Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 379 Giant King

Chapter 379 Giant King

Laifu and the others spent a lot of time cleaning up these giants. There were basically no casualties. It was just a waste of time and energy. Fortunately, the things dropped by these flesh and blood giants were very good. Although they had no equipment, no one would dislike too many golden crystals.

For this trip, Laifu could earn several million from just these crystals.

After all, when the game was designed, this secret realm was at least provided to [-] players to open up wasteland. Even if only a few thousand become winners in the end, the spoils they get can still fatten Uncle Laifu to death.

I don't know if this secret realm will exist for a long time, or if it can be used frequently. If it is a one-off, then I am too sorry for the players.

Someone sighed treacherously, but he was not sincere.

"Go to a monster and kill all the players behind. Be careful of assassins, they will sneak." Laifu said.

As soon as the voice fell, a few monsters rushed to the rear, and there were always some players who consciously shrouded in the halo of the protagonist, and were very unwilling to accept the treasure deep in the palace, thinking that they must be an exception.

"Kill them all, but I guess there will still be some later." Said the returning monster.

"Why don't you stay here to intercept the players? It's probably not dangerous." Laifu asked for opinions from a few monsters. Players are very troublesome things. Because of being careless and cautious, Laifu didn't want to stumble.

"Uh, I still want to fight the boss with you, Boss." said Raun, the mangy yellow lion.

"I don't need to take action on this kind of chicken." Pease is also one of the monster apostles who ran to kill the player, so it is of course unwilling to let it stay here to snipe the player.

Originally, I thought the puppet giant with a big ax was already very powerful. After all, he instantly killed a level 35 boss with a single axe, but there was a guy with a crown over there, so there was no doubt that he must be even more powerful.

Fighting against a real master, even if you die, it's worth it, at worst, it's cheap Nicole.

Regardless of strength, no one is really afraid of death anyway - there is nothing to lose if you die, how can you not participate in the ranks of fighting the boss after traveling so far.

Not willing, Laifu thought for a while, pointed to the narrow passage where the puppet giant was sniped just now, and said, "Jason, find a way to block this place, can it be done?"

"No problem!" Sandwalker Kisen is an earth-type monster who is good at drilling the ground. Even if the palace is full of big rocks, he can't drill it, but it's no problem to get some rocks to block the road. As long as the passage is blocked, then Players who are coming in later will have no way to get in, at least not easily.

Unless they broke the stone, but that would be a waste of time after all.

Laifu only needs to send a monster over occasionally to have a look. If the blocked road is not moved, no one will come in. If it is moved, just find out and kill the person.

After arranging all this, everyone returned to the deepest main hall again.

The stone statue was still sitting on the throne, motionless, matching the magnificent ancient palace, exuding unparalleled arrogance, which belonged to the aura of a king.

If this person is still alive, he must be someone powerful enough to make the entire continent tremble.

It's a pity that it's impossible. The land on which to live is taken away by vampires. The king of this race can't just sit back and watch his tribe go to the end.

What is left now is at most a puppet, which is probably about the same as those guards.

"Everyone, be careful, I'll assign the positions first." Laifu calculated his team composition, and decided to allocate combat power according to the player's strategy of fighting monsters.

Where does the monster that takes the damage stand, what is the position of the melee output, how should the long-range one stand, once the BOSS's attack target can't bear it, how to deal with it...

Everyone has long been convinced of Laifu, and they have no objection to being arranged.

There is no doubt that at this stage, no player guild can pull out such a strong team.

"Jason, if you feel threatened, you should tell me in advance. It will be very troublesome if you die. Barbara the desert fox, you and Edit will continue to help increase blood. Edit, try not to use your shield. Help Jason save his life at the critical moment." Speculate the enemy with the greatest strength and make the most adequate preparations.

Facts have proved that Laifu's preparations are not unreasonable.

The giant king woke up from the petrification, and he clenched the big ax in his hand—it was a two-handed axe, but the giant king took one in one hand, which was completely a bug. He had never seen anyone who could hold two-handed weapons.

Its eyes were all white, and it had obviously lost its vision function, but it was effortless when looking for the target.

Several of Jason's legs were chopped off with one axe, and Jason let out a scream, he no longer dared to use his relatively fragile legs and feet to block the force of the axe, but even the hardest carapace on his back couldn't withstand much damage. For a slash, you must constantly change the position of the force in order to barely remain unbeaten.

The old loach's shield can make Jason immune to one damage.

The cut off legs and feet would grow back later, but this time the battle was not so fast, so Jason could only limp and deal with the giant king.

If the attack of the giant king made Laifu startled, then the defense of the giant king forced Laifu into a desperate situation.

Laifu's own attack was actually unable to break through the defense. He used a small lightning, and a number appeared that was not painful. It seems that this giant king is not biased at all, but a studious student with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty. .

"Substitution, Brad Pidan, you go!" Laifu shouted.

Don’t let Jason get too badly injured, otherwise you won’t be able to make it to the end. Monsters’ HP is not the same as players’ HP. A player with residual HP can heal within a few tens of seconds if he is desperately healing without being disturbed. However, the cooldown time of the monster's skills is longer, and the blood can't be filled up in less than ten minutes.

The black crow, Brad Pidan, yelled in dissatisfaction when he heard this, but in the end he did not disobey the order.

Their boss, Mr. Bigworth, said that they must listen to Laifu this time, even if Laifu told them to die. To disobey Laifu is to disobey Mr. Bigworth.

Brad Pidan really wanted to warn its boss, this wild wolf is unreliable and doesn't look like a good thing at first glance.

But its boss, Mr. Bigworth, went to the doctor in an emergency, because Laifu promised to help find a way to bring the dead back to life, so he devoted himself to working for this cheap wolf.

While cursing in his heart, he rushed to the giant king.

A thick black smoke enveloped the giant king. This is Brad Pidan's trick, the dark sky, the target in it will lose his vision, so as to achieve the purpose of trapping the enemy.

Then the poor Brad was sent flying away with an axe.

Laifu was now more certain, this old guy didn't rely on his eyes to find enemies, and the ability to block vision like the Dark Sky Curtain was useless to him at all.

(End of this chapter)

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