Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 276 This Winter in Tallinn

Chapter 276 This Winter in Tallinn

Hearing this, Mosaic immediately snatched the food and water from Su Mo's hands, wolfed them down, then changed into the jailer's clothes and shoes according to Su Mo's request, and rushed out. He didn't ask Su Mo what was wrong with him. Get out because he's simply incapable of caring.

After Mosaic left, Su Mo put the clothes of Mosaic on the jailer's body, and then hung the jailer up with a rope.

At least if they don't come in and check, no one will find out that the prisoner has been swapped.

It's not that he doesn't want to go back directly by returning to the city, but that he can't use returning to the city at all in the prison. He can only wait for the skill to cool down for two hours. He still has a pair of jailer's gloves in his hand, and he can change into The jailer went out.

He has other survivals, but in a place like a prison, only the jailer can walk freely, even if he becomes a nobleman, he will be arrested immediately.

The rest of the waiting time is very boring.

He wanted to switch his perspective and become Laifu to see what was going on in the chat group, but he was afraid that someone would suddenly enter the cell, and he wouldn't be able to explain why, not to mention that he didn't care at all. .

Theft will only be locked up for a few hours, but Su Mo will stay in the cell at least until the Chinese New Year when he helps a repeat offender escape from prison.

Don't underestimate this federal prison. There are very few prisoners who can escape here, even if they are very powerful. Criminals of different strengths will have different levels of treatment.

Su Mo suspected that even if Count Dracula was captured, he might not be able to get out easily.

clap clap clap...

Su Mo, who was in a fugue, woke up immediately. It was the sound of the prison door being opened.

He immediately stood up and hid behind the door, and then saw the cell door opened, and a jailer came in with a plate of food.

Su Mo held his breath. He could see that on the rice plate was a piece of black bread the size of a palm, only about half an inch thick, and a bowl of rice porridge that was almost crystal clear. There were about seven or eight grains of rice floating in it. The more extravagant may be a small piece of ketchup the size of a fingernail on black bread.

It seems that these people really don't regard mosaics as human beings.

Even if the mosaic is not a good thing, you can't abuse people like this, right, the treatment of the mosaic will not starve to death.

"Hold the plate, don't drop it, you will die if you drop the plate, and don't look back, according to the rules of the Tao, you must die if you see the face, I think you definitely don't want to die."

Just when the jailer was about to go around to feed the prisoners, a gloomy voice came from behind him.

He trembled in an instant, and almost jumped up, but the voice was so gentle, and the content of what he said was so terrifying, he only controlled the urge to throw the plate out with strong willpower.

A hand reached from behind his side and picked up a slice of bread from the plate.

Immediately, the sound of chewing was heard behind him.

"Unexpectedly, the food in the prison is pretty good. It tastes good. I really envy you. What's your name? Forget it. I don't think we will meet again. Knowing the name doesn't mean anything."

The person behind him was too calm, and thus gathered into something like aura.

The jailer felt as if there was a tiger lying on his back, and he might swallow him anytime, anywhere.

"Are you a good jailer, or are you like him, beating and scolding prisoners all day long and asking for benefits?" The voice behind him asked again, with a calm and leisurely tone, people who didn't know thought he was in their own home, Therefore, an extremely powerful image was established in the minds of the jailers.

If the other party wants, they can even slaughter the entire federal prison.

Before the jailer regained his sanity, he was reminded by the person behind him, and saw another scene that he will never forget.

His colleague, a colleague with a good background, specializes in taking over some fat jobs.

At this time, this colleague looked like a dead person - he was really dead, he couldn't die anymore, his eyeballs were protruding, his face was pale, blood was oozing from his five holes, and a big hole was stabbed in the temple on the side. The living jailer could even go through the hole You can see the powdery white brain inside.

It's really a bit like a bean brain!

He didn't know when it happened, he suddenly found that his trousers were already wet, and water was still flowing down. The warm water flowed down his thighs, soaking the cotton trousers, and soon he felt a deep pain. the cold.

Why is it so cold in Tallinn this winter?

I don't know how long it took, but the jailer felt that the people behind him had left, but he always felt that someone was whispering in his ear, and he didn't dare to move, nor did he dare to turn his head.

When he woke up, he was already facing the warden.

Two jailers, one dead and one insane, escaped with an important criminal - Shadow Mark.

As for Su Mo, who was arrested for theft and disappeared, almost no one remembered him—even if they remembered, it was useless, he didn't leave any real information at all.

When Su Mo returned to the shoemaker's house, Shadow Mark was waiting at the shoemaker's house as promised.

"Sorry, I'm late, I hope I can make it for dinner." Su Mo took off his hat, put it on the table, and slowly sat down on the table.

"Thank you very much for saving me." Shadow Mosaic said.

"You don't need to thank me, just take what you need, I think you must have arranged our next itinerary." Su Mo turned his head again and faced Max with a smile: "According to the agreement, Max, this is your gift .”

A yellow bullet.

Shadow Mosaic was a little unconcerned at first, but after a closer look, his pupils narrowed immediately.

As an assassin, he also knows this kind of thing. He used a poison with the same effect in this mission, which can also quickly kill important NPCs.

It's just that compared with poison, the power and convenience of bullets are undoubtedly better, but the sound is louder.

"Why do you have this kind of thing? As far as I know, only nobles and the military have it." Mosaic said enviously. Of course, his boss also has it, but unfortunately, he will not use it for assassination.

It is said that experts can judge its owner from the bullet, and if that is the case, talk about assassination fart.

"Thank you." The shoemaker grabbed the bullet and held it tightly in his hand. This bullet will become his trump card, and anyone who dares to hinder him from stepping into the upper class will be destroyed.

It's just a bullet. As for it, Su Mo despises it.

"Tomorrow, I will take you to meet my friend Beastmaster Lexus and persuade him to pass on the skills of the Beastmaster to you. In fact, this skill is quite suitable for assassins." Shadow Mosaic said.

"Who says I'm an assassin? I'm a ranger." Su Mo's hand flipped over, and the dagger appeared in his hand, and then it disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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