Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 234 The Bull Devil's Port

Chapter 234 The Bull Devil's Port
Su Mo really didn't intend to leave them a boat.

Not to mention keeping the ship, if it wasn't too urgent, he didn't want to waste time. He even wanted the life of the pirate leader. After all, he was a boss, so he would drop something more or less.

"What's the next plan?" Bancheng Yanyu asked.

Before, she thought that Su Mo was an insecure opportunist, but now she understands that the bold and timid are talking about the present.

"I don't have any plans, the key is to see who we meet next." Su Mo was counting gold coins without looking up.

Su Xiaojiu squatted next to her brother, and the siblings were counting together, having fun while counting.

"The speed of these two ships is too slow, they are easily caught up." Bancheng Yanyu said.

"It's simple, just drive these two boats near the coastline, scuttle them, and find someone to get them out later." The two brothers and sisters of the Su family finally finished counting the gold coins.

Back pain!

Looking at a lot of gold coins, there are actually more than 600, which can be stored in a backpack, and the system can directly tell you how much.

But only by counting one by one can you feel the joy of robbery.

This is snatched!
There are also a bunch of jewelry, all of which have no attributes and are of no value to players.

But the NPC likes it very much, and when the time comes to ask Gaara to resell it, it will be another profit, but I don't know how the market is, and I have no way of judging how much I can sell it for.

Su Mo picked out a brooch and a pocket watch, which looked so exquisite that they could be used to pretend to be nobles.

You must have a set of outfits. The Federation has started to compare luxury in recent years. Many people have very sharp eyes, and they can tell the quality of such accessories and clothing materials at a glance.

According to Su Mo's request, the two broken ships were quickly driven near the coastline.

There were special tools on the ship, and it was easy to scuttle. After remembering the coordinates, everyone continued to set sail with the original two ships.

The scenery in the game is very realistic, but of course it is impossible for the player to complete the journey a little bit like in reality, otherwise it would not be too late to walk a week after walking this circle.

Before it was evening, everyone was about to arrive at today's destination.

Bull Demon Harbor!
Niumo Port is not a large port, but it is definitely not small either. The cliffs on both sides of the port are steep, and the strange rocks are intertwined like dog teeth. Only one waterway can enter this natural port.

It is one of the safest ports on the entire continent.

Not only because of the terrain, but also because of the Jilei Mountain next to the port.

There is a temple on the mountain, and there is a demon in the temple.

It is the Great Chief of the Bull Demon.

The Great Chief of the Bull Demon led the ancient race of the Bull Demons to occupy this place, the Bull Demon Port, the Bull Demon Mountain, and the Bull Demon Canyon. Although this place is within the territory of the Koro Kingdom, the Holy See has never had enough control.

Once upon a time, the bull demon clan and the Holy See fought a protracted war.

The Great Chief of the Bull Demon rose from that era. He adhered to the principle that if he can beat him, he will fight, and if he can't beat him, he will go to sea. This has caused headaches for the Holy See for many years.

There are rumors that the Pope Charles IV at that time had a conflict with the Pirate King because of the trick of the Great Bull Demon Chief, but was defeated by the young and strong Pirate King, and died within a few days after returning.

After Charles IV died, the V came online.

Charles V was more tolerant than King IV. He began to make friends with the chief bull demon, and negotiate peace with Rudolf, the king of wizards. He could even face Sagra, the confidant of the Holy See, with a smile.

The Holy See, which was already in jeopardy, has gradually gained a foothold. The Koro Empire is still a land military power, and neither the Free Federation nor Nossa can beat them alone.

For these years, the chief bull demon has been sleeping soundly in the palace of Jilei Mountain, and the bull demon has no worries about survival.

The Bull Demon Harbor has also become the most prosperous place in this sea area. No matter what country the ship is from, as long as it arrives here, it will be protected by the Bull Demon Harbor, and no one is allowed to make trouble here.

Two warships, one behind the other, slowly drove in.

"Where did they come from?"

The sudden sound made everyone jump. Su Mo looked up and saw a bull demon squatting on a protruding stone platform on the cliff. His green hair was verdant.

"Freedom Federation, rest here for the night now." Su Mo climbed on the mast, basically at eye level with him.

"According to the rules of Jilei Mountain, one hundred gold coins." The green-haired bull demon rubbed his huge fingers.

"Okay." There is no way to bargain for this one, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves, not to mention that Master Su is not short of money now, so he can just buy this buddy a hat.

After collecting the gold coins, Brother Lu Mao rubbed his fingers again: "Give me another fifty, and I will keep it secret for you."

"(_)?" Su Mo looked at him puzzled.

"Hey, from your posture, you can tell that the boat was snatched. In case someone comes to ask, I just need to tell them, and they will wait for you outside. You will be killed as soon as you go out tomorrow." Green-haired brother hehe smile.

Who said that the bull demon has a low IQ and is honest, isn't this a scam?
"Fifty gold is fine, but I have two questions. As long as you satisfy me, I will pay the money." Master Su bargained, Master Su didn't care about money.

"Ask." Brother Green Mao put away his smiling face and became serious.

"Number one, how did you find out that our ship was snatched?" Su Mo wondered, they had even fooled the pirates before.

"It's very simple. You are all very clean. You are not like pirates at all. Pirates may have many characteristics, but they have nothing to do with cleanliness. What's more, there is no wind or waves now. What are you doing in the port?"

Su Mo thought about it for a while, and it was indeed the case. It must be changed next time. It is not wrong to spend the fifty gold coins.

"Secondly, why do people say that the Bull Demon is simple and honest?" Su Mo asked.

"Hehe, what is honesty and simplicity? We are clearly saying that bull demons have relatively low IQs and are very easy to deceive." Brother Lumao dismissed Su Mo's euphemism.

Su Mo was silent for a moment, then took out the gold coin and gave it to the other party, mainly because he felt that he had met a confidant.

Entering the port, Su Mo and the others saw more bull demons.

There is a big gap between the bull devil and normal humans, at least his size is more than twice that of normal humans, and some mighty ones are at least twice the size of normal humans.

It's no wonder that the bull demon's heavy armor is famous all over the world. A berserker of this size, with two watermelon knives, oh no, it's a saber knife.

Unfortunately, the number of bull demons is always a big problem.

It takes three years for them to conceive, and it is not easy to conceive. In order to increase the population, there was a time when the bull demons began to intermarry with other races, mainly humans.

The problem of being pregnant for too long has been solved, but what is born is not a real bull demon.

Neither the long horns nor the burly body of the bull demon, and even the life expectancy is far less than that of a normal bull demon.

(End of this chapter)

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