Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 525 There is no difficulty in the world

Chapter 525 There is no difficulty in the world

"It's done, let's talk, who to chop?" Yun Fei slapped the table, fascinated by it, it's all his favorite food.

In fact, as long as it is hot pot, he likes to eat it.

"We have two strategic goals. First, let the priests of the Holy See leave the Holy See. Second, let the cardinals of the Holy See get busy. Hey, why are you going? Come back and sit down!" Su Mo almost laughed angrily.

Is it that hard?
The monsters over there said no in unison, and the brothers here ran away as soon as they heard it.

"My president, aren't you whimsical? That's the Holy See, the biggest force in the game. It can turn five or six hundred of us into hot pot ingredients in minutes." Yun Fei shook his head.

"We have 800 people now." Su Mo corrected him.

"Is there any difference?" Yun Fei spread his hands, let alone 800 players, even if he was given [-] level players, it would be difficult for him to disturb even a single cardinal.

"Now there is a piece of information that I think is very useful. The old man of the Great Priest was originally going to the Iwak Academy in the Avenami Highlands to deal with the ghost incident, to find out what it is and what can be used." Su Mo Say.

Yunfei's eyes lit up.

We all belong to the ruthless people who rise to the challenge and rise to the challenge even if there is no difficulty. Now that we have a clue, we can naturally start to deploy it.

The relevant information was placed in front of Su Mo more than ten minutes later.

The Scarlet Battle Banner attaches great importance to intelligence. Not only do people take turns following news sources such as the official forum 24 hours a day, but there is also a dedicated information search team that collects information from various channels such as forums, players, and NPCs.

Iwak College is a theological college of the Holy See in the north. Those who go to school are all people who are favored by God, and they are baptized by the priest himself.

Compared with another seminary in the holy city, this seminary is more enthusiastic about the study of theology. In other words, most of them are theoretical talents, and they basically have no combat effectiveness.

Of the three kingdoms, Keluo, that is, the Holy See, values ​​enlightenment the most.

Even the most remote mountain villages are stationed by priests, who are responsible for teaching the people and preaching theology.

Not long ago, hauntings started around the school.

More than one student and nearby players saw ghosts haunting them in broad daylight. The cardinals in the nearby towns went out three times, but they couldn't find anything.

It happened to be the day of the Iwak Academy's celebration, so the academy invited the great priest to come and have a look.

I don't know if I was frightened by the name of the great priest, but all those ghosts disappeared without a trace.

So the great priest canceled the itinerary, and planned to go there on the day of the school celebration.

"Do you still find it difficult now?" Su Mo shook the information on his hand, he believed that everyone knew what to do.

"It's very simple. Let's send people to pretend to be ghosts near the college and restore the schedule of the great priest. But no matter how much noise we make, it's impossible to keep the cardinal busy. The thing about Iwak College , one great priest is enough." Yun Fei said.

"Think about it, everyone, if you think about it carefully, there must be some way." Su Mo said.

Strategies were proposed one by one, but were rejected by others. Everyone seemed to be limited to the traditional game, and there was no way to change their ideas for a while.

"Is it true that you can't think of a way?" Su Mo asked.

"I can't figure it out!" Crazy Ouye was about to grab his hair off, he slumped on the table, and said weakly.

"Then if I can figure out a way, would you treat everyone to hot pot?" Su Mo felt that he could save some money.

"Okay, as long as you can come up with an idea, don't say one meal, I'll invite even ten meals, even if it's selling a kidney." Crazy Ouye didn't believe that Su Mo could do anything.

This difficulty is no less than asking the system master to directly upgrade a player to the full level.

"You guys, great priests, you find it difficult, and now cardinals, you also find it difficult. I really don't know what is easy for you. Let me tell you something." Su Mo started a story he saw a few days ago. thing.

In the story, two shoe stores that opened on the same intersection compete.

One pulled out a banner [Rent is due, the last three days], the business was good in the first few days, but when the banner was still there after more than ten days, no one came to the store to buy things.

The second store adopted another strategy, buying a shoe and getting a TV for free.

Really, there are two [-]-inch color TV sets at the door. Anyone who buys shoes and comes out can take a ping pong ball from the lottery box to draw a color TV.

Every time, customers are asked to pour in the numbered table tennis balls by hand.

So the business of this store has been very good.

After the story was told, Su Mo concluded: "This story is not for you to judge which of the two store strategies is better, but for you to formulate our strategy based on these two strategies."

"I admire it!" Crazy Ouye said first, "The second one!"

Others also nodded one after another. The first one has no reference value, but the second one can definitely be copied.

St. Bernard is the second largest city on the mainland. This is in terms of scale. The first is Tallinn, the second is St. Bernard, and the third is Lota.

But when it comes to the player's favorite place to stay, St. Bernard may not even be in the top ten.

This place is very religious.

It is so thick that it makes people feel depressing, and only some holy professions such as priests, priests, and bishops hang around here all day long.

Whether you like the religious atmosphere here or not, it is always easier for the holy profession to receive some job-related tasks if you live here, and the holy profession does not need money for accommodation or meals in St. Bernard.

Sometimes you can also receive free healing potions.

"In order to expand the influence of our holy profession and support the development and construction of the holy profession, our Starry Mercenary Group specially held an event. Anyone who prays to the cardinal can participate in the lucky draw held by our mercenary group for three days. Every day, one lucky person will be rewarded with [-] gold coins, and the pastor of the church will supervise and host this event, and everyone is welcome to participate.”

Can you enter the lottery by praying?

And such a good thing?
The so-called prayer is to go to the church to find the cardinal and listen to their teachings. Whether you can listen to it or not, it costs ten gold coins for 10 minutes.

The effect is to increase healing by 20% for the next hour.

In addition, five bottles of holy water will be given to restore the mana consumed in the battle.

This is a good thing!
So, the clergy who didn't want to spend ten gold coins to listen to the old man in red in the Holy See flocked to the church.

God loves the world, seeing so many believers listening to the teachings devoutly, there is no reason to drive away.

Well, it's all about sending money.

(End of this chapter)

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