Chapter 591

Hearing what the two vampires said, Su Mo was completely relieved.

It turns out that inheritance is not a one-shot deal, and many new things can be unlocked later.

"Vampires have a lot of escape skills. It is very difficult to kill a vampire face to face. However, vampires are not immortal. Severe injuries, diseases, poisoning, and old age will kill vampires..." Mel Tailor said: " Therefore, there must be many inheritances of vampires on this continent, my child, I hope you can find more such inheritances, and don't let them be buried in the long river of time."

"I have quite a few brothers under my command, but aren't the vampires a bit too evil and don't match their style?" Su Mo was helpless.

He is undoubtedly a handsome and good man, but he is not a person who sticks to the worldly vision, but this does not mean that others are the same as him. Many people still find it difficult to accept such a wretched and insidious persona as a vampire.

"There is no distinction between good and evil in power, and there are evil people in human beings. Is it because of this that human beings are said to be evil?" Rice asked seriously.

"After all... it's a little uncomfortable." Su Mo could only respond in this way.

"People with a strong mind will not be swayed by power, they will only follow their own heart." Rice shook his head and did not continue to persuade Su Mo.

Su Mo bid farewell and left thoughtfully.

Newly obtained good equipment - Dapanji's broken shoes, and new skills, of course Su Mo has to test it.

It would be too wasteful to use it on pirates.

This time Su Mo didn't intend to continue to keep a low profile. He decided to face off against real players. Only in this way could he test his own strength.

Obtaining the inheritance of vampires made him feel a little dizzy to some extent.

Currently there are two most popular PK maps for players, one is Lion Camel Ridge and the other is Langley Canyon.

Among them, Langley Canyon PK has the largest number of people, but the quality is uneven. There are even low-level miners holding mining hoes and yelling at you while knocking on each other's heads.

The PK on Shituo Ridge is relatively high-quality, at least no player below level [-] dares to run to Shituo Ridge.

This map has been revised several times, and the strength of local monsters will be increased almost every time, allowing them to grow together with the players. For example, the yellow lion spirit has reached level [-] from the beginning of [-] or [-].

From a design point of view, this map is originally a PVP map.

For example, the escort materials related to Lawn, the mangy yellow lion, fully explained what it means to make money and kill birds for food. It is the only fixed task or activity that can produce dark gold equipment so far.

There is also the prestige tower, which is to form a team to capture the sentry tower, and the complete occupation will increase the prestige value.

There are sixteen prestige towers in Shituoling, which are opened once every 10 minutes. Up to five people can form a team to go in and fight, and those who survive will gain the most prestige. A powerful small team can gain thousands of prestige in a day. Blind cats still earn money when they meet dead mice and receive hidden tasks.

There is also the experience labyrinth, where only a river of blood can flow.

Just standing in the experience maze can continuously increase experience, increasing once every second, and the specific increase is related to the total number of players in the experience maze.

If there are more players, the increase will be less, and the fewer the total number of players in it, the more experience each person will gain.

It can be understood that the system distributes 1 experience points in one second. If there are [-] people in it, each person can get ten experience points in one second. If there is only one person in it, then he can get ten experience points per second. million experience.

Ten seconds is equivalent to eating an experience ball worth tens of thousands of gold coins.

The experience balls that Su Mo and Gaara had sold before cost tens of thousands of gold coins each. Now, due to the main missions, experience balls are no longer produced, so they have become a limited edition supply, and no one can buy them with money.

Now the experience balls hoarded by Scarlet Battle Banner are only used for the Scarlet Cup competition between Gaara and Scarlet Battle Banner.

Of course, it is impossible for there to be only one player in the experience maze. Everyone is trying their best to squeeze in, and they are also trying their best to kill other players who enter the maze, trying to become the only experience-eating existence in the maze.

In addition to the experience that increases every second, there are also piranhas that can give a large amount of experience at once in the experience maze.

The experience gained by killing a piranha is equivalent to killing two hundred monsters of the same level.

So this kind of piranha is also called experience flower.

There is a constant increase in experience, as well as experience flowers that can give a lot of experience, and you can enjoy PK in it. This makes the PVP players who like PK how to restrain their turbulent hearts.

Local tyrants who want to hit the ranking list like to hire a group of masters to enter the experience maze with them, and then use experience flowers to upgrade.

Of course, this is crooked way after all.

If Su Mo wanted to gain experience quickly, he could eat one experience pill a month.

He came to experience the maze today to kill people.

Since the maze is a maze, it naturally has many passages and walls. According to the statement given in the game, it is said that this place used to be a gathering point for Felici people, and all such people are geniuses with an explosive sense of direction. It's as if everyone has an antenna plugged into their head.

So they built the city with hard rock and sticky tree sap.

Under this kind of building environment, any invading enemy would be alive and dead in the maze, but they could easily reach any place.

It can also be said that this is the grave of Lu Chi.

Su Mo is not considered a road idiot, but after entering here for a few laps, he also started to get confused.

There may be love around the corner, or a malicious player. Su Mo's first reaction when he saw the player was not to shoot. After all, he is not a murderer.

But if he doesn't do anything, it doesn't mean that others will show mercy to him.

The mage directly smashed a piece of ice and roared.

This is an instant skill for mages. It not only does high damage, but also slows down group attacks. It is one of the important means for mages to stay at the top of the PK list.

Master Su was stunned.

why did you hit me?
Fortunately, he immediately realized that this is an experience labyrinth, and he also came here to find someone to PK, so he just raised his hand and shot.

By the way, Su Mo's weapon has also changed now.

Changed from West Enforcer to Bloodline Glory.

Bloodline Glory (Legendary): Damage 120-214, Dexterity +48, ​​Accuracy +11, Special Effect 1: There is a certain probability of causing a piercing effect when hitting a vital point, Special Effect 2: Knockback, after use, all targets within a 180-degree fan-shaped range will be hit Flying, the effect of knocking into the air depends on the target level and resistance, the cooling time is 173 seconds, the equipment requirement level is 45, and the durability is 6/148.
With the addition of clothes, Master Su now has two legendary pieces.

Although Blood Glory didn't have the special effects that could interrupt spellcasting like western law enforcers, but after this shot, the mage almost peed in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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