Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 570 traffic accident

Chapter 570 traffic accident

The gold medal is a real gold medal, with Rubik's cube engraved on the front, and words like "The First Apostolic Games, Rubik's Cube Contest, Champion" on the back.

Silver and Bronze are similar.

These are all applied from the system, which is similar to the ordering in the real world. In fact, most things can be ordered in the monster store in this way, such as the beach chair sunglasses that Laifu used at the beach two days ago, It cost more than 100 gold coins and was later given to the green turtle.

Big things like gymnasiums are a bit more difficult, so they have also applied for it.

Laifu also imitated the Olympic Games in the real world, and came to a gold medal awarding ceremony. The apostles watched the first gold medal being born with envy, and finally gave the panda Qiuqiu.

This is the first time that Qiuqiu has attracted the attention of thousands of people not because of his looks and blood, and he almost fell off the podium with excitement.


This is something that the apostles didn't have, but Laife was slowly instilling in them.

The draw for the second match was Flying.

This is exclusive to birds. Among the thousands of apostles, only a few dozen participated, and all of them are good at flying.

Since the Rubik's Cube is not as simple as a comparison, it is natural to come up with some new tricks for flying. After consulting all the birds and finding it feasible, the flying competition has become three parts.

Specific speed is one of them, followed by obstacle flying, and finally flying maneuvers.

Not to mention the speed, it means flying fast, and the obstacles are the things that are set up to block the road or not to block the road during the flight. If you block the road, you must avoid it, otherwise you will not be able to fight.

The ones that do not block the road are additional items, and extra points can be obtained if you pass through the set obstacles.

The flying action is above a certain flying speed. The contestants make forward flips, back flips, rollovers, etc. The higher the difficulty, the higher the points, and the system and the referee will double score.

This is a lot of extra points, but if you want to do the action, you can't maintain full speed, otherwise it will not be a story, but an accident.

Following the referee's command, a group of flying apostles swished out over Shuk Island.

The iron-winged goshawk Snow is a famous sky predator. He has served as a scout during the apostle activities for a long time. Together with Lightning, he is called the Eagle Cavalry. Its flying ability is undoubtedly very good.

Ahead, a non-blocking obstacle appeared.

Snow estimated his own ranking—there was no doubt that it was very high, so it flapped its wings, and after a slight decrease in speed, it flew towards the non-blocking obstacle.

Those are five rings, as long as you pass through the rings one by one, you can get bonus points for this group.

Before crossing, it thought in its heart that since I have already slowed down, why not take the opportunity to roll a few times.

Rolling is also a plus.

So everyone saw that after Snow slowed down a little, he still maintained an extremely fast speed. First, after practicing rolling a few times, he rushed to the fifth ring and non-blocking obstacles.

When tumbling, the system also gave special effects.

The score for the first tumbling is +1, and the second tumbling is directly added to five points—this is a bonus for a short time tumbling, and another tumbling within a very short time after the tumbling is a five times bonus.

The apostles in the auditorium applauded in unison, admiring Snow's uninterrupted rolling.

Snow originally planned to turn it over three times, but when he heard so many people shouting his name and applauding him, he got excited, and after turning it over for the third time, he did it again...

Seven times, a total of seven uninterrupted continuous rolls, Snow did not dare to do this when practicing before the game.

The second consecutive bonus points are also crazy. Snow immediately ranked first in the standings, leaving behind all the others by a large margin.

The king of the air, who else but me!
With this indomitable momentum, Snow narrowed his eyes and went straight to the fifth ring.

Ah, the five rings!

This is another great bonus item, because the centers of the five rings are not on the same straight line, so there is no difficulty in flying.

When crossing the five rings, one must maintain a fine control of the body.

It can't be too violent, the ring is not big, if you travel through the ring and flap your wings a lot, it is easy to hit the ring, and it will be miserable.

Although Snow is huge, it is not too difficult for the five rings in front of him. He has practiced many times before.

and many more!

The apostle, who was cheering for Snow, suddenly realized something was wrong. In the words of Salted Fish King Victor, did this guy drink alcohol?
It turned out that after Snow rolled seven times in a row in the sky, the five rings in his vision became a little bit floating.

It is not clear whether it is floating or the ring is floating. In short, when passing through the third ring, it hit the fourth ring fiercely, and the chickens flew away. Everyone only saw the scene of eagle feathers flying around.

Fortunately, this is a decelerated iron-winged goshawk, otherwise this end would not have directly hit it to death.

Even so, Snow was knocked unconscious by himself.

The goshawk, which had always been fat, just fell from the sky. Nicole, who was sitting next to Laifu, suddenly regained her spirits, and rushed out with a whoosh.

Just when everyone thought that the iron-winged goshawk Snow was about to fall to his death.

Its wings hanging by its side suddenly moved, and after flapping vigorously a few times, it rushed to the sky again.

There was a burst of cheers in the auditorium, and everyone was sweating for this group.

Snow, who had returned to the sky, was obviously in a much worse state, and one wing was obviously injured. There were already many players who surpassed him, and his hope of winning the championship was not great.

But it didn't give up, and chased after it again after an eagle's cry.

In terms of flight speed alone, large birds like Snow are naturally very, very fast, but when it comes to passing through non-blocking obstacles, small birds are naturally more flexible.

The same fifth ring, the black crow Brad Pidan flew over without slowing down.

The flashing figure in the ring is called a chic and handsome.

Coming out of the five rings, it saw Jamie the Langley parrot.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other. When these two little birds meet in a competition, they naturally have to fight. It's a pity that the system blocked their combat power during the competition, otherwise this piece of sky will become a battlefield again.

Just when everyone thought that the two of them were going to use the game to decide the outcome.

The two little birds flew towards the target at the same time, scratching their paws, flapping their wings, and pecking with their beaks. Suddenly, there was another burst of bird feathers flying around. What is the competition, what is the championship? Bald bird, that's not as comfortable as winning the championship.

The other contestants hurriedly avoided in the air, and no one wanted to have a traffic accident with such temporary obstacles blocking the road.

There were also many new faces in this competition.

There is a kind of sharp-tailed swift with an exaggeratedly fast flight speed, not at all slower than the grassland species like the iron-winged goshawk. Moreover, it is flexible and small, and its score quickly climbed to the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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