Chapter 255
The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Then you go first, pay attention to cooperation.

Sandwalker Jason: I'll go first, Ooh, you two cooperate with me, I don't die as badly as Laotuo.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: It's a pity that you can't open the video to let everyone watch the battle. In the future, if we have the opportunity, we will apply to the system master and try to get a live video function, so that others can see your majestic appearance.

When the monsters thought about it, it really made sense.

They can indeed feed back some things to the system, for example, if a certain class is too strong, it is time to cut it, for example, if a certain item drops too much, it is time to lower the drop rate.

Also similar to the current situation, under the call of the apostles, the system launched the monster mailbox and monster pass.

If many monsters want to broadcast live video, and the system finds it feasible after calculation, it is estimated that it will be a matter of time before such a function is launched.

With the live video function, Laifu doesn't really want to see the majestic appearance of the monsters, but to facilitate it to conduct remote command, so that he doesn't have to bury Su Mo in the soil at all times. He is not a corn seed, and it is easy to plant it Can't grow many little Su Mo.

The players don't know that the monsters are gathering and they are busy attacking the magic shield.

Skills hit the magic energy cover like a pour, and almost no changes were seen in the magic energy cover, but almost all players firmly believed that they could do it, and the victory must belong to them.

Otherwise, what does the game company design this for?
As more and more players gather, conflicts are inevitable, especially in several large clubs, and some people even start to have the idea of ​​taking this cake all by themselves, such as the Temple of the Gods present.

They came with more than 5000 players, and immediately became the largest force on the scene.

The current so-called large clubs are actually only a few thousand people at most tens of thousands, and the players in the guild cannot be online all day long. It would be good to have [-]% of the online scale.

The Temple of the Gods was able to attract so many people at once, if they didn't call to get people online, it showed that they were really strong.

There are more than 1 people, and nearly half of them belong to them. It is not a fantasy to want to book the venue.

It's a pity that they have a deadly enemy, the kind whose name is against them.

They call it the Temple of the Gods, and they boast that there are great gods inside, while their opponents call it Ragnarok. You gods are about to end, you are still a dick, just wait for one by one to fall.

The reason for the initial grudge has long been unknown. Anyway, Ragnarok will not worry about no one joining.

As long as someone offended the Temple of the Gods, or was offended by the Temple of the Gods, it is absolutely right to join the Twilight of the Gods. The purpose of the club is to fight against the Temple of the Gods in every way and achieve incomparable harmony.

Today, when I heard that there was an underground palace, the people of Ragnarok became energetic.

It's not that they have any idea about the underground palace, but that the temple of the gods must have an idea. Since the temple of the gods has an idea, it will naturally become their idea to kill this idea of ​​the temple of the gods.

In Ragnarok, 3000 people came in a flash.

These 3000 people were patchworked together, and some of them were even less than level [-], but seeing the crowds, at least in terms of scale effect, they could be different from the Temple of the Gods, and it was more than enough to act as a shit-stirring stick.

"You didn't discover it first, so why give you face and let us quit? How much is the face of your temples worth?" Cang Jia was wrapped up like an Arab, under the guard of a group of younger brothers, with his neck stuck Refute every word and every word of the person in charge of the temple on the opposite side.

Yaowu Yang Wei, the vice president of the Temple of Gods, came in person today. He seemed to be about to convince these cowards, but he didn't expect this group of scumbags from Ragnarok to come out to disrupt the situation.

"Aren't you very angry? It's right to be angry. You have the ability to kill us. We have tens of thousands of people waiting for you to kill us. Let's play a game to figure out something, just to have fun. Starting today, we players who have been bullied by the Temple of the Gods can no longer swallow our anger, we have to resist, revenge and revenge, why don't we join Ragnarok, we must fight against the Temple of the Gods to the end."

The small advertisement was so sloppy, it was obviously not the first time Cang Jia had done such a thing.

In the previous games, Ragnarok was like an ant stretching its legs and tripping an elephant, tossing and tossing, and every time it collided with the temple of the gods, it suffered heavy losses. This kind of revenge did not feel any pleasure, and everyone gradually broke down. , and some quit the organization directly.

Later, Cang Jia took over Ragnarok and began to change his strategy. He no longer confronted the tough, but acted as a crap stick in various ways.

It's more fun to play like this, and it won't cause much loss. Ragnarok's population mobility has really dropped a lot, especially when Cangjia professionally posted small advertisements. What's the big money to ask for a child? Eight times a night? Yes, every time such a small advertisement can call on the aggrieved passers-by A, B, C, D to join Ragnarok.

"Cangjia! I know it's you, don't think that you can't recognize me if you cover your head!" Yaowu Yang Wei pointed at Cangjia and shouted: "If you have the ability, be rough."

Not to be outdone, Cang Jia: "Old thief, I just won't go out, what's the matter?"

The two organizations were fighting each other, and the others were happy to see the results, and soon some people sided with Cangjia.

After all, Cangjia is standing out for everyone, so you say one sentence, and Yaowu is so angry that his waist hurts. Even if he is not reconciled, he can only press the idea of ​​swallowing it alone, and make up his mind to turn around and let the gods go to bed at dusk. People are good-looking.

Yaowu stood proudly in the muddy water, thinking about the 480 ways to bind Cang Jia in his mind.

In everyone's eyes, he suddenly grew taller.

At the beginning, everyone looked at him at the same level, and then they had to look up, and they couldn't even see him with their heads up.

In the end he screamed and was thrown high into the air, and the monster who stood up on him opened his mouth wide and swallowed him.

The scene was completely silent, and even Cang Jia began to doubt life.

Could this be the legendary way of saying what he said? He just cursed Yao Wu in his heart that he would die in a mighty way, but it really came true. He really couldn't think of a worse way to die than this.

The monster had legs all over its body, and it looked like a giant centipede magnified tens of thousands of times.

After swallowing a person, it slammed into the mud and smashed several players directly into the mud. If no one pulled them out, they would suffocate to death sooner or later.

In the end, the monster spiraled and wreaked havoc in the muddy water, causing the players to suffer unspeakably.

Just when the players were adjusting their formation to deal with this monster, chaos erupted among the cloth armored long-distance occupations on the left, and a green-skinned lizard suddenly appeared, and some people had already recognized it as the one they had killed before. up.

However, it seems to have a bag on its head this time, and this bag can actually spray venom.

The lethality of the venom is astonishing, poisonous smoke will be emitted when it is touched, not only causing continuous damage, but also corroding the durability of the player's equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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