Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 553 Poor Because I'm Stupid

Chapter 553 Poor Because I'm Stupid

With such a generous reward, even Su Mo himself was moved, and it took him a long time to realize that these were all his own.

"If this deal is done, neither you nor I will be nobody anymore." Gaara said to Su Mo in this way while taking a breath.

"Can you make money?" Su Mo asked.

"Don't count on the registration fee. Even if 10 people sign up, the money you get may not be enough to give to the game company." Gaara said that he might not be able to make money, but his words were full of confidence: "But As long as we are famous, we will definitely make a lot of money in the future."

Su Mo agreed with this, and now a furniture company has approached Qiuqiu to help with advertising.

Su Mo really didn't understand how a pet in the game would affect the sales of a product in reality, but he agreed without hesitation at the price of 50 real currency.

Qiuqiu is just a little famous in the game.

Just making money is not enough, it is necessary to establish the image of a big guild.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Scarlet Battle Banner is doing well, and it can often be seen in the guild influence rankings. This start is stronger than those guilds that have received investment from others.

It's just that this kind of name is still relatively empty.

Unless you do more business like yesterday, you will fight with the famous Grand Duke directly, and you can still take advantage of it.

The Scarlet Battle Banner is strong enough. Even if 800 people don't believe it, Su Mo can immediately summon thousands of apostles to join the battle.

If there is a real fight, many apostles can be worth hundreds of each, and if they cooperate with the battle, they can definitely sweep the entire game circle.

Su Mo was just keeping a low profile.

He needs to shape the image of the Scarlet Battle Banner step by step, and must fight all the way up, so as to form a spirit and a foundation.

Even if he, Old Demon Su, was gone, the Scarlet Battle Banner would still be able to stand upright.

Instead of calling a group of monsters to crush them as soon as they fight, the end result is likely to be the collapse of the new world and the end of the Scarlet Battle Banner.

Of course, Su Mo on the side of the apostles would not take it lightly, it was the capital for his savings.

He plans to confiscate the 50 earned by Qiuqiu first, and treat it as Qiuqiu's food expenses. Qiuqiu has grown up, it is no longer a baby, and he should start to take on his responsibilities.

In fact, if calculated, this is more than [-] gold coins.

Caesar earned [-] by selling his younger brother, and Qiuqiu made [-] by selling himself. It is really not easy to make some money these days.

A few days ago, the apostles applied to the system to build a competition venue, which was like writing a petition, and now they finally gave a feasible answer.

The system is also a black merchant. After receiving the petition from the apostles, it offered a price of [-] gold coins.

Su Mo took out some of Qiuqiu's money and exchanged it into gold coins, plus what he had left, bought such a one-time sports venue from the monster store.

Eight kinds of sports can be played in this venue.

And the auditorium can also seat all the apostles, maybe players can spend money to watch the game in the future, but at least so far, everything is kept secret from the players.

Therefore, the location of the stadium is more particular.

Laifu and a few apostle bosses did some research, and decided to find an island where no players set foot, so that everyone can feel at ease.

There are many islands, but there are not many to choose from.

After all, there must be apostles on the island, so that everyone's pass can be used for teleportation. Otherwise, if you find an unmanned trail, you have to teleport to the nearest map with apostles, and then thousands of apostles swim there.

If you encounter the big boss in the sea halfway, maybe there will be a big battle.

There are many bosses in the new world, and the apostles are only a small part of them. Moreover, Su Mo suspects that there are apostle chat groups in the sea that everyone has not contacted, and it will be troublesome to fight at that time.

After asking in the group, some apostles really lived on the island.

Shook Kangaroo Davide!
The first two characters of its name represent the place name Shuke Island.

Shook Island is an island in the south of the Free Federation. It is far away from the coastline and is not on the regular route. Except for some pirates, no one on land has ever gone there, and it is even more impossible for players who have not explored the land map yet. up.

Shuk Shuk, let's go to Shuk Island.

Today I went to the site to survey the terrain, build a temporary gymnasium, and take a day trip to Shook Island, hunting, picnics, and barbecues.

After Laifu gave the order, everyone immediately bought a pass to go to that place.

What surprised Laifu was that some people in the group were so poor that they couldn't afford a pass. This is almost impossible now that everyone's average income has exceeded dozens of gold coins.

Sandwalker Jason: Brother, you are not a lazy liar, are you?

Bumblebee O'Brien: I'm sorry, Teacher Laifu, all my money was used to buy group transfer cards.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: What do you usually rely on to make money, have you ever taken my class?

Bumblebee O'Brien: Of course I did, both times.I mainly earn some money by collecting herbs. I don’t have that size for mining. Even if I collect herbs, I can only collect some very small ones. You will understand when you see me.

Sophie the Bamboo Leaf Green Snake: I can understand this. You can't imagine how hard it is for us small monsters to dig out a small herb.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: I understand, I have already sent you gold coins, and whoever has no money to buy a pass, don't be shy to speak up if you travel at public expense in today's gathering group.

As soon as these words came out, as expected, more than a dozen apostles spoke coyly.

They are all incapable of mining and collecting herbs, such as bees, butterflies, green snakes, and small turtles and fishes in the water. They sometimes have to peck for a whole day to dig a herb.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Actually, you are poor because you are stupid. Whether you are making money or fighting, you have to use your brains.

Bumblebee O'Brien: Teacher, we have brains. I always dig expensive ones. As long as I dig out one, I can sell it for several gold coins.

This apostle belongs to the kind with a lot of self-respect, otherwise he would not put all his savings into buying a group transfer card when he had little money. Now that he hears Laifu complaining about them, don't feel so wronged .

Other apostles of the same kind also expressed that they had used their brains.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: For example, you, Bumblebee, are there any other apostles on the map you are on?

Bumblebee O'Brien: There are a few, but I don't want to accept their funding. I work hard to make money by myself.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Have you ever thought that you can fly to find precious herbs, and then write down the coordinates and send them to other apostles who are good at digging, and then collect a commission according to a certain percentage?
(End of this chapter)

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