Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 273 Other Capable Users in the Game

Chapter 273 Other Capable Users in the Game

"Have you seen it?" Max asked in a daze, uncertain.

"No, but I think there must be. You are not the only capable person. Let's hear it. I can be regarded as half of your disciple." Su Mo is very good at friendship.

This sentence really made Max very useful. In any case, Su Mo was the "Master Special Envoy".

However, he was still quite reserved, so he didn't speak for now, but went to the cabinet next to him and took the teacup. The water on the stove was already boiling.

Although he is just a shoemaker, and even though he sews and mends for his daily life, Max is ready to be promoted to the upper class no matter his speech or demeanor.

"The word capable person is quite appropriate. Although most capable people like to call themselves the Chosen One, they will die and grow old. Often a sword or a bullet can end their proud life. Ability, you don’t need to be so curious, knowing too much will not do you any good.”

"A bullet like this?" Su Mo put his hand on the low table, and when he opened it, he left a yellow-orange bullet.

Max, who was making tea, stood up suddenly, and took two steps back in horror: "Where did you get this thing, what do you want to use it for?" If he was really an ordinary person, he might feel that this It's an ordinary bullet, but unfortunately he's not. He's an ability user, or a shapeshifter with a special talent for assassination.

The NPCs in [New World] can also kill each other, but it is basically impossible to kill each other like in the real world, unless the strength gap is too large, or everyone is an ordinary template.

But there is no absolute, there is something beyond the rules.

"Stolen, how about giving you one, tell me about the capable person." Su Mo put away the bullet, obviously intending to give this gift when he is satisfied.

Max tried hard to suppress the excitement in his heart.

If he had such a bullet, wouldn't he be able to kill whoever he wanted, and Count Dracula would definitely use him more.

Su Mo saw his affection in his eyes, but he was very disdainful in his heart.

Max's Transfiguration is countless times stronger than him, but he never dared to sneak into the side of a strong person, otherwise he should have had this kind of bullet in his hand long ago. Attitude determines everything. You can change everything with your own hands.

In the same situation, Max would definitely not dare to enter the mansion of Sheriff Sorin, let alone write a letter with itchy hands like Su Mo, and rummaged through his drawers by the way.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that Max only has one life, but Su Mo can be revived infinitely.

"There were many capable people hundreds of years ago, but almost all of them were killed by the people of the Holy See. They believed that capable people stole the power of God, and it was stealing, not bestowing. By the way, magicians are actually a kind of ability. It's just that people with this ability flood like locusts, and finally shake the rule of the Holy See." Max explained everything he knew to Su Mo in detail, and his heart was almost covered by greed.

"Do you know other capable users, where are they all?"

Since he can learn Transfiguration, he can naturally learn other things, maybe even magic. This is probably a bit difficult, at least in the game settings, it is impossible for a hunter to also be a magician.

"I only know two capable people..." Max was a little ashamed.

There have been many opportunities for him to contact more ability users, but unfortunately he gave up all of them.

He was really worried. He was afraid that one day there would be another wave of massacres of ability users. At that time, how would these ability users who were superficial in the face escape being stabbed in the head.

So he hid in the dark like a mouse, working hard to mend one pair after another of dirty and rotten shoes.

"Two? Who are they? Let's hear it." Su Mo is not disappointed. As long as he has clues, he can get to know more capable people. At that time, he will gather the world's best knowledge of martial arts, no matter what Jiuyang Magical skills, or the Great Teleportation of the Universe, the Sunflower Book... all comers are welcome, with the ability, dominating the world is not a dream at all.

"One is called Shadow, and the other is called Beastmaster." Since Max decided to say it, he naturally stopped hiding it.

"What abilities, where are they now?" Su Mo asked.

"I don't know the whereabouts of the Beastmaster, but Shadow should know where he is. They are good friends." Max said.

"Where is that shadow?" Can't you say it all at once, and you have to ask people a little bit.

"Shadow should be locked in a federal prison. He assassinated a federal congressman and was arrested. I guess he won't be able to escape for a while, but I'm not sure he was executed." Max said.

"Why did he assassinate the councilor? The Holy See has been driven away. Aren't you all free?" Su Mo was curious.

"It's a crime to conceive, even if the Holy See is gone, the nobles don't want a large number of ability users who are not under their control to wander around, so the ability users are basically used by the nobles, obey orders, and a councilor asked him to go It was as simple as assassinating another congressman, but unfortunately he failed."

"What is the ability of the shadow, can he escape into the shadow?" It sounds very powerful, almost like an assassin.

"No, but a shadow can steal someone else's shadow, and before someone finds out that his shadow has been stolen, he will gain all the fighting ability and experience of that person."

What kind of ghost ability is this, to steal someone else's shadow?
The game designers are really imaginative, the shadow can be stolen, and the flaws are also set very strangely. Someone suddenly finds that his own shadow in the sun is gone—why do he think that his shadow has been stolen instead of changing himself? Became a ghost.

After the discovery, the shadow returned immediately. At this time, the shadow ability user lost all combat power, and was naturally caught.

This poor guy is probably not as strong as a shapeshifter.

"Where is the Beastmaster, what ability does he have?" Su Mo asked.

"He can fuse with any beast..."

"Pfft, he is really serious, haha, well, it seems that you can't get my memes, Max, let's talk about his abilities in detail." Su Mo slapped his legs and laughed, but it was a pity that he was regarded as crazy.

"He can possess monsters. When his strength reaches a certain level, he can also affect the monster's thinking, so he can sneak into any place the monster can reach. His ability is also flawed. If the monster dies, he will also be hurt. He spends most of his time recovering from his injuries." Max didn't seem to know much about the Beastmaster either, so he basically said while thinking.

"Max, you said if I want to learn their abilities, is it possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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