Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 222 Test 1 Transfiguration

Chapter 222 Test the Transfiguration
His figure changed, and soon he became a tall brown-haired man, with the vicissitudes of time and poverty on his face, as well as the kindness and features that Ada was familiar with.

"Daddy, Daddy!" The girl opened her mouth and howled suddenly.

She rushed over, hugged Su Mo's leg tightly, and exhausted all her strength.

Su Mo sighed inwardly, and helped the little girl up: "Son, I'm not your father, but I think you can trust me."

The little girl stared at him intently, fearing that her father would disappear in the blink of an eye, so she just nodded her head vigorously.

"Hide the silver coins so that no one will find out. Use copper coins when you need to spend them. This money is enough for you to live for a while. That's all I can help you with." Su Mo sighed and rubbed the little girl's cheeks with his hands. head.

He took off the hat and returned it to the little girl: "I took away the magic power from this hat, and this magic power is worth so much money."

The little girl looked suspiciously at Su Mo who had returned to his original appearance, and seemed to feel that she had lost a very precious thing. She held up the hat and handed it back to Su Mo: "Sir, I still have this hat for you, I sold it." It’s just a hat, fifteen copper coins, and I’ll lend you the rest of the money, okay?”

"It's not impossible." Su Mo took the hat over and put it back on.

The little girl smiled again. Her younger brother didn't remember his father's appearance at all. It was just Su Mo's change that caught his attention, but he quickly withdrew his eyes weakly again.

Su Mo boiled some water in their broken pot, put a few pieces of bread in it and soaked it until it became mushy.

The little girl swallowed her saliva, made a small bowl and fed it to her thin brother, and then gobbled up some by herself.

"If you have any difficulties, you can go to Tailor Street to find a tailor named Mel. There is always a fat orange cat lying on her door." Su Mo said while busy.

In fact, there are many things in his backpack that this poor family needs very much.

But he couldn't leave it to them. For example, the entire fur of the Buffalo King would definitely allow the poor brothers and sisters to spend a warm winter, but it was a crime to be pregnant, and even many strong adventurers would covet this thing.

It is impossible for him to protect these weaklings all the time.

No matter what kind of world, there are too many helplessness, he is not the savior.

99 silver coins, which is almost a gold coin, is nothing to him, but it is life-saving money for this kind of orphan living in the bottom of the slums.

After half an hour of practice, Lu Li left the poor little girl's house.

Made a money-losing deal.

Su Mo left the poorest place in Tallinn without any displeasure—even if it is poor, this is the capital, and I don't know what the poor in other places are living.

It is not as difficult as Su Mo imagined to buy old shoes and old hats in the rich area.

The cunning servants will steal the old things that the master doesn't use and sell them for some money. This is actually considered good. Some things that are still in use by noble families may also be stolen and sold. Can't remember exactly how many hats or boots I own.

Su Mo collected a lot of old shoes and hats in the rich area.

These things are all used by him to practice his transfiguration skills, and if necessary in the future, he can also transform into a person who needs to be transformed at any time.

Of course, relying on props alone, if he does not have his own adaptability, even if he can transform, he is likely to be discovered, so he needs to use the transformation technique and the props suitable for the transformation technique.

There were many various tasks in the mercenary hall, and he picked one, intending to test his ability of transfiguration.

This is a task posted by an old man.

The old musician Bill Sr. had a very beautiful daughter who disappeared this morning.

Witnesses said that it was the servants of Lord Ransden's family who abducted her.

As for Master Ransden, many people in Tallinn know what kind of virtue he is. Many young and beautiful girls have been ruined by him. It's just that Little Ransden is currently in a high position, so as long as the disaster does not come to his head On the Internet, everyone took this hobby as a celebrity anecdote.

Poor old Bill, he went to the Ransden house to beg and knelt for more than half an hour, but no one gave him an explanation.

The same was true for the Police Department. They seriously warned Old Bill to be careful with the reputation of a noble old man. Unless there was definite evidence, he would be sentenced for defamation.

On weekdays, because he played the violin well, Old Bill was also the guest of many nobles, but unfortunately no one paid any attention to him now.

This is the case in high society. If everyone gives you face, you have face. If you don’t want to give you face, you have to remember your identity as a commoner. There was even a baron who said eccentrically that a noble lord can treat a pariah. The Bill family should feel that It is an honor.

If it was placed in the Sartre era hundreds of years ago, nobles enjoyed the first night rights of all young women in the territory.

Old Bill had no choice but to turn to an adventurer. He was willing to give up all his wealth, as long as the person who accepted the task could save his daughter. Then they will definitely be tortured to death.

From morning to now, several waves of adventurers who were filled with righteous indignation and wanted to rescue the innocent girl were shot dead by the evil slaves of the Ransden family.

After Su Mo accepted the task, he spent money to get some information from the mercenaries in the bar.

Dunbar is the servant seen by the witnesses. He is the chief evil slave of Lord Ransden. It is said that he was born in a poor family and his family was so poor that he couldn't get rid of it. At the age of 16, he tricked his sister and sent her to Ransden. Climb on Master Ransden's bed, thus gaining the trust of Master Ransden.

Since then, Dunbar has become the king of the area.

Perhaps it was because he was poor and afraid of hunger when he was young. He was greedy for money and gluttony. He was a big evil slave who was willing to do anything for a little reward.

According to the descriptions of the mercenaries, Su Mo guessed that he might not be able to beat this person, and it is likely that Laifu would not be able to beat him, let alone Panda Qiuqiu. Even if it could hold it, Su Mo would not dare to pull away Stance to fight BOSS.

Dunbar was very industrious, looking for targets for Master Ransden almost all the time.

His current location is said to be in a street where poor people live.

Su Mo rushed over in a hurry, and when he arrived at the place, he switched out of his beggar outfit, and then lay down in a pile of beggars in a small alley.

The two beggars who looked more decent than Master Su gave way to the side in disgust, leaving him a little farther away.

Then Laifu, the ferocious wild wolf hidden by Su Mo in a dark corner, quietly waited for Dunbar to pass by.

There is no way, Su Mo can't beat him, and Laifu can't beat him either, so Laifu can only fight by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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