Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 225 Dig a Pit and Bury Some Soil

Chapter 225 Dig a Pit and Bury Some Soil
Su Mo didn't know that the two phantoms were following him, but he knew whether Fatty Bai would let him go so easily.

It was too unsafe to have a thousand gold coins in his pocket, so he went to the mailbox first, and mailed all the valuables to Gaara, more than 1000 gold coins, two gold pieces, several silver and blue pieces.

If all these items are sold, it is estimated that there will be an income of about 20.

The main reason is that the two pieces of gold equipment are really valuable, even if one of them requires level 35, it's the same if you can't wear it right now.

In this case, the money in his hands will be 47 to 50, which is almost [-]. The main reason is that Laifu's two operations made a lot of money, about [-]% to [-]%.

Next time I drop by, I must chat with Manager Li again - he doesn't know that Manager Li has already moved the company.

In order to get rid of those who followed him, he climbed up the high city wall, shouted "For Demacia" and jumped down. He couldn't die if he fell, but he could be disabled if he didn't die.

The two assassins who were following him watched him limping away dumbfounded, and they hesitated before jumping off.

If you jump down, the stealth skill will be invalid.

Su Mo died a few more times, and then secretly turned into a beggar and merged into the crowd.

Not to mention the NPC designed in the game, even Yunfei, who is the best at tracking among them, can't find him through the clues he left behind.

Returning to the city cannot be used, as long as returning to the city is used, it must be a player.

There is no guarantee that teleportation will not be traced, and the traces of teleportation can be queried by bribing the teleporter.

When leaving the Freedom Federation, Su Mo teleported to the Shadow Castle again.

After completing the task, you must say hello to the person who issued the task. Although the task reward has already been received, who knows if there will be a bug in the system and the reward will be issued again.

"This city is sick, and I have seen many things..." Su Mo recounted his own experience, skipped many things, and modified a lot, but the content of the main story did not change much.

The three siblings of Ada struggling on the verge of death.

Dunbar who gave his sister to the noble lord in exchange for the chance to become a villain.

Some of them are good and some are evil, but without exception they are all tragedies.

We cannot look at these problems in terms of simple good and evil, but mainly look at the contradictions in the social system of this city from the perspective of people from these two different classes and their related factors.

Count Dracula was very satisfied with Su Mo's awareness and praised him greatly.

It's a pity that there is no extra reward, so Su Mo can only go back empty-handed.

He went to Kony Fishing Port, intending to take away the remaining specialty carved feather arrows, but he hadn't been there for several days, and he didn't know if the little blacksmith missed him.

"I thought you died outside!" the little blacksmith said viciously.

"Hey, I just said that as if you missed me too much. Where is my arrow?" Su Mo stretched out his hand. In the past few days, Laifu was fighting, and he was buried in the soil most of the time.

"It's all here. When are you going to kill the pirates? It's been several days." The little blacksmith threw a lot of arrows in annoyance.

"Tsk tsk, look at you, you're scared if you kill too much, and you're unhappy if you don't kill too much. What do you want me to do?" Su Mo complained while packing the arrows in his backpack.

"Our agreement is to kill two hundred pirates every day!" The little blacksmith said dissatisfied.

That is to say, if he is a magnanimous person, if he is a stingy NPC, he will definitely judge your mission to fail.

"Go kill it later, don't talk nonsense, see if you can make this kind of thing!" Su Mo took out his new blueprint from his backpack.

"A wolf's paw again?" The little blacksmith took it curiously, and found that the blueprint was still a wolf's paw, but the shape was very strange, and he couldn't understand how to fight with it.

"It's true that it's attached to the wolf's paw, but it's not used for fighting in operation." Su Mo was suddenly a little embarrassed.

"What is it used for?" The little blacksmith moved closer to the drawing, but still couldn't understand it.

"Used to dig a hole, bury a hole, can it be done or not?" Su Mo would not tell him that this thing is for Laifu, so that people can be buried conveniently, and the other is to dig a hole to dig people out and put them in the soil But there is no way to use the return to the city.

"It's much simpler than the one you made last time, but what are you doing for it?" The little blacksmith racked his brains and couldn't figure it out.

Even if Su Mo asked him to build a hoe, at most he would think it was a humiliation to him, and he wouldn't be able to figure out what the hoe was for, but it was put on the wolf's paws, so it would be difficult to train pets to dig holes?
"Don't worry about it, hurry up and make it for me. There are no requirements for attributes. It's better to be lighter and sharper...the sharpness is not required, just lighter."

The reason why he didn't ask for sharpness was mainly because Su Mo was worried that when Laifu poached himself, he accidentally poached his head off.

The little blacksmith studied the blueprint and waved Su Mo to leave.

The two agreed on a time, and the little blacksmith started to build it, while Su Mo went to the island to kill pirates.

Pirate monsters around level [-] are not very interesting to kill. Now he has such top-quality equipment and top-quality pets like Laifu and Qiuqiu, so Su Mo chose higher-level pirates to kill.

Even if Laifu's strength has shrunk by half with Su Mo, it is still much stronger than ordinary pets.

It has seven skills, and it also takes attribute pills. It can kill pirates with one pick and three. In addition, Su Mo puts cold arrows on the side, which can completely spawn monsters efficiently.

But Su Mo didn't make cold shots. He held a sword and kept robbing monsters.

The operation at that time can be said to be very coquettish, you have to ask Laifu to beat the monsters to the blood - you can't kill them, it's useless to kill them, and then Su Mo raised the elf sword to make up the knife, the little green rags didn't hurt at all force.

It is in line with the tradition of cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

The Elven Sword is a very high-end and high-end weapon, but the premise is that it must be raised in a melee way.

There are three professions in the hunter department, archer, ranger, and animal trainer. Needless to say, archer, the official increased the damage at long range, and correspondingly sacrificed a lot of close combat ability.

The animal trainer is more focused on pets. He has many skills to increase pet damage, speed, defense, control and so on.

It can be said that the animal trainer is a slave raised by a powerful pet. In this way, Laifu and Su Mo are quite similar. Su Mo can best support him by burying himself in the soil.

Ranger is more complicated, pet damage is very objective, and he also has relatively good combat effectiveness.

He is better at melee combat than archer. Archer is best not equipped with melee weapons. Short guns and hand crossbows are the limit, while rangers mostly choose melee weapons.

Su Mo's skill is good in reality, and it also has a good bonus in the game. He can hold a sword and fight an enemy close to him for [-] rounds.

(End of this chapter)

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