Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 211 is the devil's pace

Chapter 211 is the devil's pace
Hearing Su Laomo mention his youngest son again, Max's eyes were bloodshot again. That was the greatest pain in his heart. His most well-behaved youngest son, the youngest son who was tested to have magical talent, was most likely to inherit His youngest son was crushed to death just like a humble ant.

The death of his youngest son cut off all hope of his entry into high society.

Hatred tore at his soul day and night, and he imagined revenge countless times, letting the members of the Miller family bleed and letting them experience this heartache.

However, when things came to an end, he was at a loss.

"What are you hesitating about? Could it be that he died for nothing? Don't you want him to die in peace?" Su Mo's voice was like a devil, pressing every step of the way.

Max covered his ears and knelt down in pain.

Therefore, it is also a problem that the game is too smart.

What makes Su Mo wonder is why this Max didn't agree to him. If all the goals of his life are just revenge, then once the opportunity is presented to him, no matter whether he believes it or not, he shouldn't react like this .

Fortunately, Su Mo is not a young flower seedling who grew up in a greenhouse, he knows people's hearts well.

"I guess, you are worried about yourself." Su Mo walked around Max, and his deep voice cursed into Max's mind: "You actually don't want to avenge your son that much, You are worried that if I learn your special skills, then you will lose value in front of the Earl, you don't want to give up this opportunity to change your status in life, you want to enter the upper class..."

"You are a devil!" Max looked at Su Mo angrily.

"Haha, I guessed it right. Don't be so embarrassing. We still have many opportunities to cooperate in the future. You can kill me, but you can't kill me." Su Mo said very inscrutable, successfully bluffing the other party.

He didn't talk nonsense, there are many people who can kill him in the game, but he can be resurrected infinitely.

"What do you want?" Max looked at Su Mo frantically. He did not allow himself to be abandoned. He wanted to enter the upper class, become a nobleman, marry a noble lady, and have many children.

"I hope to be able to learn your unique skills, but I will never tell others. I also hope that you will not tell others, not even Count Dracula. How, if I do this, will I give a handle to you? It's in your hands, if one day I'm against you, you can tell Count Dracula about it, so that he won't trust me anymore." Su Mo smiled like a villain, Proper villain setting.

In fact, he is very sunny in reality, and he is also handsome. Many girls like him and cry out to marry him.

Poor Max looked at Su Mo stupidly, and was completely confused by him. He didn't understand what kind of sand sculpture operation was the act of sending the handle to someone else.

"I'm going to help you destroy that castle. When it's done, you'll teach me the art of cross-dressing. Don't fool me. I'm going crazy, and I'm even afraid of myself." Su Mo didn't forget to warn him.

If you simply become another person and master his voice and habits, although there is value, it will not meet Su Mo's expectations.

He suspects that there is a more powerful version of this skill, and it is likely that even the Max in front of him has not been able to touch it.

Speaking of this, Max naturally has no scruples.

In fact, he is very obsessed with avenging his youngest son, otherwise he wouldn't be talking about his youngest son all day long, but this kind of hatred has gradually become inferior to his yearning for the upper class as time goes by. to the ambition that grew out of his powerlessness.

"Looking at a different Tallinn, you've finished here. This is the task of the Earl," Max said.

"Of course, his wisdom is like the bright moon in the night sky, illuminating my withered soul." Su Mo's face was serious, and he expressed admiration from his heart.

The system reminded him that he had completed the task and gained 11% of the experience. The experience bar of level 11.00 was [-]%.

With 30% experience at level 55, he is still number one.

And he still has one more task to hand in, which is the anxiety about luncheon meat, and it is also a task that can be completed in Tallinn.

In fact, just now, someone has surpassed him.

It's just that the time was relatively short, just after a while, a group of people who helped him level up started to open champagne to celebrate, and the time was surpassed again in the blink of an eye, and it was not necessary to drink the already bubbling champagne.

Iron Horse Binghe, let me see you in the future, I will kill you every time I see you!
"I promise you, as long as the Miller Family Castle by the Miller Lake is destroyed, I will teach you Transfiguration."

As soon as Max's voice fell, the system reminded Su Mo that he had received the task [Destroy Miller's Castle]. The task period was three months, and the task reward was Transfiguration. This task is not the main task, but can only be regarded as one of the main task. Just a branch.

Probably the tasks that can promote the development of the game plot can be regarded as main tasks, and the others can only be regarded as side tasks.

It's a pity, I thought I could get a lot of experience.

Su Mo confirmed that he had accepted the task, chatted with Max for a few more words, and then left.

Before he went to do the task, he went to the tailor's shop. Aunt Mel was very anxious. It would be reassuring to hand in the task earlier. As for why it took half a day to hand it in, he completely forgot.

"You're here, what did Dracula say?"

Before Su Mo could speak, Merlin Keinstein asked impatiently.

Su Mo noticed carefully that many things that he had seen before were gone. Presumably, once this female vampire heard bad news, she would pack up and leave.

"Aunt Mel, please don't worry, none of this has anything to do with you, it's the city itself that has a problem, you just need to keep things as usual and you'll be fine," Su Mo patiently described the scene of seeing Dracula, and After that, I told the process of being taken all over Tallinn.

"So it is." The seamstress let out a long sigh of relief.

The system prompts Su Mo to complete the task [Melin Keinstein's Anxiety] and gain 8% experience.

Don’t look at the less experience gained than [Different Tallinn], Su Mo only got 11% of experience after wandering around Tallinn for a long time. He went to the Shadow Castle to ask a word, and came back to convey it, and he got 8% Experience, if it is known by those who have worked hard and still can't catch up with him, it is estimated that he will be hacked to death a hundred times.

At this time, Su Mo's experience bar is 30% at level 63—Su Xiaojiu is frantically upgrading her cooking, and has already entered the top [-] in the ranking list, and she is still rocketing upwards. She is the one who threatens Su Mo's throne the most.

It is difficult for ordinary people to have such a skyrocketing experience.

"Aunt Mel, those people are really miserable. Don't you have the heart to watch this city continue to get sick?" Su Mo was so full of experience, he wondered if he could light the fire for the main task.

(End of this chapter)

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