Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 237 The price I negotiated for you

Chapter 237 The price I negotiated for you (recommendation ticket requested)
"You always say yes, do you really understand?" Old Mo Su looked at the other party speechlessly.

"Uh..." The old cow Romeo was very embarrassed, and he replied coyly: "I don't understand if I don't understand it. How to make money without collecting money, and give gifts. If you can't persist for a few days, you will lose money."

"IQ!" Su Mo was angry, pointing at Lao Niu's nose ring and scolded: "If we don't charge tickets, naturally more people will come to us, and then we will have more customers, even if we don't participate in the transaction, We can also collect taxes from those people's transactions, the profit of a shipment of goods is at least 150 gold coins, we collect [-]%, which is [-] gold coins, is it more profitable than you charge [-] gold tickets?"

"Isn't the ticket one hundred gold?" Lao Niu was stunned.

"The green-haired monster took me one hundred and fifty. You go back and torture him to see how much he swallowed for himself. Remember to beat him hard. I think he has a tough mouth. He dared to take one hundred and fifty even for someone like me. , don’t you charge more for others.”

"Hmph, I'll kill him when I turn back." The old bull Romeo said viciously.

"Don't, it's not good to kill him. I think he is very smart. You can take him with you and let him do things for you. Don't pay too much. Remember not to make him greedy for money. Emphasize the racial justice of the bull demon, it's okay Just give me a beat..."

"This is very good, this is very good." The old cow Romeo has now obeyed Su Mo.

Su Mo taught Romeo how to run a seaport by hand. There are many examples in reality that can be used for reference. An expert who has researched in this area may do better than Su Mo.

However, how could a normal person find such an opportunity to hook up with an NPC.

After discussing the specific policies and strategies, the old cow Romeo went back to settle accounts with Brother Lumao. It is estimated that a beating would be inevitable without further ado. If he dared to accept money from Master Su, he would have to pay a heavy price.

The worst thing is that after being beaten, he might have to work hard for Master Su.

Su Mo also asked Lao Niu to find someone to help him modify the ship a little bit, at least not to be able to see two pirate ships from a long distance, so let's take a shot first and then look at it.

The next day, everyone went online again.

After just one night, everyone found that the entire Ox Demon Port seemed to have changed, especially the attitude of these Ox Demons, which was so ambiguous that people wanted to wrap their clothes tightly.

The bull demon official—it turned out later that he was the chief executive of the bull demon, a second-level chief who was fully in charge of all administrative and military affairs in the bull demon harbor—he personally brought five hundred gold coins to the big ship.

The administrative system of the Bull Demons is simple and crude.

The chief bull demon sleeps in Jilei Mountain all year round. He really sleeps without eating or drinking. It is said that it is a way of cultivation, and it will become stronger and stronger as time goes by.

There are four second-level chiefs in the lower part, the largest one is in charge of Jilei Mountain, and will not leave Jilei Mountain easily.

There are three more, one is in charge of the Bull Demon Canyon, the other is in charge of the grassland of the Bull Demon Man, and the other is on the side of the Bull Demon Port, which is Romeo, who is the highest official here.

It's not too much to say that he has great power, but it's a pity that Niu Mogang can't make ends meet all the year round, and gets poorer every year, so he naturally has no status in the clan.

Su Mo accepted it unceremoniously, and immediately felt that although the old cow was a bit stupid, he was not a cow who didn't know how to do it.

When Lao Niu told him that all the money was found from Brother Lvmao's house, he was even happier.

After eating and drinking enough, he not only got back his gold coins, but also made an extra profit. Su Mo left Niu Mo Port contentedly. Everyone was curious about what deal he made with the old cow.

It's a pity that Su Mo never mentioned this, so he wouldn't tell others that he is now a member of the secret order.

You sand sculptures!
Because of the one-night delay, Su Mo and the others unfurled their sails and headed towards the Freedom Federation at full speed. It was impossible that there would be no pursuers behind.

Well, maybe there was before.

The situation at this time is even more dangerous than yesterday, unless they can enter the sphere of influence of the Navy of the Free Federation.

The Freedom Federation has the strongest navy in the Eastern Continent, second only to the unscrupulous pirates.

Perhaps it was because Mr. Su had a good character and never did bad things. God favored him, but he didn't encounter a single fishing boat on this journey, and he entered Chihai Port all the way.

Of course, they have to go through an investigation. Even if the two shining pirate ships have undergone a transformation of the Bull Demon Harbor, they will not work.

But here is the Federation of Freedom, known as the country of freedom.

Private property is inviolable, and no one can restrict their entry into the port for these two so-called pirate ships.

Su Mo parked the boat, and then discussed business with Count Dracula.

"I met a few people. They got two ships. One is estimated to be a class [-] and the other is a class [-]. The hull is very strong. It is probably an active pirate ship. They plan to sell it to those big businessmen..." Su Mo cut to the chase.

"Battleship!" Dracula's eyes lit up.

"That's right, let me think about it. Although we are acting on land, if we ever need it, we can't have no strength on the water." Su Mo acted like I was thinking of you.

"That's true, battleship, are you sure you can get it for me?" Count Dracula must be moved.

The Eastern Continent is vast and vast, but compared to the size of the ocean, it is just a big island. As long as you take a boat to the island, you can avoid any danger, and leave the green hills without worrying about firewood. , we vampires don't care about this time.

"I dare not say for sure, but I have convinced them, it's just..." Su Mo was very embarrassed.

"Just what?"

"I just need money. These damn sluts are asking a lot. I have been negotiating with them for a long time, but I still can't persuade them to sell at a low price." Su Mo was ashamed, he really couldn't convince himself to sell at a low price.

I can't control myself~
"How much do they want?" Earl Dracula frowned. He was indeed rich. He lived to such a great age that even if he went to the pier every day to carry sacks, he had saved a lot of money.

But his money didn't come from the wind, and money is needed everywhere now.

"A boat of [-] yuan, and a small boat of [-] yuan!" Su Mo stared at Count Dracula's face, and spit out an explosive price.

"Impossible, how could it be so expensive, a new ship..." Dracula was taken aback.

"The new ships of the sixth class cost at least 4 yuan, and the ones of the seventh class cost [-] yuan. These two ships are relatively cheap, and the purchase of a new ship needs to be reported, and the old ship does not need it." Su Mo Already inquired about the price.

4 gold coins for a boat is a very exaggerated price.

The main thing is that the shipbuilding technology is there, everything needs manpower, and the era of sailing has come, and the huge profits are also put together, which makes the cost of the ship very exaggerated.

From the Freedom Federation to Keluo or Nossa, if nothing else happens, the profit of a trip can reach several thousand taels.

After a dozen trips or one boat, you can earn money.

"That won't work either. The big boat is [-] yuan, and the small boat is [-] yuan. You can buy a boat at such a price." Dracula is not stupid, nor is he a person who has never seen the world.

"That's right, that's what I told them, so I worked hard to get the price down. Now it's [-] gold for the big boat and [-] gold for the small boat. If you want both, you only need [-] gold." , I think we must take down this price, those big merchants have already offered higher than this price.”

Su Mo talked nonsense. Anyway, Dracula probably didn't have the energy to send someone to investigate in his busy schedule.

The last time a Level [-] sailing frigate was only sold for [-] gold coins, even if the ship was in normal condition, Su Mo and the others would still lose money.

If you pull it to the Freedom Federation, you can sell it for [-] yuan. If there is no way, you don’t know the market, and you have no connections. You have to go through such a stage when you spend money to pay tuition.

(End of this chapter)

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