Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 383 Young People Now

Chapter 383 Young People Now

"As for the long (chang) ears you mentioned, they are probably elves. In the earliest days, this continent was controlled by elves. They are all very good at magic, and they are also the origin of the hunter system, but the details We don’t know the situation, it was too long ago after all, elves’ documents will return to nature in a certain period of time, and dwarves are always self-righteous and engraved on stones.”

Count Dracula is considered to be a very ancient existence, but it is really not worth mentioning in the long river of time.

"Why is it a stone?" This race seems to be particularly fond of stones.

"They always think that stones are eternal, but they don't know that stones will also be eroded and buried by the years. They are really a race with no lower limit. Except for being short, they have no shortcomings."

"The elves and dwarves can't see it anymore, but aren't there still goblins?"

"Some legends left by the ancestors say that goblins are a hybrid of elves and dwarves, haha, do you believe it?" Count Dracula seemed to think of something very funny.

"Why don't you believe me?" Su Mo was confused.

"Look at what kind of bird the goblin looks like." Count Dracula said with a disgusted expression on his face, "How can the extremely handsome elf in the legend give birth to such a thing? It's almost the same as you and me."

"Oh, that's it, that's it." The two of them laughed heartily.

The removal of the shackles on his body, which will not be added for a while, made Count Dracula feel very good, and he even began to be able to joke.

And Su Mo's recent performance also made him a close confidant of Count Dracula.

Even now, the brothers who still have the blood-colored battle flag and the mask of nothingness are causing trouble everywhere in the north. Although the law enforcement team has sent many experts there, there is still nothing they can do about the fighters who don't hold back their hands.

However, the Scarlet Battle Banner also has the meaning of becoming the target of public criticism.

The official release mission, the player accepts the mission, snipe and kill the masked monster, and if you kill one, you can get a reward of [-] gold coins, and if you capture it alive, you can get [-] gold coins.

Even if the gold coins are not that valuable now, this is an income of tens of thousands of dollars.

What's more, everyone knows that the mask of nothingness will lose its attribute when it dies, and there are not a few people who want to kill people to explode the mask, and there are many masters in the PK circle among them.

Killing after wearing it does not account for karma, in other words, no PK value is lost as much as you kill, which is too important for PK crazy.

In a few days, two masks had been lost, and the Scarlet Battle Banner had to be careful.

The two forces that got the mask, Yunfei has already investigated almost, and planned to find an excuse to fight with each other in a few days, his brother can't be killed in vain, let alone snatch the mask.

"My lord, I just heard from you that the gate of the abyss was opened, and human beings came from the abyss, quickly ending the rule of the blood race..." Su Mo paused, and asked curiously: "Humans came from the abyss." Yes, isn’t it a demon that comes from the abyss?”

This should belong to the deeper game background.

In the Moon of Demonic Blood, what rises is the demonic blood, and what boils is the abyss. It is said that any side leakage of the demonic blood is the result of the raging abyss. The more demonic blood appears on the mainland, the more things in the abyss are struggling. sharp.

"..." Count Dracula tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked, "Did I say that?"

"What's on the other side of the abyss?" Su Mo asked.

"Hoo hoo hoo..." The vampire count, who was still in high spirits, was already snoring and fell asleep.

Mom sells batches, sleep to death and forget it.

It's best to get out of the sun now, and you'll be burned to death.

This trip was not a fruitless trip, at least I learned that the masters of this continent were first elves, then dwarves, followed by vampires, and then humans.

In fact, the most important point is the abyss.

Humans come from the abyss, but they are not aboriginals, so what else will come out of the abyss.

Su Mo couldn't help but think of wood elves, which have nothing to do with elves, but they come from the blood of the devil, from the abyss, and maybe they will be the protagonists of the next era.

But when thinking of this, Su Mo quickly shook his head and denied the guess.

The wood elves guard the Coles Mountains, which is a bit bigger than the entire Eastern Continent, with scarce resources and sparse population, so they have no potential to unify the continent at all.

Moreover, it is said that Rudolph, the king of wizards, suppresses all evil and chaos in the abyss.

When we returned to Hudgens, Gaara was already waiting there with a young man.

Although Gaara is a game fan, he is not young anymore, at least in his 40s. It doesn't matter. Doing business has nothing to do with age, and he doesn't fight people with knives.

"What's there to talk about, why not drink?" Su Mo chose a table, sat down and asked.

"This is a lot of money, a lot of wealth!" Before Gaara could speak, the young man beside him said anxiously, implying that Su Mo's performance was too plain.

"My son, just call him Ronaldinho." Gaara smiled wryly.

"My name is Robert Jr.." His son added that there is not much difference between Robert Jr. and Ronaldinho. A full name and an abbreviation both make sense, but the grades are different. Ronaldinho is a two-dollar store. The shopkeeper, and Robert Jr. was wrapped in steel to save the world.

"A business of several million is indeed not a small amount of money, but your father's net worth is at least tens of millions, so what's the big deal?" Back to the topic, Su Mo still didn't take it seriously.

"Brother!" Little Robert said without waiting for his father to speak: "A few million is a lot of money to anyone, especially these things are crystals that just came out today."

"Hmm~" The young people nowadays, Su Mo looked weary and not very interested.

"This time the players suffered heavy losses, but brother, you got so much at once..." Little Robert was very excited. He looked at Su Mo with reverence in his eyes, and he almost paid homage to him.

This time when the secret realm was opened, quite a few people actually knew about it, but many people didn't think they could gain anything by entering it, so the number of players who finally entered was only 20 million.

The scene inside is very specific, and everyone knows that it is a dangerous place.

Or death is more appropriate. Not only are there monsters that are immune to magic, but also many centaurs that can instantly kill players. I heard that there are even more powerful ones, but many players don't have the chance to see them.

What's even more deceitful is that a group of monsters also went in.

Many people think of a map in an ancient game - BOSS House.

I will cry if I continue!

Maybe some people really made a lot of money in it, but compared to the hundreds of thousands of players throwing away their armor and armor, the voices of these people are too weak, so this time there are all kinds of complaints on the forum.

Official evil pen!

(End of this chapter)

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