Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 510 How much does the card give to Benxinuo

Chapter 510 How much does the card give to Benxinuo

Seeing the beloved Qiuqiu being taken away by the evil man, the sacrificial girl looked at Su Mo with a murderous look in her eyes.

Su Mo felt wronged too.

If Qianli Xueyue and Su Xiaojiu stand aside at the same time, he is the one who will take advantage. No matter how useful Su Xiaojiu is, it will not be as effective as a priest in the arena.

Priests can add blood to assist, and also have a certain attack power.

However, it doesn't matter if there is a mage and a priest on the opposite side, Su Mo still has the confidence to win. His confidence comes from his superior equipment.

Levels don't matter anymore.

The combinations that made it into the top ten were basically players above level 42. This time, his opponent, Tiao Tiao Yu, was level 41, the same level as him, and Qianli Xueyue also had level [-].

But equipping him definitely has an advantage.

Cangjia of Ragnarok is Gaara's high-level VIP customer, and he often spends a lot of gold coins in Gaara, buying gold and dark gold equipment. Lack of gear.

But he can't have legendary equipment.

As for Su Moyou, his clothes are legendary, his armor is as high as [-], and he can rebound damage to restore his health. Even if the alchemist has a high attack, it is impossible to cause much damage to him.

With such self-confidence, Su Mo decided to deal with the opponent head-on with his own strength.

Lest the champion be ridiculed.

That's why he insisted on playing normally, not because he didn't want to save energy, but because he wanted to maximize the glory of the championship.

Still using Qianli Xueyue as a breakthrough point, it is impossible for Su Mo to kill a mage who can fight and run while a priest is constantly adding blood.

But he can bear the damage of the mage and deal with this priest first.

Su Mo, Laifu, and Su Xiaojiu all rushed towards Qianli Xueyue, the priest. Qianli Xueyue snorted coldly, and began to add blood to herself while walking.

Jumping Fish chose to attack Su Mo.

Therefore, there is no strategy at all in this battle. For the Su brothers and sisters, only by solving the sacrifices can they have a chance of victory.

Yes, victory is not won by solving the priests, but also the mages after solving the priests.

If the mage killed Su Mo, then it would be impossible for Su Xiaojiu to win against the mage.

As for the siblings Tiaotiaoyu and Qianli Xueyue, they only need to kill Su Mo, and if they kill Su Mo, they will win.

Jumping fish first noticed that Su Mo's armor was a bit exaggerated.

Brother, I am a mage, my weapon is dark gold, and I wear several pieces of gold. Is it a little sorry for you to lose such a little blood? In addition, Su Mo's own blood sucking is very high, so Tiaotiaoyu began to doubt life.

However, mage is a very powerful profession after all. If Su Mo wants to threaten the life of the priest, he can't move too recklessly.

The price of moving positions is to reduce the attack frequency, and once the attack frequency is reduced, the blood volume of the sacrificial girl will be full again after adding two casually.

Therefore, Jumping Fish quickly beat Su Mo to half blood.

"How much does the card give Bensino!"

At this time, Su Mo swished and split and reproduced—that is, one Su Mo turned into three, and the three identical Su Mo appeared on the field.

Vampire Badge (Dark Gold): All attributes +12, dodge +15, attack speed +5%, special effect 1: phantom clone, after use, two clones will be transformed, with 20% of the main body's damage and defense, for 30 seconds, Special effect 2: Your attack has a certain probability of obtaining blood-sucking effect, the equipment requires level 30, and the durability is 60/60.
His vampire badge can not only suck blood, but also phantom clone.

Su Mo had never used this special effect before, and the two avatars created had 20% of the main body's damage and defense.

This special effect lasts for 30 seconds. In 30 seconds, Su Mo's attack power is equivalent to an increase of 40.00%. This attack power seems to be very powerful, but it is actually not a big deal. At least there is no way to cause fatal damage to Qianli Xueyue. harm.

At this time, people who don't understand hope that someone will post a barrage.

But at this time, no one was posting barrage. Everyone watched the game with bated breath. At this moment, there were no fans or perverts. Everyone was immersed in the game.

Fortunately, Su Mo's next move explained everything to everyone.

The three Su Mos all began to read the article to charge up a blow, aiming at only the little priest Qianli Xueyue.

"Uncle is too vicious."

"Too insidious."

"Why do you still come out with a shadow clone? This is a game, not two-dimensional."

"Three charged strikes, which one should Uncle Tiaotiaoyu stop?"

Finally, everyone couldn't help complaining, how could Tiaodiaoyu in the game not be able to see something that anyone with a discerning eye could see, and his forehead was sweating instantly.

He had to admit that he was too arrogant.

In fact, he thought he could get rid of Su Mo by himself. Before his sister suggested that they have a contest between men, he actually didn't care in his heart.

With him alone, he could rub Su Mo, a hunter, on the ground.

Now that he saw three identical Su Mo, he finally understood that krypton gold dogs are also graded. He really wanted to ask, where is this kind of equipment with the clone technique sold?
It is very simple to interrupt the hunter's charge attack.

Either kill the hunter, or interrupt him with control skills, as long as the reading is interrupted, the skills will naturally not be released.

Jumping Fish has two control skills. Unfortunately, one of the freezing skills belongs to the immobilization skill, which is to set the target in place, but it cannot interfere with the target's attack behavior. As for the other sleep skill.

Since the casting distance is relatively short, it is only useful when being close.

Now that Su Mo is standing there motionless and accumulating energy, he can run over and use it up, but which one of the three Su Mo is sleeping?

This is a multiple choice question, but he only has one chance.

Jumping Fish wanted to scold someone.

It only takes eight seconds to charge up a blow, and he doesn't have much time left.

The one closest to me?
Impossible, most people will subconsciously put their bodies in the place farthest from danger.

But most people think so, what if Su Mo does the opposite.

Or the one in the middle, which looks more like the main body in terms of expression, but this judgment is not reliable. Tiaotiaoyu knows that once a person is very nervous, he will make some judgments to persuade himself.

"Brother, hurry up!"

Qianli Xueyue also has a sleep control skill, she directly threw it to the one closest to her, successfully interrupting the opponent's charge attack.

This doesn't mean that stopping the charged attack is successful.

Which one is the main body, you need to release the skills to experience it yourself to know.

(End of this chapter)

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