up a conversation, because this cosplay suit is for ladies, and it's Gao Leng Yujie Fan.

But once Su Mo turns around...

I hope that the man who patted Su Mo's shoulder just now won't have nightmares, or if it's more serious, he won't have any feelings from now on.

The big bearded man in women's clothing walked into the tavern, causing the people in the tavern to spray the table, all of them turned blue, and then watched the big man walk up to a table and sit down in front of a table.

There was someone at this table with a bald head and cheeks, who followed a mature route and was very successful.

Coupled with the fact that there is a beautiful girl next to him, smiling sweetly, half of the men and women in the tavern cast their eyes on him from time to time, this is called grace, and this is called a successful person.

He drank like water, very heroic, but not vulgar.

"Pfft! Cough cough cough ~" All the image and temperament disappeared after the boss took his seat, and the girl beside him also fell into a tangle. Should I help the benefactor caress his chest first, or run and spit? meeting.

"What are you doing, it's quite early." The rough voice proved once again that this is definitely not a girl.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I choked on drinking." Cang Jia endured it very hard. He is a person who pays attention to his own image. As a bigwig in the game circle, he has rarely lost his composure.

"How old are you, you can still choke on drinking." The boss rolled his eyes.

And this white eye fell on Mr. Cang, it was like winking at him, the wine spewed out of his nostrils, his little beauty bent over his lap, and kept retching.

Ma Dan, is it that hard to accept? How can a gentleman judge a person by his cover.

"It's endless, I've never seen such a handsome person." The boss slapped the table violently, shaking his armor to death, and the other players in the tavern were also fighting with each other.

Come on, out of sight, out of mind, why don't we go?

Facing this enchanting big guy in women's clothing, even one person can't drink it anymore.Most of the people in the tavern disappeared in an instant, making the tavern owner want to cry without tears.

In fact, Cangjia also wanted to leave, but he couldn't. The other party said that there were more than 30 pieces of silver equipment, which were very important to their guild.

Even if you kill [-] bosses, you may not be able to pick up [-] pieces of silver equipment. Most of the bosses actually prefer to drop a blue equipment, or even drop some worthless materials to perfunctory.

In fact, the game is like this, the lifeline with slow upgrade and low drop rate will last long.

The kind of game that kills a chicken and can drop the best equipment in a place, it is estimated that at least ten districts will be opened in one night, and it will be closed in three or two months.

"Brother's name and name?" Cang Jia meditated in his heart, and slowly returned to normal.

"I look like a bird, do you think there is any other name?" Su Mo didn't answer, but asked back.He randomly found an NPC beggar on the street, and asked him to help deliver a letter to the people of Ragnarok, and made an appointment for a meeting place, as well as the reason for looking for Cangjia.

That kind of beggars are everywhere, and they are semi-official messengers, as long as they give money, they will be fooled.

"That's all right, let me see your equipment." Cang Jia was helpless, but he didn't force it. Since the other party didn't want to get to know him, it's best not to be sentimental.

This is also the reason why Su Mo chose Cang Jia instead of Gaara.

Cang Jia is the top executive of Ragnarok, he has a lot of things to do, and he doesn't have so much energy. Because a person sold him thirty pieces of silver, he became curious and refused to let him go.

Gaara is different, he relies on information for a living, and he compiles his own network all the time.

A person who can come up with more than 30 pieces of silver equipment, he will do everything possible to develop into a partner of his own, and Su Mo will be very troubled by then.There are many unknown things in this game, and no one knows if there will be any special props that will track him.

"Twenty-level silver, this is too bad." Cang Jia was very dissatisfied with the first piece of equipment.

"Fifty gold coins." Su Mo gave the price.

"Deal." Cang Jia considered the price and agreed to the price. Although it was a few gold coins higher than the market price, the price was not exaggerated, and Ragnarok could afford it.

"This one is also fifty gold, how about it?"

"Well, this is not bad..."

"This one, level 25, eighty gold."


"This one, level 25, with special effects, 120 gold."


After confirming the attributes and prices one by one, the two talked very smoothly, because Su Mo had already done his homework on the prices, which were basically not much different from the market prices, some were a little higher, and some were a little lower.

I quickly read all 33 pieces of silver equipment.

A total of 37 pieces of equipment, with an average price of 120 gold. If the silver at level 20 does not have special effects, it is only a few dozen gold coins less, and with special effects, it will not exceed 25 gold. Gold is the hurdle, the most valuable are two pieces of 200-level silver equipment with special effects, both sold for more than [-].

In fact, the price of silver equipment has been falling. Some time ago, everyone was upgrading equipment in order to advance, but now they have lost that momentum.

Even so, Su Mo got [-] gold this trip.

In order not to expose himself, he asked for a gold coin transaction.

I plan to hand over the gold coins to Gaara to exchange them for real coins later on. The equipment is too conspicuous, so the gold coins are not so troublesome. There are not a few businesses in the new world that can earn thousands of gold coins. It can be said that I have completed a big deal by myself.

According to the current market price of 18 to [-], Laifu earned [-] this time.

Su Mo's heart was heavy. He felt that he was being outmatched by a dog. He earned 18 yuan in one accidental event, and he only got a few thousand yuan after completing an order after exhausting himself.

At the beginning, when killing deadly octopuses, only 1000 yuan was charged for one kill.

"Brother, it doesn't matter if it's inconvenient to reveal your identity. Next time you have a similar transaction, just find someone from Ragnarok to send a message. The price will definitely satisfy you." The 10,000+ business is done, Cang Jia I'm in a good mood.

"Don't worry, if you have the goods, I will definitely find you. It's refreshing enough." The other party at least gave him an extra one or two hundred gold coins, and Su Mo naturally felt the sincerity.

"Well... there is something I don't know if I should say it or not," Cang Jia hesitated, and said, "I don't know what you have experienced, brother. You can see that you are a person with a story, but your hobby is too penetrating. Can you stop going out dressed like this next time?"

"Hehe." Su Mo really wanted to tell him that it's none of your business.

But for the sake of money, he didn't say anything, he just patted his bulging chest and promised not to do it again next time.

Back at the hotel, Su Mo was curious about the result of his dressing up. He just pretended casually and didn't have time to see the result.

It happened that there was a full-length mirror in the room, so I walked up to take a look.

Heck, it's okay if you don't look at it, just looking at it almost made him vomit out his dinner overnight.

"From now on, I, Su Mo, will wash my face with sulfuric acid, wash off my skin, wash off my flesh, and turn myself into a skeleton. I will never turn into a lady-dresser just to hide my identity!"

(End of this chapter)

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