Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 297 Who will play in the math competition

Chapter 297 Who will play in the math competition

What the hell is skiing?

Mathematical problems can be understood, why choose skiing?
So Laifu asked his own question, and was told that Mr. Bigworth was a ski expert. The Plague Forest where he lived with his master, Kergard, was covered with snow in many places. Sometimes the shit shoveler would bring The master went skiing and practiced his skills.

Su Mo can ski, but Lai Fu can't.

Anyway, Su Mo had never tried skiing with four legs on the ground, and he had no confidence in defeating a cat who could ski.

The third competition method has not been set yet, because the salted fish king Victor and the others really don’t know what else they can show off to compete with each other. They usually think that the people on their side are very good, but when it comes to the real thing, they are immediately at a loss. .

Laifu asked a question at that time.

"Can't you send Nicole to fight?"

"What can Nicole do? If she doesn't fight, what else can she order besides eating?" Victor, the salted fish king, said very bluntly.

When Nicole heard this, she immediately lowered her head in shame.

She also realized her own uselessness, why couldn't she go to more cram schools when she was young.

"It can be compared to eat, who eats more, is there anyone who can compare to Nicole?" Lai Fu asked bitterly.

"Uh, can eating be considered a skill?" Everyone has never thought about it that way.

"Why is it not a skill, as long as you are better than others, that is a skill." Lai Fu said firmly.

In his view, as long as he is better than others, no matter what his skills are, even if he is more shameless than others, that is still an advantage.

"Wuwu, Brother Laifu, you are so kind. Only you will think that I am great, and that eating is also a skill." The giant python was so moved that he was about to cry.

Thinking about eating in the competition again, wouldn't this mean that a lot of things should be used as competition props, so that she can eat whatever she wants, openly, and unscrupulously.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help her saliva.

After going online the next day, Su Mo immediately logged into Laifu's perspective to see the attribute and skill panels.

The attribute has skyrocketed by a large margin. After eating so many kinds of monster apostles, it is strange that it does not increase. The attributes of the elite template of Laifu's current level 31 have surpassed most bosses of level [-], let alone those elites of the same level. .

It was very happy to increase the attribute, and when Laifu saw the two extra skills, it was even happier.

Phantom clone, this should be the result of eating tiger oil, the signature skill of Tiger King Angus, it died twice in the battle in Pavo Swamp, the golden python Nicole who has been coveting its body is of course impossible Let go of this opportunity.

If he had known that this buddy's meat was so useful, Laifu would have sold it long ago.

The phantom avatar can make Laifu turn into three wolves, one wolf becomes three wolves, just ask you if you are afraid, the strength of each wolf is 70.00% of the body, which is equivalent to within 30 seconds of continuous, Laifu has double the strength.

If one had to find a shortcoming, it would be that as long as Su Mo was present, this skill could not be used.

Undoubtedly, once again, Master Su's value was halved.

The second skill is Poison Damage, probably from Oreo, a highly poisonous toad. It’s really difficult for Nicole, the golden python. Oreo’s small size may not be found even if he dies in a normal place, let alone in a swamp. Here, it is completely impossible to imagine how she found Oreo's body.

Oreo has also died a few times recently, and Nicole got two frogs.

Su Xiaojiu did some research, and without allowing other common frogs to be added, he reluctantly made a dish of spicy and hot bullfrogs. It was a small dish, most of which were side dishes.

Laifu surreptitiously yanked off the leg of one of the bullfrogs and ate it himself.

I didn't expect to get skills from it. From this, it can be seen that whether you get skills or not has nothing to do with eating more or less. No matter how much you eat, it will only turn into shit.

The spicy bullfrog almost made Nicole cry for the first time.

She never found two frogs, one of which was missing a leg.

Poison damage is a BUFF skill. After Su Mo added this BUFF to himself, his scratching and biting would bring poisonous damage.

Scratching is better, but biting is fine. Su Mo worried that he would become crazy.

If you become addicted to biting in the game, Su Mo's classmates will also feel the pressure in reality. Why does this guy always look at my neck when he looks at me, and he still barks his teeth.

Many attributes have been added, and two skills have also been obtained.

Laifu's strength has skyrocketed a lot, but this kind of skyrocketing has nothing to do with Su Mo. In the past, Laifu was greater than Su Mo plus Laifu, but now Laifu is far greater than Su Mo plus Laifu.

After studying his own harvest, Laifu asked about the competition.

Then I was told that the third event was also coming out, and there was really no way. He had to log in not only to Laifu’s account, but also to Su Mo, and as a normal person, it was impossible for him to stay on 24 hours a day. In the game, in reality, he still has classes to attend, and the final exam is only a few days away.

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: What kind of project, could it be...

Black Bear Leader Dabson: That's right, Boss, it's exactly what you said yesterday about eating for the competition. Our side made this request, and the other side agreed immediately.

Nicole the Golden Python: (﹃).

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: You guys... don't you worry about losing the game, in case there is something special to eat over there.

Nicole the Golden Python: I will definitely win!

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: All right, all right, then let's prepare for other competitions, which one of you will participate in the math competition?
Tiger King Angus: Me, Me, Me!
Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: What about your face, what is one plus one minus one multiplied by one divided by one?
Tiger King Angus: ...

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: You fucking need to do the calculations, and at your level, you still want to represent everyone in the math competition.

Sandwalker Jason: Let me go.

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: Why?
Sandwalker Jason: o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o, I have many hands, and I can use my fingers to calculate. Compared with this, I will never lose to others.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: what is twenty thousand plus twenty thousand.

Jason the Sandwalker: I don't have to be so ruthless. I only have a few fingers and toes in total. I don't believe you can count them.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: You are a stick, what is two plus two?
Sandwalker Jason: Two plus two, two plus two, two plus two equals four!

The ferocious wild wolf comes to blessing: Ha ha.

Sandwalker Jason: What are you laughing at, did I calculate wrong, Angus, did I calculate wrong?

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: It’s embarrassing to hold back, let me do this one, skating is a group competition, right, how many tracks are there?

Salted Fish King Victor: Eight tracks, must step on the skis, can not fly, the first to reach the finish line wins.

(End of this chapter)

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