Chapter 381
I thought I would see a giant giant king, but after the smoke and dust cleared, what everyone saw was a giant king that had shrunk countless times.

Yes, from gigantic to gigantic, the giant king did not progress step by step like when it was inflated, but suddenly became a miniature version of the giant king, or the dwarf king.

The dwarf king still held two axes that were very different in size from his, which looked nondescript.

However, his magic immunity is gone, his physical immunity is gone, and even his aggressive attacks are not that powerful anymore.

The little golden python Nicole twitched his tail, and the dwarf king was turned over several times. As soon as he got up, he saw a thing like a mountain of meat pressing down on him. hatred.

"Let's go, look at me!" The black bear Dobson, who had been hiding behind and timidly, rushed over with a wild laugh, jumped up and was about to sit on the dwarf with his big butt to death.

Before it attacked the giant, people didn't even glance at it. Although it was safe, it was too contemptuous.

Now the feng shui turns, the boss has become a weak chicken, and it's time for me, Lao Hei, to behave.

The BOSS has become a rookie, and Pease and the others are a little bit discouraged, and feel that the victory is invincible. Since the younger ones want to have a good time, they don't mind doing it, and even Jason stepped aside.

The black bear Dobson was not as big as Jason, but he was considered burly and majestic among ordinary monsters.

Especially the big butt, trembling when running, the fur is shiny, and he is a good looking man.

"Tarzan is on top!"

Seeing that the little Giant King was about to be sat under the big butt, many monsters could not bear to close their eyes.

"Aww~ woo~ woo~"

There was a shrill scream, and everyone found that it was Dabson who screamed. The giant king or dwarf king never made a sound from the beginning to the end, after all, it was just a puppet.

Looking closely, Dabson was holding his buttocks and jumping vigorously.

In the center of its buttocks, there is an ax stuck, one end is in an indescribable place on its buttocks, and the other end is held in the giant king's hand.

Laifu's chrysanthemum tightened immediately, but luckily he didn't jump over it just now.

This giant king is too ruthless.

"Boss, boss..." Dabson asked for help hoarsely, but what could Laifu do at this moment.

The giant king wanted to pull out his axe, but Dabson held the ax tightly with two bear paws to prevent him from pulling it out. The sawing process was the process of Dabson's continuous screaming, and the scene was once very bloody.

"Uh, Dabson, let it be pulled out. If this goes on, your anus will be disabled." Laifu couldn't stand it any longer.

"Woooooo~" You Sang couldn't describe it.

In the end, the giant king still won the victory. Its ax was finally pulled out. Holding the bloody axe, he rushed to the big cat Bigworth who hurt him the most, leaving the black bear howling there.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't look at the black bear Dabson.

Ruthless, the ruthless giant king who drew his axe.

The other monsters no longer dared to underestimate the miniature giant king, let alone try to sit and kill this little dwarf with his big butt like the black bear leader Dobson.

I thought there would be other changes in this giant king, but I didn't expect him to stop after he became smaller, and finally he was suppressed and beaten by monsters until his death. His death made many monster apostles directly upgrade.

There is no blessing—Su Mo will not be promoted, no matter how much experience he has, it will be a waste.

The giant king dropped something after his death, and his crown rolled aside. This scene represents that the crown has become a trophy. The difference is that the two two-handed axes are still in the giant king's hands at this time. Here, this means that it has not fallen, even if it is forcibly pulled out from the giant king's hand, it will not help.

Laifu's little friends all looked at Laifu, waiting for it to pick up things.

The big cat, Bigworth, looked at the crown, then at the small pile of crystals that had fallen, but he didn't move, and his little brothers naturally wouldn't move either.

A monster rushed towards the crown. It was the younger brother of the Peacock King. After the death of the Peacock King, it followed the team. It was a very obedient weasel monster. It never thought that it would snatch the spoils at this time. If it was its own idea, then it is really a monster with a high IQ.

The scorching golden flame wrapped around its body, burning everything, making it impossible to tell where the crown was.

"Is weasel meat good?" Nicole asked.

This answer determines whether she will withdraw her flame, if she can eat it, it will be cooked to a medium-rare, if she can't eat it, it will be burnt.

"It's better not to eat it, the meat is quite ugly and has a lot of parasites." Laifu thought for a while and shook his head.

So the poor weasel was burned alive.

There are also a few monsters that don't belong to the chat group of Laifu and Big Cat. They also planned to grab things, but the lessons learned by the weasel made them afraid, so they dared not move one by one.

Laifu went up and put away the crystal first.

This time, one dark gold crystal, three gold crystals, five silver crystals, and nine crystals were neatly placed on Laifu's wolf claws. Take it out and sell it later, and share the money with everyone.”

"Let's forget it, you can keep it, I want to know the attributes of that crown." The big cat Bigworth said.

Although it doesn't have such a high popularity as Laifu, it has no problem being the master of the younger brother, and no one doubts its decision.

Laifu put away the crystal and picked up the crown on the ground.

"Huh!" Lai Fu exclaimed in surprise.

The crown picked up by it, like an ancient relic that has been old for countless years, quickly decayed and decayed in its hands, turned into dust and flowed away from its fingers, and finally only the gem remained in its hands.

The Light of Elendil (Special): Life is but a small thing, and it passes away, but where the darkness cannot reach, the beauty of light endures forever.

What is this?
A passage of vague words made Laifu feel in a fog.

It handed the stone to the big cat Bigworth, and said, "See if this can be used, and if it can be used, I will give it to you."

The big cat Bigworth stood up suddenly from the prostrate state. It looked at Laifu in surprise, thinking that he was hallucinating. The promise is one thing, but fulfilling the promise is another.

It took the gem and studied it for a while, but it didn't have any clue.

"I'll take it home and try it out. If it doesn't work, I'll send it to you. If you need help next time, just call me. I'm sure you're a friend."

With that said, it couldn't wait to teleport away.

Laifu watched it leave, and felt that Mr. Bigworth was a pitiful monster, but also a heartfelt monster. Just compare the black crow, Brad, and Jamie, the Langley parrot.

The Sorcerer-King was still alive, and the Black Crow abandoned him.

It's not a big deal, after all, I don't know the specific reason. The most annoying thing is Jamie the Langley parrot. The reason why he left his boss, the Pirate King, was because the Pirate King was blind and ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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