Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 209 A Magical Shoemaker

Chapter 209 A Magical Shoemaker
Tallinn is a huge city, and it takes a whole day to walk down the streets.

According to the address, Su Mo came to the legendary slum area. It was almost difficult for a carriage to pass through the crowded streets. The houses looked like they might fall apart at any time. Huge cracks could be seen everywhere. He even saw a collapsed house.

Those who have housing are not even the poorest. Beside the trash can in the alley, several beggar-looking people are lying sickly on the ground, and a broken board is used to protect them from the wind and rain.

This is winter. It is hard to say whether it will survive.

For a well-dressed person like Su Mo, when he walked to such a place, he looked discordant everywhere, and some homeless people even wanted to snatch his clothes.He had to change his costume after kicking a homeless man away.

Master Su went from being a cowboy in the west to picking up rags, and became a beggar directly, and Su Qier went online.

Under such attire, no one coveted his clothes anymore.

Hmm... No one coveted his beauty.

Max lives in a slum, next to a dilapidated church.

After confirming that the address was correct, Su Mo knocked on the door of this decent-looking room. This guy lived in a dilapidated house, but compared to his surroundings, it was considered a mansion.

After knocking twice, there was a response inside.

"Please come in!"

Su Mo changed his attire, walked in, and saluted with his hands on the brim of his hat.

Sitting in the room was a dark and thin old man with old glasses. His skin was rough, his beard was somewhat gray, and his sparse hair was also gray.He watched Su Mo's clothes change, and there was no surprise in his eyes: "Guest, how can I help you?"

"You didn't go out for business today?"

"My youngest son helped me pick up a lot of business, and it just rained heavily, so he didn't go out. Did you see my youngest son? He was asking people one by one, sir, do you need your shoes? Bu, my father's handicraft is very good..."

"Mr. Max, I'm not here to repair shoes. My shoes are very new." Su Mo held the badge in his palm and showed it to the shoemaker.

The shoemaker took the badge and inspected it carefully, finally stopped his work, walked to the door, picked up a sign and hung it outside, and then plugged the door from the inside.

"My lord envoy, is the Earl alright?"

"I can't tell if it's good or not, but it's as unpredictable as ever." Su Mo replied, looking at the other party's expression, he could tell that this special envoy was great.

"I don't know what to order when you come to me?" The shoemaker stood beside Su Mo respectfully.

"Lord Earl, I hope you can show me Tallinn, a different Tallinn. In fact, I have been to Tallinn many times. I don't know what kind of Tallinn I have never seen." Su Mo said with a smile.

Gentle and friendly, like a leader who goes down to inspect the place.

"Tallinn..." Max sighed.

He walked to the shoe cabinet, picked two pairs of shoes from the shoe cabinet, took a pair for himself, and gave Su Mo a pair.

Su Mo didn't understand why he gave himself a pair of shoes. These were a pair of cowhide shoes, the quality was very good, and the old shoemaker's craftsmanship was very good, and there was hardly any trace of repair.

Why wear other people's shoes, can he refuse.

"Is the size wrong? Probably not. I have always been very accurate in this regard. I can tell what kind of shoes a person is wearing just by looking at their feet." A voice said behind Su Mo.

Su Mo turned his head sharply, staring at the people behind him warily.

The old shoemaker was gone, replaced by a burly middle-aged man, wearing the silver scale breastplate that mercenaries and entourages like to wear, which can provide good protection without hindering the flexibility of movement.

The door was still closed, as were the dilapidated windows, and he didn't hear anyone leaving.

So where did the old shoemaker go, and who is this person?
"Don't be surprised, you will understand when you put on these shoes." The subordinate pointed to Su Mo's shoes and said calmly.

Su Mo suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility.

The person in front of him was the old shoemaker, and he seemed to have turned into another person in some way—if I guessed correctly, it was the role of shoes.

Su Mo took a look at the old shoemaker's shoes that the other party had replaced. He couldn't believe that the old shoemaker he saw just now was the other party's true face. The ghosts knew what he looked like.

He tried his best to calm down and put the new shoes in his hand on his feet.

It seemed to be a little shorter, and the parallel line of sight had changed. Su Mo couldn't wait to walk in front of the full-length mirror—it was reasonable for a poor shoemaker to have a full-length mirror that was not expensive.

Sure enough, the person in the mirror became shorter, wearing Tallinn's most fashionable tuxedo gentleman's clothing, wearing a black bowler hat, and holding a cane in his hand.

The man made a very elegant gesture of invitation, completely high-society style.

Is this yourself?
"Just get used to it, Mr. Special Envoy, let's go, I am your entourage, and now I want to take you around Tallinn. The badge on your chest belongs to the Moulton family. Going to me is still enough to protect you from being robbed by homeless people."

"Okay, you are very thoughtful." Su Mo nodded, leaning on a cane, walked out of the shoemaker's house with unfamiliar steps.

Now he finally understands why Dracula said that this shoemaker is very useful - he can become whoever can wear his shoes, and this skill is indeed very against the sky.

"Oh, Max, where is your youngest son? I didn't see him at the street corner." Su Mo asked casually.

"He's already dead, under the wheels of nobles. My lord, let's go, how about we look at the church first?" Max looked flat, as if he was telling someone else's story.

"I'm sorry, really." Su Mo said.

The church is still a church, and there are still a few pastors inside, but it has long since lost its former grandeur. After entering, Su Mo discovered that it had become a hospital in a slum area.

There are straw mats on the ground, and there are young or old lives lying there.

No one paid any attention to the two of them, Su Mo, because between the coming and going of life, everyone lost their curiosity.

"The workers here are almost all factory workers. The solution they use is poisonous, so the workers will be poisoned as long as they work for a year or two. The lungs are basically rotten. There is no cure, not even the priest." Max pointed Several patients who were dying said.

"Since you know it's poisonous, why do you do it!" Su Mo was speechless.

"Because of hunger, if you don't do it, you may starve to death tomorrow. If you do it, at least you can live for a few more days." Max said.

"They can go back to the countryside to farm." The wilderness is not a place where monsters are spawned. There are many pastures and farms, and cultivated land can be seen everywhere. What's the point of crowding them into the city.

"In the past, they almost all had their own farmland and livestock, but they were all taken away by the nobles, so you saw all this."

"I guess, you want to show me. There must be many more like this." Su Mo took a breath, feeling that his next trip to Tallinn would definitely not be in a happy mood.

(End of this chapter)

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