Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 214 If You Die, I Will Steam You

Chapter 214 If You Die, I Will Steam You
The black-backed jackal Vip's three thousand younger brothers quickly assembled, all of them were level 25 monsters.

Although they are only level 25, this group has a very powerful talent called [Killing is not singled out].

A single jackal is the strength of an ordinary monster. More than ten jackals will all show the strength of an elite monster. If hundreds of jackals are dispatched together, their average level can be raised by one level. The level of monsters is five levels. In other words, these jackals can show the strength of level [-].

Once the number reaches thousands, their strength will be upgraded to another level.

As for the black-backed jackal Vip as the boss, it has a group aura, which can make any younger brothers fighting around it skyrocket, which is almost equivalent to adding a level.

An ordinary monster at level 25 can eventually show the strength of an elite monster at level [-].

It's no wonder that this seemingly weak creature can move across the periphery of Gaal Forest—even tigers and leopards have to go around when they see them.

Among these relatively short jackals, Pease, the gray-headed wolf king who was originally not too tall, was particularly conspicuous.

Silly dogs, there is a traitor among you!
"Hey, Pease, you're here." Lai Fu actually wanted to pretend not to see it.

"Ah, how did you recognize me? I thought you wouldn't be able to recognize me among them. How could I be missing from fights?" Brother Pingtou straightened up, shaking the grass clippings on his body to disguise himself .

You just use it to fool yourself.

"Brother Pingtou is here, so it will be safe this time." Laifu nodded, showing great trust in Pease.

In terms of combat power alone, Pease is absolutely top-notch. He is the only guy who challenges bosses all day long, and he has never been defeated.

Snow, the iron-winged goshawk, summoned its eight guardians. Of course, it couldn't have only these eight younger brothers, but the magic value required for cross-map summoning was too high, so it simply summoned only the eight strongest ones.

There are many younger brothers of the Salted Fish King, but most of them are aquatic monsters. After arriving on land, their combat effectiveness has dropped drastically, so they have not been summoned.

The little brother of the poisonous toad Oreo is relatively weak, so Laifu didn’t let him summon it, otherwise a group of toads would jump around here, and Nicole would be greedy to fight. You must know that frogs are one of the favorite foods of snakes .

The green-skinned lizard Orlando also only summoned four large lizards.

The Weaver Bird Barbara has no little brother, it is just a wandering boss, but it has a lot of friends, and unexpectedly invited a monster apostle from the Gar Forest behind everyone.

A clouded leopard boss, Jungle Leopard King Dickens, belongs to the boss of the high-level chat group, but it is not in the high-level chat group where Laifu is. It can be seen that there is not only one chat group of this level.

Dickens, the king of the jungle leopard, is very low-key, and Nicole the golden python is playing around killing monsters and picking up corpses, but she has never seen it once.

"Is it the boss?" Dickens licked the corner of his mouth and lazily stretched his body.

"Yes, this is our boss, do you have any objections?" Nicole, the golden python, opened her mouth and spewed out a golden flame, instantly turning a big tree next to Dickens, the jungle leopard king, into ashes.

"No, no." Dickens was startled, and quickly jumped to the side.

It's not that it hasn't seen Nicole before. One day, when it was lying on the tree trunk to take a nap, it suddenly heard a movement. When it climbed to a high place, it saw a golden python chasing and killing the boss of Gael Forest.

Generally speaking, in order to survive, animals will evolve colors that are compatible with their environment.

The golden-yellow python is very rare, either because of its superior strength, or because of its rare high-level blood, and Nicole estimates that it has both, especially this kind of flame-breathing fighting style, which is easily reminiscent of Cal A terrifying existence in the depths of the forest.

"It's all here, right?" Lai Fu asked.

"Brother Fules hasn't arrived yet..." The poisonous toad stood in front of Laifu and said weakly.There are snakes and eagles here, and it is trembling at the bottom of the food chain.

"It, forget it, don't wait for it, I hope it can catch up with the end, Snow, you take your little brother to the sky, scout the environment, don't let them close the city gate, and ensure that the jackal brothers can enter the outer city. Fight in the city, and let others play freely."

"I promise it will be fine." Snow, the iron-winged goshawk, flapped its wings suddenly, and the whole eagle flew up into the blue sky.

Not long after, a loud cry came from the sky, Lai Fuli swung his claws, and rushed out first, followed by a large group of wolves, tigers and leopards.

There is also particularity in commanding operations. Charge with me and charge with me are two different concepts.

Laifu's bravery made everyone admire it, although those who knew its details didn't think it had any fighting power, other big bosses quickly surpassed it, starting with the salted fish king Victor, the gray-headed wolf king Pease and it Drive together.

The golden python Nicole did not let go at full speed, she followed Laifu to protect its safety at all times.

On the forehead of the green-skinned lizard Orlando lay a toad of the same color, and all the monsters found their proper places.

When the guards of the castle discovered these monsters and were about to close the city gates and take precautions, the iron-winged goshawk Snow swooped down from the sky, and with a strong wave of its wings, several guards were blown away.

The two claws grabbed one by one, and then flew into the air.

The two poor human guards, usually arrogant like their second uncle, screamed like innocent children now, but this did not prevent them from being thrown into the jackal pile.

Miller Castle is like most noble castles.

It is divided into the outer protective city wall, the living areas such as the manor garden, pond and horse farm in the middle, and finally the castle in the inner city that symbolizes wealth and status.

Originally, the tall walls of the outer city were enough to solve most of the problems. As long as the gates were closed, the guards could use bows and ballistas on the walls to withstand most of the attacks, not to mention that Miller Castle was equipped with a more modern army. The firearms guards and the two cannons on the top of the city can also tear apart any enemy who dares to charge the city gate.

It's a pity that the group of people who went to close the city gate were shocked by a huge goshawk that fell from the sky.

"Close the door quickly, charge me, cover with archers, where is the ballista, and aim at that eagle!" The garrison officer is not a simple person, so he quickly issued a relatively correct order.

No group, however corrupt, has any ambiguity about its own security.

The history of the founding of the Free Federation is less than a hundred years old, and many troops have been deducted to the point that they are not even equipped with armor and armor. However, the guards and guards of these noble manor castles have equipment that even the regular army can't imagine.

The arrows fired by the ballista did a lot of damage, and they also had a strong repelling effect. Snow, the iron-winged goshawk, was hit by an arrow, and his blood volume immediately dropped a lot.

It let out a scream, fluttered its wings and fell towards the city.

"Come on, Snow, if you die, I'll turn you into a steamed eagle!" Seeing this scene, Laifu felt a little helpless. It felt that it wasn't that Snow couldn't dodge the arrow, but that it was because of human beings. The contempt of combat power caused this guy to be severely injured when he came up.

Fortunately, Snow is not the only goshawk, its eight younger brothers are all diving to fight, preventing the guards from closing the city gate.

"Why don't we wait outside for a while, my stomach hurts." Nicole the golden python raised her body, trying to see what was happening in the city. She was probably worried that it would be too early for Snow to cool off.

(End of this chapter)

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