Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 581 Monster Attacks "Mine"

Chapter 581 Monster Attacks "Mine"


A loud bang, debut!

A huge monster burst out of the ground, sand and stones splashed, and smoke filled the air. The people in the mine had no time to react. Their imagination was not enough for them to understand what happened.

It's normal to have monsters, this is a game, it would be strange if there were no monsters.

What is abnormal is that monsters come out from the underground of the mine, and there are more than one. The big hole created by the first monster comes out one after another in a steady stream.

Moreover, these monsters are of all kinds, including wolves, tigers and leopards, birds and beasts, all kinds of monsters.

"Don't be dazed, hurry up and kill the monsters, that whoever, rush over and get all the ore back, don't be afraid of death, I will give you a subsidy if you die, a total of 210 yuan, and I want you to look at the less one." The eyed man started react.

When the others heard the shout, they also came back to their senses.

The mine guards basically have to dig mines. I saw them throwing away their mining picks, switching out their weapons, and rushing towards the monster without hesitation.

Monsters are often spawned in the mine, and there are dozens of mine guards who spend most of their time cleaning up the monsters spawned in the mine.

These monsters are very weak, and only occasionally can one or two elite monsters be spawned. Not only can they not pose a threat, but they have become a seasoning agent for everyone's boring life.

Inertial thinking made them think that these new apostles were also weak chickens.

Dozens of people deal with dozens of bosses, and the result is that there is no need to guess at all. It is just a face-to-face, and the battle is over with one face-to-face.

Including the player who tried to retrieve the three-color glazed mine.

In the end, only the man with glasses and the stunned miner were left. The man with glasses was the first to react. He screamed and fled out without thinking about anything.

His attire was fashion, and he didn't make any moves from the beginning to the end, so that Su Mo didn't even know what his profession was.

The miners fled outside as if they had just woken up from a dream. Most of them escaped, and some were killed by the aftermath of the apostle's skills in the melee.

Laifu did not deliberately ask the apostles not to hurt innocent people.

It would be weird if the monsters still selectively killed people, but the apostles didn't chase them out to kill them all, and low-level players weren't that attractive to them.

After a while, the mine was empty.

"Have you got the thing, let's start destroying it to the extent that it can be destroyed." Laifu didn't make a move. Its task was to pick up equipment, mainly the equipment dropped by the dozens of combatants.

Basically, it is gold, which belongs to the category of more than enough than the bottom.

Anyone with dark gold equipment is a master in any guild, and it is impossible to be sent to guard the mine, and if the strength is too weak, it will not be able to protect it, so gold is the standard equipment.

Laifu picked up more than 20 pieces of gold equipment and just took them back for the brothers to use.

There are also some ores and so on, which are miscellaneous and not particularly good.

The task of destroying the mine is still entrusted to Jason, and in the process of its destruction, a lot of ore will be entrained by the crushed stones.

Jason kept picking up ores during the destruction process, and he felt that he had found a good place to make a fortune.

Wouldn't it be possible to come here to wreak havoc here when I have nothing to do in the future? Compared with its hard work in the desert environment to find ores, this place is simply paradise.

Laifu didn't know what the consequences of his actions today would be.

Even if you know it, you are helpless, so let's think of it as a new game element added after the system revision.There is no need to worry about the livelihood of ordinary miners. The Langley Canyon is so big that it is impossible for Jason to destroy much. The destroyed mines will be refreshed and restored to their original state in three or two days.

And once mining becomes a very dangerous thing, the wages of miners will also increase accordingly.

Later, Jason did come a few times, but things didn't go as smoothly as he thought. The rich mines were all occupied by the guild. They added guards after Jason appeared a few times. Although a boss like Jason is strong, he can't stand it. It was hated by many people and died several times as a result, so that it did not dare to take risks easily. This is a later story.

The mission of the first mine was successfully completed, and Laifu got more than 200 pieces of three-color glazed mines, as well as some miscellaneous ores.

The harvest this time was surprising.

After all, there are very few sand sculptures that throw the ore dug out by the miners on a stone platform, and normal people put away the top-quality ore dug out by the miners.

Then everyone went straight to the mine next to the temple of the gods.

Time is money, if these targets are not ready, don't look at the dozens of apostles here, if thousands of players pounce on them, they will all be killed.

Sandwalker Jason's hole-punching skills can only be used when he is out of combat, and it is easy to be entangled.

The mine of the Temple of the Gods is a long and narrow mine, winding from the ground to the entrance of the cave, Laifu led his little friends to kill him from the inside out.

The lineup of the Temple of the Gods is very strong, there are 200 guards alone, and the miners are basically combatants. Immediately after the monsters appeared, they quickly counterattacked. The black bear Dobson who came to join in the fun rushed too far, It was dropped by the players in seconds.

This is the first time that the apostles have reduced their staff today. Although the worst person died, it still aroused everyone's anger.

Revenge for the black bear spirit!
Then the mine was almost cleaned up, some equipment was picked up, and some ore was picked up. The harvest was far less than that of Yipintang's mine. After all, there were not many sand sculptures that piled ore in place to motivate miners.

Sandwalker Jason followed behind to destroy, and by the way, picked up the ore dropped during the demolition process.

After all, the game and reality are still different. For example, a section of mine can dig out 400 yuan of ore a day. Logically speaking, if this section of mine is demolished, there should be more than 400 yuan of ore harvested.

However, the rule in the game is that you may not even get 20 yuan of ore.

Otherwise, direct blasting would be enough. The technological civilization in the background of the game has already developed to the primary stage of guns, at least the explosives can still be found.

The third is the mine of the Jiangnan nobles.

This is a very old guild. From the very beginning, it has focused on real currency fighters. Those who enter this guild are either rich people, or people who live around the rich.

The things they dropped were very good, and Laifu even picked up a piece of dark gold equipment.

A piece of dark gold equipment is worth dozens of pieces of gold equipment. After all, it is a status symbol, and there are many people who spend tens of thousands of 10,000+ yuan to show off their wealth.

And they dropped a lot of things, plus three or four hundred miners, they dropped more than 500 things.

Killing people and stealing goods all day long, these guys have blood on their hands, so even the miners have to bear a lot of PK value. In the new world, according to the PK value, those who drop two or three things are all evil people.

(End of this chapter)

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