Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 231 Robbery Is a Skill

Chapter 231 Robbery is a Skill

"When we reach the sea area of ​​​​the Free Federation, we will be safe."

In the end, he made a conclusion with this sentence. The complete nautical chart, various supply points along the way, distribution of forces, and the time and route of the Holy See warship patrols all showed that he had premeditated this operation.

Actually, Su Mo didn't say anything clearly.

He even thought about who to sell the two ships to in the end.

Count Dracula!

They definitely need ships to transport supplies, and they belong to the type of how much they want.

At that time, Su Mo will be a middleman, and it will not be a problem to sell it at a high price. The key is to increase his completion of the main task, so why not do things that are convenient.

After cleaning the battlefield, everyone set sail.

No more searching for surviving pirates, this time there won't be any pirates surviving.

In order to prevent the refreshed idiot pirates on the shore from disclosing their whereabouts, Su Mo and the others made a small circle, giving people the illusion that they were heading for the Port of Arnosir.

The Thirteenth Taibao and their boat were the small one they had snatched. Su Mo took others into the other boat. There were cannons and bed crossbows on the boat. Except for the person who steered and controlled the sails, everyone else was studying it. these weapons.

As for weapons, they always have something in common. The few people who have mastered some weapons in reality quickly understood the operation of these weapons.

"We tried our best to avoid attacking each other's hulls with artillery shells. On the one hand, the ship we managed to grab was sunk. It's best to fight hand-to-hand. Maybe we can grab another ship."

The Thirteen Taibao, Crayon Piglet, Weimeng, Bancheng Misty Rain, four brothers, Huolingxi Wu, Su Xiaojiu, Luofengfengfeihua, Siwo battlefield, and Su Mo himself.

There are 25 people in total, and even if two ships can sell 1000 gold coins, one talent will be divided into more than [-], which is not enough to see.

If we can snatch two more ships back, then everyone can share more money.

"Observer, Brother Tiao, hurry up and report the situation, I can see the boat ahead with my fucking naked eyes." Chongchong, the tiger fighter, and their boat rushed ahead, and the first officer in his mouth was referring to Wang Shuo, The hapless boy was carrying a nautical scope, strapped to the mast as a searchlight.

As for Brother Tiao's name, it is said that it is because Wang Shuo likes to eat spicy strips, so the code name is spicy strips.

"First mate, let's crash into it." Song Zhibo is now the helmsman, and he should have been the first mate, but the desire to sail forced him to give up his position as first mate, willing to be ordered around.

"Fuck you, have you asked me, the captain, or my little brother?" Fu Jiafeng jumped up.

So Su Mo received the information from the front. In fact, they have also discovered this slow-moving merchant ship. It may be carrying too much cargo. The draft of the merchant ship is very deep. They also ran away when they saw the pirate ship approaching. not drop.

Under Su Mo's order, five people from each of the two boats formed a ten-man combat team, hooked each other with ropes and climbed onto the boat.

"Heroes, we have already handed in the toll. This is your guide to let us go." A blond man with the appearance of a merchant hurried up to greet him. Behind him were several bodyguards. Moved, obviously already used to such scenes.

"Let me see." The one-eyed pirate Yunfei—he is blind in one eye in reality, but he doesn't want to avoid it like others, but he happily cosplays the one-eyed pirate.

This is the most classic pirate image.

It is said that some pirates have both hooks and one-eyed eyes. This is usually caused by the fact that pirates put on hooks after their hands are disabled, but they can't get used to it for a while, and they still rub their eyes habitually...

The result can be imagined.

In fact, the reason why there are so many one-eyed pirates is mainly because this era is the era of the development of muskets.Due to the poor air-holding performance of the musket at this time, the gunpowder gas is often sprayed out from the back when firing, which can easily hurt the user's eyes.

Therefore, when soldiers use muskets, they always shift their heads to avoid possible injuries.

The captain has been a pirate for a long time, and he can't escape it as time goes by.

Of course, some people's eyes were poked blind by others with a stick, which is not representative.

The one-eyed pirate checked the so-called guide, threw it back, and shouted loudly: "Go to hell, this is a note from the pirates in the east, it's nothing to do with us here, pay the money quickly, or the two of us The big ship fired directly, directly sinking your small sampan."

The blond boss wants to cry but has no tears. Of course they are not small sampans, but they are no different from small sampans, because they also have no combat effectiveness.

They do business in this area, transporting the luxury goods of the Free Federation by sea to the two countries of Koro or Nossa, bringing back the special products of the two countries, and earning high profits from them.

This business route was managed by them airtight, and under normal circumstances, no one would embarrass them at all.

Otherwise, their merchant ships would not be without any weapons, nor would they be able to carry so much cargo, and they would not be able to fight or run.

"How much do you want?" The blonde boss still compromised.

This kind of compromise does not mean that they will admit defeat. At most, they will not suffer the immediate loss. When they return safely, they must send someone to find the pirate leader in this area to discuss an explanation.

Now that they have paid the protection fee, the pirates and navy in this area are obliged to ensure that their interests are not violated.

Then, in order to maintain the cooperative relationship, the pirate navy must find Su Mo and his party, and then catch them and hand them over to the caravan. At that time, it will not be a problem that can be solved by spitting out the money.

At present, the premise is that they can find Su Mo and this group of fake pirates.

"Five thousand gold coins, we will let you go if you give us the money, otherwise, all the goods on board will belong to us, and then we will kill you and throw you down to feed the sharks." The one-eyed pirate smiled evilly and looked up and down the blond businessman, his gaze made people shudder .

If you simply want goods, the blond businessman is likely to turn around and leave immediately.

Anyway, they can't run fast with such a large merchant ship, and they can find helpers to catch up in an hour or two.

However, this group of nasty pirates not only want to seize the goods, they also want to kill people, and this one-eyed pirate leader, judging from his posture, probably has some special hobbies.

Five thousand gold coins, of course the caravan can take them out.

NPCs also have backpack space, much smaller than the player's, but enough for some valuables.

With the five thousand gold coins in hand, Su Mo and others will naturally not embarrass the merchant ship anymore, and they will not be able to do things that go back on their promises. After all, they are good pirates with a bottom line.

However, they will not let the caravans find pirates or the navy to round them up.

The correct way to do it is to cut off the masts of merchant ships, destroy their power systems, and let them float in the vast sea for a period of time, which is enough to buy them enough time to escape.

The blond businessman and the others will not die of hunger and thirst at sea, this is a busy route, and there will always be ships passing by every few hours.

With five thousand gold coins, everyone returned to the pirate ship.

However, the tiger-fighting Chong Chong did not return to their warship immediately, but followed Su Mo and the others to the big ship.

"Didn't we agree to rob pirates? Why rob merchant ships!" Second-year teenagers have a strong sense of right and wrong. They won't be happy when they are issued a good person card, and even like others to think of them as bad guys, but they have extremely strong feelings in their hearts. Pure morality.

 Thanks to the two book friends of Epée Wufeng*Juehun, James Lakers, and 8 Qinfeng Wuyi 8 for their rewards, thank you everyone, the old book is over, and I will add as much as possible here

(End of this chapter)

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