Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 576 I want to be the boss

Chapter 576 I want to be the boss
The third day of the Apostolic Games was mainly about arithmetic and running.

There are also a lot of applicants for the running event. Who can run two steps? Even if it takes two steps, it is important to participate.

Laifu himself also signed up.

How fast a wolf can run, it doesn't know itself, after all, it's not a real wolf, even if it's very used to running around lying on the ground with its butt pouted, it can't run as fast as a real wolf.

The distance of the track is not too long, at least not as long as a marathon, nor is it too short, enough to test the endurance of the apostles.

In order to increase the fun, obstacles are also set up for running.

Combining some elements such as hurdles.

In addition to signing up for the eating competition, Nicole also signed up for this run.

The running of snakes can be called walking. Now that she suddenly has more limbs, she can really run.

However, she had just gained her legs and couldn't walk properly, and her running became even more wobbly. In order to encourage her to run harder, Laifu piled up the thousands of kilograms of food left in her backpack at the finish line before the race.

Since it was SF Express, and the piled height was obvious, Nicole had already smelled and seen the food.

Although she ran very hard, she did run very fast and disappeared faster than Lai Fu.

Everyone saw a golden light stumbling towards the pile of food. Dickens, the jungle leopard king, was running in front of her, but Nicole couldn't stop the car and didn't have time to change direction, so she bumped into his waist.

Nicole shook her head and continued to sprint forward, as if nothing happened.

But the Leopard King was not so relaxed, and he didn't slow down for a long time.

The lessons learned by Dickens, the king of the jungle leopard, left everyone with lingering fears, so everyone avoided Nicole and strongly protested Nicole's foul.

Under the temptation of food, Nicole ran more and more, and finally beat everyone, becoming the first existence to reach the finish line, and also the only apostle who won two gold medals in seven games.

Laifu didn't get any rankings, and it could only comfort itself that the focus was on participation.

At this time, there is only one event left in this year's Apostolic Games, and that is the arithmetic competition.

Arithmetic is not a new item. When they competed with the big cat Bigworth and the others, one of the three items was arithmetic. Relying on his rich knowledge, Laifu easily defeated the black crow Brad Pidan.

But this time the arithmetic competition, neither Laifu nor Brad Pidan participated as contestants.

Firstly, they are really bullying the children by participating in the competition like this, and secondly, the arithmetic competition is different from other competitions, there must always be judges or something.

This time there is no dark horse, no Su Mo and the black crow Brad Pidan appearing on the stage, the panda Qiuqiu and the salted fish king Victor are the ones who stand out, these two monsters are very smart in comparison, the former has more contact with players, After all, it is impossible for the latter to come up with so many poisonous chicken soups without any intelligence.

In the end, Panda Qiuqiu narrowly defeated Xianyu Wang and became the second double gold medal winner.

This was completely out of Laifu's accident, and it didn't help Qiuqiu cheat from the beginning to the end, but who would have thought that Qiuqiu would become so smart.

At the beginning, this was a sand sculpture foodie, and a few bamboo rats tricked him away from the panda paradise.

In the beginning, it was acting like a baby by instinct, it was not wisdom, it was talent, until one day Su Mo gave it intelligence pills in a whimsical way, and it actually gave it wisdom and became an apostle.

Qiuqiu, who has become an apostle, knows how to brag all day long, and chats with her friends about things in the human world.

The Rubik's Cube was taught by Su Xiaojiu, and he played it better than Laifu.

Laifu didn't expect that Qiuqiu's arithmetic has a good level, maybe not as good as his own, but it should not be far behind Brad Pidan.

Moreover, Qiuqiu is still young and has unlimited potential for future development.

Laifu felt that Qiuqiu's arithmetic was inferior to his own, but Qiuqiu didn't think so, when receiving the gold medal, it said: "Boss, why don't you participate in the competition, I still want to compare with you? "

"Next time, next time we can compare." When Lai Fu heard this, he was stunned.

I pulled you up like shit and shit, now that your wings are stiff, you actually sent me a letter of challenge.

"Boss, it's not dark yet, why don't we just ask each other questions now, and if I lose, my trophy will be yours." Panda Qiuqiu was indeed floating, and he felt that he was no better than Laifu's boss. how much difference.

At least in arithmetic, it is a genius.

The boss of Laifu did not participate in the competition, probably because he was worried about being defeated by himself.

In front of thousands of apostles, my baby bear is about to rise up, to counterattack, and to reach the pinnacle of bear life and become the boss.

"Okay, let's compare, Pidan, you will be the referee, let's compare three questions, one point will be added for correct answers, one point will be deducted for wrong answers, and the total score will be calculated at the end. If there is a tie, we will continue." Laifu almost gave up. Laughed, if the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a sick cat. I really don't know the heights of heaven and earth.

The game was already coming to an end, because the challenge of Qiuqiu once again ushered in everyone's attention.

Everyone knows that Mr. Laifu is very powerful, but how powerful he is and what level he has reached. Except for apostles who are somewhat capable like Brad Preserved Egg and Salted Fish King Victor, no one has a specific concept.

All in all, it's great.

The gold medal of Panda Qiuqiu also proves that it is also very powerful.

There are not a few people who think that Qiuqiu can defeat Laifu, and some people have already begun to worry about Teacher Laifu.

However, Qiuqiu's idea that it can become the boss as long as it can defeat Laifu is too naive. It can only be said that its IQ is not bad, but its EQ is not enough.

Laifu's boss position can be determined in one game, even if the Rubik's Cube game is added, two games together will not work.

"It takes 1 minute for eight apostles to eat eight pieces of barbecue, and how many minutes does it take for sixteen apostles to eat 16 yuan of barbecue?" Panda Qiuqiu is the younger brother, so Laifu gave it a chance to ask the first question. Qiuqiu heard it from humans, and it stumped many apostles with this question.

"2 minutes..." Laifu said slowly.

When panda Qiuqiu heard such words, he almost turned his head up and laughed.

"2 minutes is impossible, or 1 minute." Laifu quickly confirmed the answer: "My answer is 1 minute."

Qiuqiu’s smile froze before it had time to break out. Most of the apostles would answer that it was 2 minutes, and some apostles even said it was 4 minutes or 8 minutes. Call Nicole.

I'll eat it all for you in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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