Chapter 471


Mel vomited blood and made a big move, freezing Howard Zmich directly.

She slumped on the ground, her trembling hands didn't even have the strength to make up another skill, the ice block just now had exhausted her magic power.

"Nicole, it's now, hurry up, don't use your tail, burn that ice cube with fire, you two burn it together!" Laifu sat up suddenly, and shouted loudly for the golden python Nicole to do it.

Intuition tells it that this is the last chance.

Once Howard Zmich breaks through the ice, Mel must die first, and then Rice. Even if Rice gives up suppressing the power of light in his body, he probably won't be Howard Zmich's opponent.

By then, the two little golden pythons would not be able to turn the tide of the battle.

Nicole obediently used the shadow summoning scroll, and immediately another little golden python appeared beside her. The two little golden pythons looked at each other curiously for a moment, and then rushed over under Laifu's urging.

The two little golden pythons erected their upper bodies, took a breath, and sprayed flames frantically at the big ice sculpture.

The ice is condensed by Mel, a vampire, who has exhausted almost all his strength. Even Howard Zmich can only cosplay ice sculptures, and the flames are not ordinary flames. Any ice layer that touches the flames will disappear instantly.

By the way, half of Howard Zmich's arm, which was wrapped in ice, also disappeared together.

Unfortunately, if it is the head that disappears, everything will be fine.

"Aww~" Howard Zmich struggled frantically, spraying blood mist from his whole body, and after losing ten pounds, he finally freed himself from the ice.

He was very angry in his heart, wishing to kill Mel, Rice, and the little golden python that came out of nowhere and burned him, but more serious than anger was fear, and he felt that he had never been so close to death.

The green hills were left without worrying about no firewood, and they immediately turned into bats and fled crookedly.

The reason why it is crooked is because most of the arm is missing, and the balance of the body cannot be controlled. Fortunately, it was burnt, which avoided the situation of blood spattering.

Just when he was about to escape to a distance to catch his breath, a golden light flashed, and he felt as if he had been hit by a stick, and he flew upside down. Before he could regain his balance, a stick hit him. shape head.

In Laifu's eyes, it was the little golden python that accurately pulled back Howard Zmich, who was almost turned into black mist and wanted to escape.

Not to mention, the other little golden python twitched its tail unhurriedly, and once again accurately hit the bat spirit rolling in the air, and drew the bat spirit towards another little golden python.

Lai Fu was dumbfounded.

Everyone underestimated Nicole, who said she only knows how to eat, and she also plays very well, okay?

Howard Zmich knew that he couldn't go on like this anymore. Don't look at it just twitching, in fact, he could understand how painful every slap of the little boa constrictor was, and his internal organs felt faster than anyone else. Was pumped into a paste.

The vitality of vampires is indeed strong, but even being strong cannot withstand such a toss.

What's more, the defense of the vampire in bat form is three points weaker than usual, and he will be played to death.

With a muffled sound, the bat spirit that Nicole was playing with exploded. The big bat turned into countless small bats, fled in all directions, and finally appeared not far away, gathering together to form a humanoid creature.

This humanoid creature is a bit miserable, blind, limping, and one arm is gone.

Laifu didn't feel that he was sure of winning, that was too naive.

"Go to hell." Howard Zmich knew that he was going to do his best, even if he was desperately injured and needed to find a cave to hide for hundreds of years to recover, it was better than being beaten to death.

A powerful suction rose from the ground, and clouds of blood mist emerged from Mel, Les, Nicole, and even Lai Fu, who was watching from a distance, and then sucked into his body by Howard Zmisch.

Fog Grass, star-absorbing Dafa.

Seeing his HP drop rapidly, Laifu knew that this should be the most powerful blood-sucking talent of the vampire clan.

Howard Zmich's talent burst out when his life was at stake, and he was obviously much stronger than the other two vampires.

Absorbing a large amount of energy and blood, his injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, especially the arm he had just lost, which quickly recovered and grew back, and even half of his arm came out.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, there is such a pure-blooded beast."

The golden python Nicole burned half of his arm, but at this time he helped him a lot. Today's luck is really good. I usually don't see one of these little golden pythons, but today there are two at once.

"Ah, Nicole can't move!" Nicole was terrified.

Although she has always said that she is not afraid of death and wants to die and eat herself, but when things come to an end, the taste of death is so terrible.

Can't he simply kill her directly? Why suck her blood.

"Ha ha!"

It was Les McAvian who laughed. He didn't seem to realize that this time the ambush was about to fail, and Mel had no fighting power. At this time, he was lying on the ground helplessly sucked blood, leaving Death is not far away.

When Howard Zmich recovers from his injury, Rice must be the target of the solution.

"Laugh, and I will make you cry later, Keinstein, McAvian, you and your family will all become history." Howard Zmihi said viciously.

It's not that he doesn't want to use this big move earlier, the key is that this way of blood sucking will cause endless troubles. It will take him hundreds of years to purify the mixed blood in his body, and he will be in a weak state during the whole process.

He didn't dare to let himself be weak unless it was absolutely necessary.

The world has become too dangerous for a vampire!

"If you want, I'll give it to you!" Les McAvian let go of his defense completely, and everything in him rushed towards Howard Zmich like a tide.

Blood-sucking is an active process, and the person being sucked can also refuse to be sucked, which will delay or even prevent him from being sucked. Mel was seriously injured, but he was still resisting subconsciously. The little golden python was also resisting, even There is a weak chicken not far away who is also resisting.

Originally, Les McAvian was the most resistant, but after giving up the resistance, his strength and blood were all used by Howard Zmich.

This allowed Howard Zmich to recover from his injuries faster, almost recovering his entire arm and palm in a few seconds, and even his eyes, which were blinded by Mel's ice needle, also recovered.

Even that cursed eye, Howard Zmich felt it recovering.

"Are you trying to kill me, Les, you're so ridiculous, I can suck up to ten of them and you'll be fine." Howard Zmich couldn't figure out what Les was doing, but he wasn't afraid.

Not afraid at all.

(End of this chapter)

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