Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 218 The Late King of Sloths

Chapter 218 The Late King of Sloths

Of course Max is not willing to just hand over his housekeeping skills, but he is also very helpless. The adventurer in front of him is like a devil, tossing him to death.

What sent the handle to him, what noble master will soon find out that he is the mastermind...

It made him believe that as long as he didn't pass on his skills, he probably wouldn't see the sun tomorrow.

While they were arguing, a team of players was running towards Miller Castle.

"Boss, it doesn't make sense for us to do this. I guess that side is already under the control of the army." Huxin Weilan earnestly persuaded, but those who are interested can hear the flames from his words.

Boss, you are a badass, your decision is wrong.

"It's impossible for the army to completely control them. They still have to chase monsters, Weilan. Just imagine, monsters slaughtered all the NPCs and players, and they don't know how to pick up equipment. Couldn't it be picked up casually?"

"Boss, you think very well, but..."

But the script can’t be played according to your idea. In terms of time, what should be wiped out has already been wiped out, and it is impossible for all players to be killed by monsters. Even if they are killed, there will be people who are closer to them before them .

"Hey, I'm the boss and you are the boss. Do all my decisions have to be approved by you?" Wang De was upset.

" are the boss, I will listen to you, everyone, speed up and try to get to the place as soon as possible." Qinglan in the heart of the lake felt bitter in her heart, but it didn't show on her face at all. Without his reminder, the boss would not Will suddenly want to pick up a leak.

The employees in the game are different from the employees in reality.

In reality, the boss can make any decision, even if it is a decision that loses money, everyone will implement it as usual, as long as you don't default on wages.

The game needs the kind of leader who makes everyone happy. If you lead everyone to run into a wall again and again, sooner or later you will be disgusted or even abandoned. Moreover, there is no lower limit for the number of people in the game, and the abandonment is more thorough.

"I heard that today's monsters are similar to yesterday's monsters. Maybe they are our enemies. Let's help the NPC army take the opportunity to kill them."

Wang Defa is still brooding over yesterday's failure.

This kind of situation in the game is very uncommercial. They made the most perfect layout and dealt with the expected situation. Who would have expected that the things in the treasure chest would be found first.

"Boss, there are a group of monsters ahead, haha, are they acting?"

Everyone looked ahead and saw five sloths, one big and four small, walking slowly on the road ahead.

"Don't pay attention to them, let's just go around." Qinglan in the middle of the lake shouted.

"Kill them, and sacrifice the flag for this trip!" Wang Defa immediately objected. He has been feeling restless as a subordinate recently, and he always gives orders. Have you ever asked your boss for his opinion? You just give orders.

So he, Wang Defa, wanted to sing the opposite and let him know who is the boss here.

In fact, this kind of situation is very common in reality, not only in enterprises, but also in many teams. The leader must maintain his own authority. It is called a snake with two heads.

The blue center of the lake was helpless, but it was hard to say anything.

A few players threw their skills at these sloths, and they didn't even stop, thinking that they could get rid of these small animals blocking the way with a random skill.

They didn't see that the corners of the mouth of the biggest sloth slowly curved up.

"Ha ha……"

A huge piece of lightning appeared from the little monster's body, and then the range spread rapidly - this speed was not the speed of its skill release, but the transmission speed of the lightning itself.

Then it turned its head slowly and raised its paw slowly...

Within this lightning range, everyone found that their movement speed and attack speed had dropped to a crashing point.

Pull the enemy's speed to the same level as yourself, and then win the battle.

This is where the king of sloths, Foles, excels. Otherwise, with his speed, anyone could kite him to death.

The king of sloths, Fules, was entrusted by the ferocious wild wolf Laifu to participate in the battle of Miller Castle, but the opportunity was delayed because of his slow movements. What's more sad is that his eyes were also slow, and he hadn't found Laifu and others yet. How to eat the jungle leopard king has been discussed in the group.

Therefore, it is still working hard to "run" towards the coordinates of Miller Castle.

This group of unsightly players tried to kill it. It was not a sad child who would not fight back after being beaten, and immediately released the big move, Little Lightning.

Weakened version of Sagra's Lightning Field!
In fact, the skill used by Laifu is even lower than the weakened castrated version, and its skill effect is not as good as Foles' in terms of damage or deceleration.

Not to mention the duration of the skill, Wang Defa found desperately that the skill was endless, and he couldn't wait until the deceleration disappeared.

"Soldiers go up and stop the mobs, and the others fight the BOSS!" Qinglan in the center of the lake is better at playing games than his boss, and he began to direct everyone to fight, otherwise they would not have the opportunity to reach Miller's Castle today.

On the other hand, he also secretly complained in his heart.

Their luck must have been a little bit bad. Walking along the main road, it stands to reason that the chance of encountering monsters is basically zero, but not only did they encounter monsters, they also encountered boss-level existences.

If he was not mistaken, this sloth is probably the boss in Sikas Forest that the players jokingly called Lightning.

You said that you are a Boss of Sikas, and you ran to Miller Lake to make trouble, and it was fine if you came here, and you swaggered across the street with your little brother.

If it really is Lightning, the king of sloths, the hundred and ten of them...

After the successful promotion, the sloth king Foles is level 35, but his strength is comparable to the big boss of 45. One reason is that it has the lightning field, and no matter how fast it attacks and moves in its field, it will become the same as it. The second is that its defense is invincible, and it can absorb the power of lightning to protect itself.

And as long as its magic is not empty, the lightning will be endless, the magic will be converted into lightning, and the lightning can be fed back into magic power. Its younger brothers are like magic jars, constantly releasing lightning to cheer for their boss.

"Do you know how to command? You haven't sent someone to pull the BOSS. Hold the BOSS. It's coming. It's coming towards me. Hurry up and fight to hold the BOSS!" Slow movement speed, attack speed Slow, but Wang Defa's spraying speed was not affected at all.

"It's useless, it's lightning, and none of us can withstand its head-on blow." Weilan in the center of the lake explained.

"Then what do you need to do with the treatment, the treatment will go up and die, buy time for everyone, I will go first, I have the best equipment on me, I can't die casually." The selfish and arrogant image does not need Qinglan in the center of the lake to help him. .

(End of this chapter)

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