Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 280 Qiuqiu Really Becomes Smarter

Chapter 280 Qiuqiu Really Becomes Smarter
Making arrows is a very important skill for hunters, and Su Mo didn't feel enslaved.

What the little blacksmith is making now are the relatively sophisticated special-quality carved feather arrows, which cannot be bought outside. Su Mo has such materials to practice his hands, which is enough to show that everything is true love.

At the very beginning, the little blacksmith would observe Su Mo's movements and give some pointers out loud, but later on he didn't bother to watch.

Su Mo did a good job, with superb knife skills, at least more than enough to make special carved feathers and arrows.

"Do you know what's on top of the special carved feather arrow?" asked the little blacksmith.

"I don't know." Of course, Su Mo couldn't know, it never appeared in the game, and it wasn't written on the official website, so how could he know.

"Actually, above the carved feather arrows, if you want to increase the lethality of bows and arrows, a new branch will appear, that is, carving magic circles, bursting arrows, magic arrows, and state arrows, all rely on the magic circle on the shaft and arrow to achieve it.”

"Recording, shouldn't it be the work of a scroll recorder, so I have to learn another life skill." Su Mo was really about to collapse.

He doesn't want to be a full-time expert.

"Of course not, don't you think that archery is to carve an arrow shaft, and then install the arrow head and the nock." The little blacksmith couldn't believe it, and then he began to reflect on whether he was too incompetent.

"Isn't it?" Su Mo didn't feel embarrassed at all.

"You can make the arrow yourself, otherwise how can you engrave the magic circle into it? The tail of the arrow is also fine, and the shaft of the arrow is also fine. The power of an arrow can completely change the color of the world. A shot by the great knight-errant king Hawksbeer Arrows, you can go from the Red Sea to the east coast, and then destroy a cruiser."

Su Mo opened his mouth, and the knife cut his finger, and he was still undecided.

"You did it on purpose, don't hurt yourself if you don't want to work!"

When they made arrows here, they were thousands of miles away...


This place has always been the most mysterious place in the Eastern Continent. It is so icy and snowy that the air seems to have been frozen, and it is impossible for ordinary people to set foot in it.

However, few people know that in the deepest part of the polar region, there is such a temple made of huge stones.

An old priest, wrapped in a thick leather coat, was slowly changing the candles on the altar.

Every seven days, without exception.

The difference was that when he finished changing the candles, the flames of the candles exploded suddenly, forming fiery red figures one by one.

The figure in the northwest was swaying and seemed to be straightening his tall and tapered hat with his hands. From him came the first voice: "It is the last day of the third month, Francis, don't tell me you have forgotten yourself duty of."

"It's a pity that you are not dead yet, Rudolph. I will appear in front of you at dusk." The figure in the far east seemed to have been sleeping somewhere, and only now raised his head, his voice full of sleepiness .

"The devil's blood this time seems to be less ferocious than before." said the fiery red figure in the southwest.

"Sylvana, congratulations on becoming the new King of Rangers, but you are still too young to know the horror of magic blood. Don't think that calmness is a good thing, because there are often hidden dangers behind the seemingly calm eyes. Raging madness, I am already too exhausted, once a powerful existence appears, I may not be its opponent."

"Speaking of the understanding of the devil's blood, I think none of us can compare to a certain person." In the flames in the south, there was a majestic and holy old man.

"My lord pope, I have no intention of arguing, but everything I have done has proven my sincerity. More than half of the bones in the abyss died in my hands. The wood elves just want a peaceful place to live." land."

"Let's go, the nearest Tallinn is too restless." The last thing left by Western Flame was a long sigh.

The eight soaring flames slowly shrunk, leaving only a faint candlelight illuminating the temple, but the candlelight in the middle remained unchanged from the beginning to the end.

The old priest didn't seem to notice anything unusual the whole time. Holding a broom that was almost worn out into a stick, he bent down and laboriously swept away the snow that had blown into the temple.

This is the temple, a forbidden area for humans.

Su Mo also worked with the little blacksmith for two hours, and successfully took away all the special carved feather arrows that the little blacksmith had made in the past few days.

"I think you can do more when you are free, so that you don't have to rush so much at once." Su Mo looked at the tired little blacksmith. This is still a child. Although he is darker and stronger, he feels distressed.

"I know it in my heart, besides the pirates, you are the one I hate the most now." The little blacksmith waved his hand irritably: "Get lost, don't let me see you all the time, it's disgusting."

"Who is it, really." Su Mo was kicked out of the blacksmith's shop, wrapped his windbreaker tightly, and left the blacksmith's shop.

He only summoned Ball after he left town.

Even if there are few people in Kony Fishing Port, it is not that there are no people. Even the aborigines are very interested in the legendary iron-eating beasts.

The last time he was walking the ball in Tallinn, he even ran into NPC punks.

Their idea was to sell Su Mo and their pets to the nobles, so that Qiuqiu could be a pet for the nobles, and Su Mo could also become a slave of the nobles.

Su Mo became furious after learning what they were thinking, and he beat up the gangsters.

"Let it be a pet, eat delicious food and drink spicy food, let me be a slave, do you have a brain hole, your eyes see that I look like a slave, am I not handsome enough..."

Poor bastards, they are just ordinary monsters that can be seen everywhere in Tallinn. How could they be a perverted opponent like Su Mo who is covered in gold and silver.

Su Mo didn't kill them, he cut off the ears of the gangsters, making them live in regret all the time.

From then on, he didn't release the ball very much in front of people, and even bringing pets was a blessing, because he felt that Laifu was uglier than him.

The sea is frozen in winter, but the pirates will still come out.

They are monsters and have to work in cold weather.

In addition to routinely killing monsters, Su Mo practiced his fighting and skills, mainly observing the ball.

After taking a intelligence pill, there will always be some effect.

In fact, Su Mo soon discovered the value of the intelligence pills, which can be judged from the way Qiuqiu lured monsters and the quantity. If it was before eating the pills, Qiuqiu would follow Su Mo's instructions non-stop When attracting monsters, I don't even think about whether I won't be able to get up after being beaten by a group.

And after taking the intelligence pill, Qiuqiu basically attracted three pirate uncles on a regular basis.

That is the amount it is suitable for pulling. If it is too much, it will lose blood too quickly, and if it is too small, it will be inefficient. This number of monsters can make Su Mo's pet therapy just right and play a perfect role in battery life.

And there are some little details.

For example, Qiuqiu will take a relatively flat path, instead of rushing forward with a dull head like before. It even learned how to move. Su Mo watched helplessly as it avoided many attacks from pirates.

(End of this chapter)

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