Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 340 The Helpless Bison King

Chapter 340 The Helpless Bison King
Don't talk about the follow-up, right now, the boss who followed in the team was moved.

What a good team. In order to do the task for him, they have gone through all kinds of hardships and hardships. They have hardly rested since they entered the forest.

He didn't realize that the battle looked very intense, but in fact, no one died from the beginning to the end.

These monsters sent experience, equipment materials, and promotional materials, and made the boss feel guilty again and again, and then added 5000 yuan.

Not to mention being stingy, in fact, as long as there is no brain problem, no one will throw all the money as if it is hot. Whoever earns money does not work hard, and no one's money is blown by strong winds.

After walking for a while, we finally arrived at the site of Buffalo King Eric.

Here Nicole carried out her second mission - to drive the buffalo king Eric from its territory.

If everyone relied on their own strength, they might not have the opportunity to see the Buffalo King.

While driving the bison king, Nicole beat others, causing the bison king to suffer unprecedented abuse. Although Nicole often troubled him, she solved it quickly every time.

The helpless Bison King appeared in front of everyone, covered in scars.

Nicole, the golden python, tactfully disappeared in time. Laifu explained to her that the human players gave money, and they created opportunities and possibilities for these mercenaries to kill Eric.

As long as there is something delicious, Nicole doesn't care about it.

She didn't even have the least curiosity, she just asked if they could leave Eric's body after they killed him.

Lai Fu gave no guarantees, but promised to bring back some of Eric's meat.

I ate so many things from Laifu yesterday, and Nicole has played a role today.

When everyone saw the boss, there was no need to wait, and they rushed up immediately. The whole battle was chaotic.

Buffalo King Eric can be considered a high-level boss.

Even if this type of boss is not intelligent, they will not stare at a hater player to fight, but it is better than nothing. A well-operated defensive fighter will greatly reduce the danger of teammates.

Su Mo misses Luofeng Fengfeihua a little bit.

Almost none of the fighters on their side would choose defensive fighters. From the perspective of making money, defensive fighters really don't have much fighting power.

Even if there are a few comrades who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the collective, their strength and equipment are not comparable to the real game masters like Luofengfengfeihua.

Buffalo King Eric was abused by the golden python Nicole for a long time, and now Nicole disappeared, replaced by a group of rookies.

It became energetic in an instant, that perverted boa constrictor couldn't beat it, so am I still afraid of you bastards?
Of course, it doesn't have much wisdom, this kind of thinking is not very mature, it's just subconsciousness that prompted him to restore his powerful fighting power.

Who can bully the weak and fear the strong!

Therefore, in the first battle after the Scarlet Battle Banner became an army, they faced a level 45 boss. Most of the players' attacks hit the target with only single-digit damage, and only a few of them could cause double-digit damage. .

Eric, on the other hand, often caused hundreds or even thousands of points of damage to players.

There are also some crispy skins that don't even dare to go side by side, lest they will be dealt with all at once.

"Ahh!" Qiuqiu let out a soft bleat, successfully attracting a part of Buffalo King Eric's attention.

Because Nicole was around, Su Mo didn't know if anyone was peeping, so he didn't dare to release Fu to fight.

Laifu looked a lot like an ordinary wild wolf, but he didn't dare to bet on whether Nicole would recognize Laifu. Once Nicole found out that Laifu's owner was a player, it's hard to say what the consequences would be.

For a long time, although Laifu's identity was a pet, everyone agreed that it was an NPC's pet.

This is basically similar to Uzi, the silver-horned giant deer. Jamie the Langley parrot, Brad the crow, and Bigger the big cat were all once other people's pets. No one would think that Laifu is an alternative.

But the player's pet is different, the player is something that everyone uses to kill and upgrade.

Therefore, what Su Mo released was Qiuqiu. At this time, Qiuqiu's defense was super high, and it could withstand more damage than ordinary defensive fighters.

Even so, it couldn't bear it a few times, and Su Mo had to take it away in time.

During the battle, he also found a problem.

Everyone was fighting on their own, and there was no unified command at all. Su Mo was not good at this, so he commanded a few times, making the scene even more chaotic.

When he was in the army, he was not a commander.

It seems that it is necessary to find a commander who can command large corps to fight, and this commander must also be an expert in games, with a specialization in surgery, interlaced like a mountain, if the commander on the real battlefield enters the game, that is also His eyes were darkened.

Go back and ask Gaara to see if there is a suitable candidate.

Fortunately, today's battle will not become out of hand because there is no commander. After all, here are all soldiers with strong individual qualities and have received certain training.

If the individual is strong, at least it can guarantee its own survival and output.

The boss—the player who needs the heart of the buffalo, is also fighting with him. He is actually quite powerful, otherwise he would not have encountered such a mission.

There is a level 45 boss in front of him. The boss's hands are shaking with excitement.

I'm fighting a level 45 boss, I'm not dreaming, this trip is really worth it, this old team is really awesome.

Excited, he began to encourage everyone to fight hard.

One is fighting a level 45 boss, the other is killing a level 45 boss, which one is more worth bragging about.

As a person with a small success in his career, what can he use to inspire a group of strangers to fight?
Of course it's money!

"Come on everyone, kill this guy, I will add 5 yuan!"

At the beginning, it was only 5 yuan, which was already a very expensive task. Later, [-] yuan was added, and the total [-] yuan worth of quest items can be said to be already a gold medal quest.

Now add another 5 yuan.

A task item worth 10 yuan would not easily appear in the mercenary hall, even if it did not break the record, it could still be called a sensation.

Unfortunately, everyone's reaction was a little lukewarm.

Veterans are short of money, but they are not people who will lose their cool because of money. They will not be as excited as ordinary players when they hear that there is money to be made.

The fighters are still taking care of themselves, either attacking the boss, or helping their teammates.

"Haha, that's really awesome, brother, you have vision, and your mission item is definitely worth 10 yuan." Su Mo put gold on the customer's face in order not to stand out.

(End of this chapter)

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