chapter 514
The third sign was also opened, and it was directly displayed on the big screen for everyone to see.

"Wow, fashion!"

"The wedding dress, it seems that this thing has never appeared before."

"You can tell by the degree of cherishment. The degree of cherishment is four and a half, and the market price must be more than 20."

"Is there any woman who doesn't like this thing?"

"Giving it to the goddess, wouldn't it be a direct succession?"

"Think too much, the goddess wears it and marries the male god, it's none of your business."

Su Mo was speechless. He didn't expect such useless things to appear in the competition rewards, unless he was a nympho guy who wanted to please his girls.

If Su Mo himself wanted to subdue a beautiful girl, he didn't need any wedding dress at all. With his good-looking face alone, no woman could escape his Wuzhishan.

"do you want?"

Su Mo asked Su Xiaojiu, ordinary girls like this thing, so Su Xiaojiu can barely be considered a girl.

"No, I still like my little white rabbit." Su Xiaojiu shook her head.

She only has one outfit, and she has always loved it loyally.

"Then pass, I don't like it very much."

"Brother, it's women's clothing, what do you mean you don't like it very much, brother, don't scare me."

"Shut up, I mean I don't want to take it back and sell it for money."

"Brother, I understand, I will keep it secret for you, but you have to return all the lucky money to me, plus interest."

"Su Xiaojiu, your skin is itchy, right?"

"Ahem, please hurry up and choose." Mo Qianli couldn't stand it anymore, these two guys were muttering on such a serious occasion, how decent it was.

But he was also very uncomfortable.

Chaoyun Cup is used to commemorate his sister, but no matter how commemorated, his sister is gone.

When his sister was still there, he felt that the little girl was really annoying, pestering him all day long, and often making trouble for no reason, which annoyed him very much.

He didn't understand what blood is thicker than water until he lost his sister.

Su Mo had already opened the fourth sign at this time.

Bright Unicorn!
"What is this, a pet?"

"You are blind, this is a mount!"

"It's not just as simple as a mount, it's a flying mount. Those who often hang out in the holy city have probably seen it before, so this thing is really beautiful."

"The speed is also fast, it is simply a BUG."

"How could this kind of thing appear, won't it destroy the balance?"

"What kind of balance is broken, and you can't participate in the battle, and I heard that someone's reputation has reached 30, and he has already received a flying mount."

"Who is so awesome, 30, I don't even have enough reputation for [-] now."

"The brotherly brother, Shi Fangliang, is riding a bright unicorn. I have seen it with my own eyes. It is indeed very beautiful."

The top five and ten players on the stage, not to mention the female players, can't wait to rush over to snatch them all, and the male players also want it very much. It's a lot of face to have this thing, and they are the focus of attention wherever they go. The girl has also become a veritable prince charming.

Except Su Mo.

Su Mo slapped his head and suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to claim his mount.

I don't know if there will be a special reward for the first person to receive the mount. Why did I forget it, but Shifang Mingliang took the lead.

"Brother, do you want it?" Su Xiaojiu looked at Su Mo eagerly.

"You want it?" Su Mo suddenly wanted to tease his sister.

"If you want it, I will give it to you first. After all, you are the president now and you need a card." Su Xiaojiu is still very sensible, knowing that her brother's career is the most important thing.

"We choose this mount." Su Mo didn't even look at the fifth sign.

"Are you sure?" Mo Qianli asked.

"Sure." Su Mo nodded.

Then a young coser came over with an egg on a tray, and stood in front of Su Mo.

Su Mo picked up the pet egg, weighed it in his hand, and then handed it to Su Xiaojiu: "Take it and hatch it. I'm a pure man, what do I do riding this? I'm not a pervert like Shifang Liangming."

"Brother, you were planning to dress up as a woman just now." Su Xiaojiu was inexplicably surprised, but her mouth was still habitually stubborn.

Hatching is a very simple matter, and then a little unicorn floated out of it. It was all white and exuded silver light. Its hair hadn't grown well yet, but it was already very beautiful.

The mount needs to be upgraded to level ten before it can be ridden, otherwise Su Xiaojiu can still show it off in front of so many people.

"Great uncle, you dote on your sister so much, you can't buy a mount that is worth at least 50 or even 100 million, so let it go."

"I also want a brother like this."

"Oh, I'm angry, such a good thing fell into the hands of a person who is not short of money, otherwise we can talk about it."

"Yarn is to show off. Rich people like to show off their wealth. Otherwise, why can't they take it back and give it secretly? If they insist on pampering their sister in front of so many people, why don't they just show off that he has a sister? It seems like no one has one." have to."

"I don't!"

"No plus one!"

Here, Su Mo chose something and gave it to his sister directly, while Mo Qianli was also very pleased, and his affection for Su Mo instantly exploded.

"Here is a mount experience pill, eat it for the mount." He took out something.

Su Xiaojiu took it and gave it to the Bright Unicorn. The Bright Unicorn, which was originally like a deer, evolved into a real mount in an instant.

Adjectives are hard to find, and the description is very laborious. I can only say that it is very cool.

Su Xiaojiu obviously liked this kind of mount very much, and immediately climbed on it.

However, an embarrassing scene appeared.

The Bright Unicorn is not a giant, but at least it didn't deliberately accommodate Su Xiaojiu's height and size, so it is essentially a mount that normal people can use.

Su Xiaojiu was not as tall as the mount when she stood up, so she couldn't climb up.

Jumping around and not climbing up.

"What do you think about lowering your height? You're already a dwarf." Su Mo was helpless, and planned to lift Su Xiaojiu up by the collar.

At this time, the bright unicorn knelt down, and very cooperatively let Su Xiaojiu climb up by himself.

"Brother, I'm going to play." Su Xiaojiu was so happy that she couldn't restrain herself, she just left the competition room, and she planned to let the bright unicorn take her to the sky.

Su Xiaojiu left, but Su Mo couldn't.

It's not that he's so curious about the fifth brand, but that the competition room belongs to the two of them, and they are still paying for the proceeds. They can still share one-eighth of it, so there is no reason to give up.

It's No.2's turn to claim the reward.

Tiaotiaoyu simply opened the fifth sign and announced it to the public.

It is a skill book, which is dedicated to priests. After using it, the priest's defense will increase for a period of time, and it will not be controlled by any control skills.

From a practical point of view, this thing is much more precious than a piece of unique gold equipment.

Still just talking about practicality, it is also more precious than the mount of the bright unicorn. The mount has almost no benefit to the battle, but such a skill book can make the priest's strength increase dramatically.

When everyone thought Qianli Xueyue was going to choose this thing, she chose a wedding dress.

Hehe, woman.

No.3 chose the skill book of the sacrifice, after all, this thing is the most precious.

No.4 chose the flame turtle pet.

The No. 5 Pushui Bancheng finally got the dark gold equipment. They didn't suffer much, and the dark gold equipment was also a good thing.

It can be said that none of the five things that Mo Qianli rewarded was rubbish.

The last one got the reward, and this year, the sixth Chaoyun Cup, came to an end. The organizers, competitors, and spectators all started to leave the competition room one by one.

Su Mo began to settle the income between him and Su Xiaojiu during this competition.

The first is 24 paying people, one and a half gold coins, which is the ticket revenue of 12 gold coins.

If it is during the competition, the official will share half, the organizers will share a quarter, and the two sides will share the remaining quarter, that is, the contestants will share one-eighth.

But there is still a part of the payment after the game, so the Su brothers and sisters don't have to share the quarter with others.

This math problem is very complicated, and most people who have graduated from primary school cannot understand it, so just look at the final conclusion.

In the end, 41250 gold coins were credited.

The current gold price ratio is slightly more than one to six, so the ticket income of the Su family brothers and sisters is 25 real currency in the end.

This is not actually the big head of income. Speaking of the big head, the winner of the competition will be rewarded with 100 million yuan, which is more than this. There are also rewards from the audience during the competition, which is only 70 million real currency.

The Su brothers and sisters' income from the Chaoyun Cup this time should be said to be 200 million real coins.

Earning so much money in three days, as well as a flying mount, and greatly promoting the Scarlet Battle Banner Guild, is a lucrative business.

After Su Mo got the money, he didn't go out and drink, but planned to use the money to register the club.

(End of this chapter)

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